Hi Teamviewer Peeps,
I am blogger and I want to join Teamviewer affiliate program and interested promote it on my blog. What is the procedure here please guide me.
Regards, Jite
Hehy I think you didnt see my blog I promote various affiliate offers. Please check my blgo & you will know. Check it please: [EDIT: link removed]
Hi jite,
I think I understand what you asked, but I do not think (for what I can gather from previous answers), that this is within the trade policies of TeamViewer.TeamViewer, as product, sells itself.
Hey Dom, I aam looking to promote Teamviewer on my blog and for that I want to join their referrall or affiliate program, so that someone from my blog download the tools & later on they buy it and I get the commission paid.
Did you understand what I said. But I am not gettign any proper response from Teamviewer team.
from your blog I get to TeamViewer and download the free trial version (it is an example...).Some time later decide to buy it by myself: I would miss the references to understand that my initial choice was from the navigation on your blog.
I'm sorry, but I do not understand how you can achieve what you initially said.
Can you provide some more clarification?
Hi Can you please see this I got reply from Twiiter officials that they have affiliate program :
Hey Jite,
you can join the refferal program for team viewer easily. Just look on the Join our affiliate page below.
or else you can contact the admin directly.
EDIT [Link removed]
You can promote TeamViewer by telling your customers during a TeamViewer remote control session or a running TeamViewer Meeting about TeamViewer. Or when you visit one of your customers. There are several possibilities.
Or do I get you wrong and you want to become a TeamViewer distributor and sell TeamViewer licenses? In this case, I also need to ask you to contact our Sales department. Please try to call them again. It may take a while until you get hold of my colleagues, but they are there.
Thanks for your patience.
Hey I tried to reach them buyt nobody is picking calls.
I am promoting different coupon codes on my blog too but no company has problem here. How would I refer customers to TV without promoting on my blog. Please help me here.
Hi again,
here is the number for the indian Sales Team:
In regards to the other websites posting the codes: This is not allowed and those codes are not valid.
Also can you ask someone to reach me via email : [E-mail address removed].
I think that would be help me alot here.
Hey, then how come these sites promoting Teamviewer with the coupon codes.
Also how to contact your local representative for referral program. I am from India help me get in touch with local representative.
Your help will be appreciated here.
Thank you for posting this.
Yes, we are offering a referral program for our customers. If you are interested in signing up for this, please contact your local Sales Representative.
But promoting TeamViewer on a specific website is not part of this program. It is meant to be a personal referral program from you to your customers and business partners,
As stated in the PDF you were posting, are there some guidelines for this program. Let me give you an example:
"As we would like to ensure that all referrals are based on a real and preexisting business relationship and not a casual Google search, the coupon code may only be transmitted personally, by phone or via email. In particular publishing the coupon code on a website, offering the coupon code on a website via automatic e-mail and a search engine indexing of a website offering a coupon code is not permitted. We would deactivate the coupon code and stop any payment of commissions in such cases."
I hope, this information is helpful.
Hey then please answer me how these blogs promoting Teamviewer with affiliate links.
What about this guide by TV team : https://www.teamviewer.com/en/res/pdf/TeamViewer_affiliate_marketing.pdf
Some blogs :
[link removed]
Please answer how this is possible ?
Thank you for the clarification.
We do not offer such a referral program. For any Sales related questions, I recommend to contact our Sales department.
Thank you,
By Affiliate Program I mean referral program. I promote various products on my blog through affiliate links.
If someone from my blog visits to Teamviewer website and buys the product I should commission for that.
Please check my blog you will see what I am saying.
Hi Jite,
Thank you for posting and welcome to the TeamViewer Community.
Just a quick question: What kind of affiliate program do you mean?