Re: Teamviewer Account Assignment

D_Unimib Posts: 2
edited May 2023 in General questions

Also in Version 14 with the msi installer assignment built-in tool.

ApiRequestExecutor: request failed with 500
- errorName: internal_error
- errorDescription: A group with the same name already exists for this account. Please choose another name.
- errorSignature: -

2019/02/04 10:22:31.077 3812 3412 C0!! AssignDeviceSequence: assignment failed [errorCode=2, errorDescription=Call to TeamViewer-WebAPI failed with error internal_error]
2019/02/04 10:22:31.077 3812 3412 C0+ AssignDeviceSequence: Error details:
- Original API-Call:
- Response-Code: 500
- Response-Error:
- Error-Name: internal_error
- Error-Description: A group with the same name already exists for this account. Please choose another name.
- Error-Code: 3
- Error-Signature: -

Please help!



  • Our organization has just started seeing this registration error in the installation logs. The end result is that no new clients can register themselves to our corporate account.
    This is the case in v13.2 and v14 and I have tried all three methods of registration:

    • Using the MSI host
    • Using the TeamViewer_Assignment tool
    • Using TeamViewer.exe

    This is a snippet from the logs:

    2019/02/04 10:30:33.868 9400 6064 C1+ ApiRequestExecutor: request****** successful
    2019/02/04 10:30:33.868 9400 6064 C1+ AssignDeviceSequence::Step1_GetExistingDevices: no device found, continuing with getting group
    2019/02/04 10:30:33.868 9400 6064 C1+ AssignDeviceSequence::Step3_GetGroup: get groups with specific name
    2019/02/04 10:30:33.868 9400 6064 C1+ ApiRequestExecutor::ExecGet: start request to
    2019/02/04 10:30:34.158 9400 1768 C1+ ApiRequestExecutor: request successful
    2019/02/04 10:30:34.158 9400 1768 C1+ AssignDeviceSequence::Step3_GetGroup: no group found, need to create it
    2019/02/04 10:30:34.158 9400 1768 C1+ AssignDeviceSequence::Step4_CreateGroup: creating group with specific name
    2019/02/04 10:30:34.158 9400 1768 C1+ ApiRequestExecutor::ExecPost: start request to
    2019/02/04 10:30:34.242 9400 6064 C1!!
    ApiRequestExecutor: request failed with 500
    - errorName: internal_error
    - errorDescription: A group with the same name already exists for this account. Please choose another name.
    - errorSignature: -

    2019/02/04 10:30:34.243 9400 6064 C1!! AssignDeviceSequence: assignment failed [errorCode=2, errorDescription=Call to TeamViewer-WebAPI failed with error internal_error]
    2019/02/04 10:30:34.243 9400 6064 C1+ AssignDeviceSequence: Error details:
    - Original API-Call:
    - Response-Code: 500
    - Response-Error:
    - Error-Name: internal_error
    - Error-Description: A group with the same name already exists for this account. Please choose another name.
    - Error-Code: 3
    - Error-Signature: -

    2019/02/04 10:30:34.243 9400 2152 C1!! DeviceAssignmentStarter::Run: device assignment failed with 204

    The installation process and binaries have not changed in our organization for over a year so I firmly believe the problem to be with TeamViewer as a company.


  • Im also seeing this, and have sent a support ticket to TV about it.

  • the response.

    Thank you for your inquiry. At this time we currently have a small bug in regards to group assignment. We do however have a workaround which should solve this for you, instead of using the group name parameter you must replace this with --group-id and use the groups id (the group id can be easily found in the Management Console when click on a specific group the last part of the URL - after the last "/" is the group ID)

    Although it doesnt help me at all, since i use the AssignmentData.sjon file.


  • I'm having the same problem with assigning account.

    I tried several coiscas and it does not work. Have these solutions worked for you?

    I need to install on 300 computers and I can not find a solution.


    2019/02/04 11:49:20.228 2852 8676 C1+ VerifyCertHash(): Certificate check succeded.
    2019/02/04 11:49:20.228 2852 8676 C1 CommandLineTasks::Execute: executing task 'assign'
    2019/02/04 11:49:20.229 2852 8676 C1 DeviceAssignmentStarter::Run:Start Assigment with parameters:
    ApiToken: *

    2019/02/04 11:49:20.229 2852 8676 C1!! AssignmentTrigger::Set: can't open event (lastError=2), Errorcode=2
    2019/02/04 11:49:20.229 2852 8676 C1+ DeviceAssignment::TriggerAssignmentAction: event doesn't exist, waiting 30 seconds ...
    2019/02/04 11:49:20.123 3344 6088 C1 Logger started.
  • no help som from support in this matter, as you are pretty much left for yourself if you have any other deployments then specificed in the documentation.

    im left with trial and error until i make this work.

    attempting  a powershell deploy host first, then assign with teamviewer.exe afterwards using group-id.

    i need alias to use both %computername%  and %username% and installing just the msi file, they all will be named "System" and will be useless for me.

  • We are also seeing this issue even when using the group id in the assignment options. Teamviewer 13 used to be seamless at deployment and account assignment now this problem with Teamviewer 14.

    2019/02/05 08:56:58.815 8476 5264 C3+ SHA256 certificate check.
    2019/02/05 08:56:58.815 8476 5264 C3+ VerifyCertHash(): Certificate check succeded.
    2019/02/05 08:56:58.815 8476 5264 C3 CommandLineTasks::Execute: executing task 'assign'
    2019/02/05 08:56:58.815 8476 5264 C3 DeviceAssignmentStarter::Run:Start Assigment with parameters:
    ApiToken: *
    GrantEasyAccess: true
    GroupId: **********

    2019/02/05 08:56:58.815 8476 5264 C3!! AssignmentTrigger::Set: can't open event (lastError=2), Errorcode=2
    2019/02/05 08:56:58.815 8476 5264 C3+ DeviceAssignment::TriggerAssignmentAction: event doesn't exist, waiting 30 seconds ...
    2019/02/05 08:56:58.659 7444 1796 C3 Logger started.
    2019/02/05 08:56:58.659 7444 1796 C3 StringCompare locale:
    2019/02/05 08:56:58.659 7444 1796 C3 CommandLineTasks: initializing...

  • I am also having this issue when installing TV on machines.. please, provide a fix ASAP!

  • All, all right? Through the support that I got this solution, for me it worked.
    The secret was to create a new AAA sample group and all the machines are inserted into it, so I moved to the correct group.

    Teamviewer Support Message:

    In the meantime, you can work around the problem by specifying the group ID where the machine should appear after the assignment.

    You find the group ID by selecting it in the management console and copying the numbers at the end of the bar.

    Attached, you'll find an image highlighting where to find the information.

    Here is an example parameter using the image ID.

    Note that the letter "g" is used, but the "/" bar is not used:


    msiexec.exe /i "\\File Location\TeamViewer_Host.msi" ALLUSERS=1 /qn /norestart /log output.log CUSTOMCONFIGID="AAAAA" APITOKEN="AAAAA-AAAA" IMPORTREGFILE=1 ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--reassign --group-id g123456 --grant-easy-access --alias %COMPUTERNAME%"

    Capture (004).JPG


  • wo365
    wo365 Posts: 12
