Can`t connect to our version 13 devices from a version 14 management


We are using the cloud management consol together with pre installed host files in Android devices. Now it looks like the management consol automatic are using version 14 and we cant connect to the devices that are using version 13 host file.

In another thread i found this quota from your support :


"However, the version system has always worked the same way :

With a version n, you can connect to a version =n or <n. But you cannot connect to a version >n.

Note: This is relevant for professional and free licenses."

If thsi is true we should be able to connect from version 14 consol to version 13 host file. Or have i missunderstood the text. We have a proffesional licens.


We have also upgraded the OS on the tablets to Android 8 recently if that can have som impact.

// Johan P

