"Email address is blocked. Please unblock it before creating ticket"? What the heck does that mean?

Phil3 Posts: 3 ✭✭
edited March 2022 in servicecamp support

I logged in to my ServiceCamp account and attempted to create a new support ticket on behalf of a client I had on the phone, as I have done dozens of times before. After everything was filled in and submitted, I received an error message back indicating "Email address is blocked. Please unblock it before creating ticket". I have absolutely no clue what this means or why/how it happened. I could not find anything in the so-called "Community" about this either. But, of course, it is nearly impossible to figure out how to submit an actual support ticket TO SERVICECAMP, so I am asking here if anyone has any idea what this means and, more importantly, where do I go to follow this message's directive to "Please unblock it..."? **bleep** to get an error like this with absolutely no guidance whatsoever anywhere. Yet another in the long list of reasons I won't recommend ServiceCamp to my friends.

Best Answer


  • Phil3
    Phil3 Posts: 3 ✭✭

    This worked. I was able to delete the block on this particular email address. Not sure what caused it, maybe the mail server on their side had a temp outage. At any rate, it is now "unblocked". Thanks for the help.