Why am I getting ads in paid teamviewer?

FakeName Posts: 19
edited May 2023 in General questions


What is this? Why is there a ad on my 5-channel corporate Teamviewer account?  This isabsolutely ridiculous. Spam the free users with ads, that's expected. Don't **bleep** off your paying customers.



Best Answer

  • Akiho
    Akiho Posts: 1,431 Moderator
    edited February 2022 Answer ✓

    Hi @Steve1010101010,

    Thank you for your post. And we are sorry about the inconvenience caused.

    This setting has moved to the Account tab of the options page.

    Kindly ask you to check this setting on the account tab, please?

    Hope you find this helpful🍀

    If there is anything that I can assist with, please don't hesitate to ask in the Community😊

    Hope to hear from you in the Community.

    Best regard,




  • Make sure you email salesteam@teamviewer.com and let them know how angry you are.

  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    Hi all,

    Thank you for your messages.

    First of all: We are sorry that you received ads although you are licensed customers. Of course - customers with a license and their customers are excluded from seeing these types of ads on our tool.

    I investigated why the ad was shown to you and my findings are that there was a mistake in the system settings which caused you to see the ad. The team is currently looking into this to make sure that you do not see the ad anymore.

    In general for non licensed users or all who got this ad by mistake: If you are not interested in the offering and don’t want the ad to be shown to you anymore, please click “Don’t show this message again” in the lower left corner of the ad and we will not show you the ad on the same device anymore.

    Thank for for you understanding and once again sorry for the trouble,


    Former Community Manager

  • There was nothing to click but the ad and it brought you to the website.  There was no X to shut it off and nothing where I could click to indicate I didn't want to see it again.

  • I get annoying popups for beta versions too.  I don't know how to stop those even though I have the  "do not install beta versions" option set properly.

    It's generally becoming an annoying ad-based product and I'm going to be looking at alternatives.  


  • I agree with the other users; it is unacceptable that TeamViewer is now pushing ads. Stop this foolishness now. Are you also selling our contact information? Really makes me wonder...

  • Got an ad today on an enterprise license.  For outsourced IT services nonetheless.  

    It's clear this issue isn't fixed yet.  

  • avogel
    avogel Posts: 1

    I have the same problem, how to diable this? It's anoying and teamviewer was not cheap btw.!

  • n2n
    n2n Posts: 4

    THIS IS NOT FIXED.  You're looking VERY arrogant and it's just to acceptable for PAID software.

  • I am seeing ads and I have a 2 year service account. I want them to stop.

  • We're a long term premium customer and have been seeing pop up ads in TeamViewer like it's going out of style.  Since when did paid software start treating me like I'm a web user in 2001?


    Is there a setting to disable this domain wide?Screen Shot 2020-02-12 at 11.30.06 AM.png

  • Seriously uncool!

  • I complained officially to support, they told me it would take fifteen days to be off their ads. This is awful. It drives me mad each time I close a session and get a new ad.

  • rcurry
    rcurry Posts: 1

    I just got an Ad after signing off from a customer in 2020.  My copy of TeamViewer is paid for.  This issue is marked as "solved".  The implication is TeamViewer does not have a problem with spamming their paid customers and thus "problem solved".

    The listed solution to mark the Ad does not even seem like a work-around.  It rather seems like you are instructing us to play along with your spamming and acknowledge your Ads or you will keep showing us the same Ad.


  • AK111
    AK111 Posts: 15

    I continue to get these paid ads. As a PAYING customer I am incensed. Teamviewer, why sre you SILENT on this?

  • How is your investigation going? Because I am still getting annoying pop-up ads in the paid version of Teamviewer.

    Your workaround doesn't work because I have selected the option to not recieve ads numerous times.

    This is really not cool for an expensive paid product

  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    Hi all,

    I am sorry to hear you are having issues!

    If the button does not work for you, please submit a ticket to our support team.

    How to submit a ticket 

    They will investigate your individual case.

    Thanks, Esther

    Former Community Manager

  • JellyAhHa
    JellyAhHa Posts: 8

    @Esther The button to which you refer doesn't disable all future ads. It is intended to prevent only that particular ad from reappearing.

    The main issue is that paying customers are receiving ads, regardless of who or what they are for.

    Any ad is an interruption and negatively impacts workflow and breaks focus. When I'm on the phone with a client setting up a remote assist, encountering an unexpected pop-up creates unecessary delay and breaks my focus. - For me, this creates stress as I try to get my mind back on-task. 

    I will not be a happy customer until all ads are removed for paying customers and expect you to acknowledge publicly here, whether or not TeamViewer intend to undo this implementation or not. 

  • AK111
    AK111 Posts: 15

    I completely agree. @Esther  why are paid users seeing any ads at all?

  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @AK111 and @JellyAhHa 

    Thanks a lot for your feedback. 

    I will, of course, pass your feedback internally and I would like to encourage you once again to submit a ticket to the support to clarify your questions! 

    Thanks and best,



    Former Community Manager

  • FakeName
    FakeName Posts: 19

    The worst part of this is when you have a Pi-Hole that blocks the ad servers so you just get a gigantic white box covering your Teamviewer computer list.


    Then you can't close the thing because it's just a blank white box and clicking all over it does nothing.


    So then you have to close teamviewer completely and open it back up in order to continue working.



    It's just unacceptable and a massive hindrance to business use.

  • AK111
    AK111 Posts: 15

    @Esther  thank you but you are missing the point. A "ticket" is for technical support issues. This is a BUSINESS issue. Please refer this thread to someone from marketing or other department responsible for this decision and ask them to post here explaining WHY Teamviewer is serving ADS to PAYING customers.

  • FakeName
    FakeName Posts: 19

    I opened a case (again) and said I'm sick of the ads, linked this thread, and they are going to fix my email address to no longer get ads.  I log in with that email addy on maybe 20 devices, so they can do it via the email address instead of each device.

    I am not convinced it's going to work (since it didn't work 2 years ago when Esther said they were working on it) but I'll keep this thread updated.

  • AK111
    AK111 Posts: 15

    It seems they are making an exception for you but their policy remains to Spam paying customers with ads. Is that your understanding?

  • FakeName
    FakeName Posts: 19

    That is correct, but if you create a case like I did they can fix it for you as well.  This is a forum, not an actual support ticket.

    They must have some mechanism internally to push ads to people or not.  If everyone reading this thread creates a ticket and complains while linking support to this thread they might get it fixed too.


    I'm not sure it'll actually fix it, but it's literally what Esther has been saying to do.

  • AK111
    AK111 Posts: 15

    Yes but the bigger issue is why as a company do they choose to push ads to paying customers? That is the issue i am trying to get them to address as a matter of company policy, rather than fixing this for a few customers who are prepared to complain.