Auto renewal invoice


Yesterday i've got renewal invoice on my email  with payment details for 21 oct 2019 - 20 oct 2020 period. I was waiting for money charged from my credit card but it did not happen. Credit card in billing details is active and have enough amount for this payment. I'm not sure what shuold i do next. Waiting couple of days for autopay or pay this invoice manualy ?



  • Ying_Q
    Ying_Q Posts: 2,761 Moderator

    Hi @DashieMare,

    Thank you for your post.

    As community moderators are not able to check for tinvoices, if you would like to change the payment method or confirm the invoice payment, kindly contact TeamViewer Support Team for further discussion please. 

    Hope it helps. If there is anything we may assist further with, feel free to contact us.



    Community Moderator/中文社区管理员