Black screen after updating to windows 1909

JavaOops Posts: 3
edited May 2023 in General questions

AFter my windows updated to windows 10 1909, my client shows the windows 10 1909 host as a black screen when the laptop lid is cloased.

I have set the laptop to do nothing when the lid is closed, and this used to function correctly before this windows update.  If I open the laptop lid, TV connects and displays fine.  If I am using I close the lid, TV still shows as connected but the remote no longer resonds.  

There is obvously a change to Windows that prevents TV from operating when the display id is closed.

Lenove W530 Windows 10 1909 16GB mem 512GB SSD.

TeamViewer 14.7.1965 



  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,085 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @JavaOops

    Thank you for your message.

    If you only can see a black screen when the lid of your laptop is closed, it means that your laptop does turn off its screen when you close it, even though you set it up in a way that it shouldn't.

    Therefore, your laptop turns itself into a headless system.

    You will find more information about this topic here: How do I use TeamViewer on headless systems? 



    Community Manager