I have a windows 10 laptop which have TeamViewer installed.
Please confirm if multiple user can connect my laptop and work at the same time on different applications?
Which product is recommended to achieve this funationality.
Thank you
I am using teamviewer on my Samsung S8 Ultra tablet. How can I remotely control multiple remote computers at the same time?
We are using windows 10 enterprise, the error is "Connection can't be established". Teamviewer version is the current one which is 15. Only one user can take Teamviewer session at the time while other user receives the error which I mentioned earlier.
Hi @waleedaftab
Thanks for your post.
To understand your issue a bit better and to find someone in the community who can help you: Would you mind being a bit more specific?
What happens exactly? Do you get an error message? What operating system is involved and which TeamViewer version is installed?
Thanks in advance and I hope you get quick help,
We have a corporate license of Teamveviewer for our business, on one particular machine more than one user is having trouble connecting while other machines are catering users more than one. I've tried re-installation of TeamViewer but the problem is still there.@Esther Kindly guide.
Hi @muhammadimmran
It is possible for 2 users to remote into a single device at one time.
However, these users will be sharing a single keyboard and mouse and will not be able to work independently.
TeamViewer is remote control software that allows you to use a PC as if you were in front of it.
Of course, this also means that having two people remote in at the same time is the same as two people sitting in front of the same computer. They will be sharing the device.
Having two people being able to use a single device at one time is a feature of Client servers. As remote control software we regrettably cannot offer this functionality.
Thanks and best, Esther