I have setup a custom Host client on my client's computers that will ask for permission to accept for me to connect.
Everything works fine until I need to restart the computer. Even if I do it with TeamViewer, and press "Wait for partner" then after a reboot it will ask for permission to view screen again from my client.
I suspect the problem arises because in the policy settings both connection and view screen are in the same "setting".
Am I missing something? Or is this a clear oversight from TV? I want my client to accept the incoming connection, but the prompt for viewing screen is redundant and losing the ability to restart the computer without the client being on the computer will not work for us.

EDIT: I managed (almost) fix the problem to set all of those settings to "Allowed". Now If I connect from the TV client from my computer with the "Request Remote control" then all works as intended. However, then I am capable of skipping the client's acceptance with logging in with a windows password. And this is something I definitely do not want. I could disable the windows login, but would rather not do that either.