Using VPN to access FlexLM served license key


Is it possible to use TeamViewer's VPN capability to access a FlexLM served license key? Access is in form of connection to port@host, where host is the machine I'm VPN-ing to.

Longer description:

I have TeamViewer installed on an office-based workstation and on a laptop.

a) [Works OK]   From laptop, when off company network, I can get a TeamViewer connection to workstation and do remote desktop or file transfer :-)

b) [Works OK] If laptop is ON company network, it will check out a license key served by the FlexLM license manager on the workstation.   It does so by making a conneciton to port_number@workstation_name

c) [Works OK]  I've enabled TV VPN, and if I do that, the 'ping' action, and the file transfer tool work.

d) [DOESN'T WORK]  BUT... I cannot get the license key access (port@host) from the workstaton over the VPN to the laptop. Any tips please?