Can't access computer with WebConnector

olisteve Posts: 1
edited May 2023 in General questions

For almost a month now, I have been trying to access my computer remotely on my workstation, but I get the same error "Timeout while connection" just under 5 seconds of attempt. I have tried google chrome and opera, it does the same thing. I believe it is only the Webconnector because I can easily access my laptop remotely with my phone (android) without any issues and if another computer has Teamviewer application installed it works perfectly.

I use my phone to check what happens when i try to access remotely with the Webclient and it shows (on the laptop which I am trying to access) "Incoming connection". I really have no idea of what is happening, and installing the software or chrome extension for m is not a solution. Can someone help me?

Here is the log:
30.08 14:42:13,971: Version: 13.0.40616
30.08 14:42:13,973: Sandbox: remote
30.08 14:42:13,973: SysLanguage: en
30.08 14:42:13,974: VarLanguage: en
30.08 14:42:13,974: Flash Player: PlugIn (WIN 30,0,0,154)
30.08 14:42:13,977: UseLanguage: en
30.08 14:42:13,977: UseLanguage: en
30.08 14:42:13,984: TeamViewer hasPassword: true
30.08 14:42:14,464: ExternalConnect id=*please do not post TeamViewer IDs*
30.08 14:42:14,467: CT connect *please do not post TeamViewer IDs* masterURL:, sandbox = remote
30.08 14:42:14,482: MC.requestRoute(*please do not post TeamViewer IDs*)
30.08 14:42:14,483: MC.sendMasterCommand text=F=RequestRoute2&ID1=777&Client=TV&ID2=*please do not post TeamViewer IDs*&SA_AccountID=13808235&SA_PasswordMD5HashBase64Encoded=&SA_SessionSecret=vAS0zWus2GCZm6WooAZKjwNwrnbqxuXlDEKJ2dv5FuU=&SA_SessionID=*please do not post TeamViewer IDs*&V=13.0.40616&OS=Flash
30.08 14:42:14,485: MC wait for ping completion
30.08 14:42:16,999: connect timeout
30.08 14:42:17,000: PingThread.ioErrorHandler: [IOErrorEvent type="TV_Timeout" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text=""]
30.08 14:42:17,001: MC.socket mode = HTTP,
30.08 14:42:17,002: MC.connect:
30.08 14:42:17,142: PS.socket event: [Event type="connect" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2]
30.08 14:42:17,143: MC.connectHandler: [Event type="connect" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2]
30.08 14:42:17,214: MC.requestRouteResponse: CONNECT@*please do not post IP Addresses*_10800_128000_*please do not post TeamViewer IDs*_*please do not post TeamViewer IDs*_10000__1_0_16778176_128000_16778176:128000;*please do not post TeamViewer IDs*:1280000;4:640000_*please do not post TeamViewer IDs*_*please do not post TeamViewer IDs*_DE-CGN-PLS-R016.teamviewer.com_ef/bc0g5CI9LAA==_ef/bc0g5CI9LAA==
30.08 14:42:17,216: CT init socket: HTTP
30.08 14:42:17,242: HttpSocket SecurityError: Error #2170
30.08 14:42:22,232: connect timeout
30.08 14:42:22,234: CT.timeoutErrorHandler: [IOErrorEvent type="TV_Timeout" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text=""]
30.08 14:42:22,235: ConnectionThreadEvent fatal error: Timeout while connection
30.08 14:42:22,240: ConnectionThread closed
30.08 14:42:22,241: ClientGUID:
30.08 14:42:22,241: m_ComSessionAfterEnding: false
30.08 14:42:22,241: m_connectionAlready Suceeded: false
30.08 14:42:33,998: PS.socket event: [SecurityErrorEvent type="securityError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2048"]
30.08 14:42:33,999: PingThread.securityErrorHandler: [SecurityErrorEvent type="securityError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2048"]
