Dear users and customers.
We still experience technical issues with the database servers that lead to interrupted services. We are in the process of getting the service back up.
Sincere apologies for the inconvenience.
Update to come.
Best, Esther
Our licence is Down
The problems occoured since 3 weeks, But yesterday it lasted several hours. I hope the problems are solved now. Thank you
The Teamviewer is still not working on my end at 2:35 DST. Does not recognize that I have a license.
Thanks for information.To be clear.I had problems today, before 09:00 CET (in the morning).The problem was that during the connection (which was not broken), TeamViewer APP disconnected from the servers and logged out the user, and more precisely: the TVAPP window lost the contact list, logged out of the application and jumped out before the active session, which happiness did not disconnect. After less than a minute, the application logged in again and downloaded the contact list.
Dear TeamViewer Users and Customers,
Please accept our apologies for the outage today.
On behalf of the team here at TeamViewer I would like to thank you all for your patience and as well for reaching out to us. We know that you rely on TeamViewer for your professional and personal productivity and such an interruption of service is not what you expect to experience.
I can assure you that everybody was working hard on getting the service up and running again as quickly as possible. Thank you also for your feedback and for sending in some words of encouragement for our tech staff who did their utmost to support you as good as possible.
As promised in this thread, I want to keep you updated on the connectivity issue we were experiencing today (November 8th, 2018).
Our development team is working on making sure that this issue will not happen again.
I and we apologize once again for the trouble this has caused you.
Thanks again and all the best
SADLY NOT WORKINGYour request has been processed. You will receive an e-mail with instructions for changing your password.
I just got the message: Resolved - All our systems are now back online and functional.
More info will follow soon.
Thanks and best,
few minutes ago I got the email to reset the password. some hours before it failed. seems it was complete outage, but now I confirm everything works - login, saved connections, access viw code
resetting your password, no email is received to reset?
I had to restart the service and application to restore the connection and resolve license issue.
one more proof to don't rely on cloud infra..
Hi @jmac999
Thanks for your feedback.
Yes - I am currently investigating and talking with the development team.
I will post more information as soon as possible.
For all who are still facing issues: As my colleague Natascha wrote, please make sure to restart your TeamViewer service.
Thanks and best, Esther
Thank you for your message.
I recommend you to restart the TeamViewer service.
-Execute "run", type "services.msc" and press OK
-Now find TeamViewer, and restart it by doing a right click.
Then, restart the TeamViewer application. It should work again.
I hope this could help. If not, do not hesitate to contact us again.
Best, Natascha
Can we get an explanation of what the issue was, why it occured and what mitigating factors are being put in place to avoid such a major outage in the future?
This is of serious concern as we couldn't support our customers during this period, and these outages seem to occur more often recently (excluding those you don't even report about)!
Everything is back online and running. Still - we are monitoring the services.
Connections to devices with TeamViewer ID and through your Computer & Contact list have been restored again.
We are now working on getting the TeamViewer Chat, Management Console and New Account creation back online.
I keep you posted.
We are still facing connectivity issues. Next update will follow soon.
Thank you for your patience!
Connections to existing as well as new devices with ID´s and through your Computer & Contact list has been restored.
We are now working on getting the full TeamViewer experience with Chat, Management Console and New Account creation back online.
We are on it, further update to come.
The connectivity issue has been partially mitigated and we see more and more users being able to work again. We keep on working to get everyone back online as soon as possible.
Approximately 30 minutes ago we started to get our services progressively online for account login and establishing connections.
Thanks much for you continued patience. I will keep you updated in this thread.
We are getting back progressively online.
I keep you posted,