Resetting Options Menu Password

I forgot my Options menu password and would like to reset it. How do I do that?


  • PCS
    PCS Posts: 1

    On my PC I have the TeamViewer options protected with a password. I forgot the password. How can I reset the password?

  • dlvm
    dlvm Posts: 1

    I forgot my perminent or options password

  • jm2
    jm2 Posts: 1

    Uninstall not possible.

    Teamviewer 12 (MSI Wrapper):

    There is a problem ......A dll required....

    contact your package vendor (OK)


    Jens Meske

  • Since TV 13 I have had my options protected with a password and I export those options to my family's computers. I use LinuxMint 19 and keep TV updated on my main computer. I have had no previous problems accessing my options and inputting my password. Since I updated to this recent version of TV 14 (14.1.3399) When I try to open options I get the message that I need to authenticate as an administrator, but it doesn't give me anywhere to type my password. When I click on what appears to be a button all it does is flash at me, and never seems to call up any input boxes. 

    What am I missing here?

  • Hello,
    It looks like TeamViewer is not accepting my options password.
    I've checked to make sure that I'm copying the password fom my password manager,
    there's no trailing whitespace characters and the caps-lock is not activated. If I copy the password into a text manager, it matches my entry from the password manager character for character.

    The only solution I saw on this forum is to reinstall TeamViewer.

    Any other ideas that don't involve reinstalling the software?

    Thank you very much, Chris

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,070 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @Christian_R

    Thank you for your message and welcome to the TeamViewer Community! ?

    The only solution here to reset the TeamViewer options is, indeed, to uninstall TeamViewer with all settings.

    We explain how to proceed in this Knowledge Base article right here: How to uninstall TeamViewer on PC 

    I hope this could help. ?

    If not, do not hesitate to ask your questions here. ?

    Best regards


    Community Manager

  • Hi Sean,

    Thanks for your response.

    The fact that the TeamViewer's source code is so broken in 2020 that I have reinstall the software to reset the options password is both funny and sad.  ?

    I'm sorry you have to deal with these kind of issues.

    Well, I'm off to reinstall TeamViewer I guess...  ?‍♂️

  •  Even though I have not activated the password protection for the TeamViewer options, it keeps asking me for a password to open Option right after creating a new TeamViewer account. Is it possible for anyone to advise me how to stop this options protection password, please, I highly appreciate very much for your advice.

    Thank you

  • Fiona_G
    Fiona_G Posts: 689 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @neliabarnard202,

    Thank you for your message and hope we can help with it.

    In this case, please completely uninstall TeamViewer from your device and download TeamViewer afterward directly from our homepage and install it. Do not use any old Setup.exe.
    Please kindly follow the steps in our articles: How to uninstall TeamViewer on PC or How do I uninstall TeamViewer on my Mac? 

    Kind regards,


  • Indizo
    Indizo Posts: 2

    Kill all teamviewer and tv.* processes in task manager... then uninstall Teamviewer.