Connection without password?


I have a question.
Is it possible to connect to a remote computer without a password? I can not find information on this configuration, how to set it?

Thank you


  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Former Community Manager

    Hi @sullifan 

    Yes - that's possible.

    You can either have someone on the remote side and make a confirmation request which the other person needs to accept or you are working with Easy Access in an unattended connection.

    Please see the Knowledge Base article about All about passwords and check the chapter about Easy Access.

    Hope this info helps you.

    Best, Esther

    Former Community Manager

  • I cannot get "Easy Access" to work over a LAN connection. It does work via the Internet connection though. Since our Internet connection is quite slow, I want make sure to use the LAN to connect local PCs by using the local IP address, but in that the Teamviewer password is mandatory and seems to change automatically each time after rebooting the target PC.

  • jzhhn
    jzhhn Posts: 3

    Please answer this person's question. I have the same question.

  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Former Community Manager

    HI @WilfriedB 

    Easy access is connected to a TeamViewer account for secure identification and access.

    As the LAN modus does not allow any connection to the internet thus no connection to the TeamViewer account, Easy Access is not working here.



    Former Community Manager

  • WilfriedB
    WilfriedB Posts: 5

    Thanks @Esther for clarification. Makes sense to me now, but one additional question:

    If both devices are the the same LAN and I connect through Easy Access, is there a possibility after logging in via the Internet, to force all other traffic to use the local connection in case of a slow internet access?


  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Former Community Manager

    Hi @WilfriedB 

    I checked with our support and If you set your incoming LAN connections to allow instead of allow exclusively, you can have the best out of both worlds:

    1. Easy access to some devices, but the connection will be and stay via the internet
    2. LAN connections for connections within the same network.

    What I am wondering is: Did you set up a permanenet password for the devices for your LAN connections? This will in any case resolve that the password is changing after a reboot.  See:

    Best, Esther



    Former Community Manager

  • WilfriedB
    WilfriedB Posts: 5

    Thanks a lot again, @Esther and this is exactly, what I was looking for! 

    Yes, I did set the permanent password already a long time ago, but after never used it and eventually forgot about it, since EasyAccess worked fine for me. Only recently, I discovered the capability to use the IP address to force it using the Ethernet Cable (as opposed to WiFi and Internet). I just tried it and it works fine!

  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Former Community Manager


    Thanks for the feedback - it is great to hear ?

    Best, Esther

    Former Community Manager