I am not able to connect to a phone from my laptop

rickyraghavan Posts: 5
edited May 2023 in General questions

I have Team Viewer 12 Installed on my laptop. My laptop runs a Windows 10 Operating System. The phone is a Nokia Lumia that runs Windows 8.1 and Team Viewer 11 is Installed. I am not able to connect to that phone from my laptop.

Once I enter the Team Viewer ID for the phone, it says "Connection could not be established. Teamviewer is not running on the partner computer".

Kindly help




  • Scotty
    Scotty Posts: 493 Staff member 🤠

    Hi rickyraghavan

    Thanks for posting.

    You will need to make sure that the QuickSupport app is installed and open on the device to connect to a windows mobile as at the moment, these do not have unnatended access. The "TeamViewer Remote Control" app is only for connecting to other devices.

    Also, I am sorry to say but TeamViewer 12 is not yet supported on windows 8.1 devices. Only Windows 10 devices are currently supported. So the mobile will not be able to connect to TeamViewer 12 from that mobile.

    I hope this helps you connect!


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  • Hi Scotty,

    I am not able to find the link to download QuickSupport on the Windows Phone. Could you please share the link?





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