Delete TeamViewer account

Hello everyone,

I'm wondering how can I delete three TeamViewer accounts I created when testing it for a customer. I already checked the FAQ but the required option that should be available in my profile is missing.

What should I try now?

Thanks in advance.


  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @Landcruiser

    You need to log into the three accounts one by one (in the Management Console) and so you can delete the accounts via Edit profile:

    Delete account.png

     I hope, this information helps you.

    EDIT: Please see also this Knowledge Base article





    Former Community Manager

  • JohnnyDoes
    JohnnyDoes Posts: 1
    edited July 2022

    There IS NO edit profile button.



  • Chiron
    Chiron Posts: 229
    • Make sure you are logged on using an admin account that has permission to modify users.
    • Select User management on the left pane.
    • Find the user and hover to the right of the last collumn - a drop down button will appear.
    • Click Remove User.

    Remove UserRemove User

    I don't work for TeamViewer. I'm just a user.
  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @JohnnyDoes

    Do you see the Button with your name and profile picture on the upper right corner?

    TeamViewer Management Console.png

    If so: Can you click on it? There should the "Edit profile" option appear.

    If you do not see it, can you please re-open your browser?

    Thank you, Esther

    Former Community Manager

  • In my profile there is no "delete account" button, only save and cancel ones.
  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    @Landcruiser are you part of a TeamViewer company profile?

    Former Community Manager

  • I think it's not. I created a personal account and activated a free trial with a fictional company name so I could test enterprise functionality. Now the trial has expired and it's a free perdonal account again, I think.
  • Hi @Esther,

    I use 2FA to login to another TeamViewer account, but my phone has been reset all settings, so that I cannot login again.

    Can you please help me to delete that account? And how can I share you my personal information to prove that the email registered for that account is mine?

    Thank you!

  • Hi @Esther 

    Can't log in to my account, forgot to transfer the password generator (2fa) for TeamViewer to my new phone.
    I have registered another account with **Please Do Not Post Email Addresses** and would like to delete the old one.
    email: **Please Do Not Post Email Addresses**

    Please help solve the problem (account deletion) and let me know about the results.


  • this option is not available anymore, I guess it's old. Now there is no way to delete an account