What is the best way to deploy unattended host to remote users?

JonSisk Posts: 5 ✭✭

Is there something easy like the quicksupport viewer I can have remote users download to get me connected so I then can remote in and configure the host? Can quicksupport be upgraded to host version to allow unnattended support while connected?

Basically trying to figure out the best way to deploy the unattended host on remote computers with non-techincal folks at the other end.


  • Supertramp
    Supertramp Posts: 21 ✭✭

    Hi @JonSisk

    I can suggest two alternatives:
    - You can create a Host module from your Web Management Console (the procedure is very similar to QuickSupport) and connect a TeamViewer button (see here);
    - You can create a Session, and email the customer's link directly from your TeamViewer client (see here "Create session code");

    Both alternatives are for "dummies"

    Hope this help


    The real programmer does not interpret dreams. Just compile them
  • JonSisk
    JonSisk Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Thanks, I'll check into it

    (also, I love your music)