Since the new version, Teamviewer 15, Teamviewer crashes on all our machines at the same time. Really bad release.
If I may add to the conversation here, this does only seem to happen when there are multiple connections or sessions opened at a time. I use 'tabbed' connections so that I can quickly navigate to each system I'm monitoring by clicking each tab.
I do seem to get more crashes of my local client interface (version 15) when I attempt any of the following:
This does not seem to happen at all when interfacing to only a single connection/session
Hope this helps everyone understand (and hopefully relate to) the specific causes I'm seeing.
Hope this also helps the fine TeamViewer devs working hard on this problem.
This is same issue as mentioned by many others, we come in to start work to find that both the computers we use have Teamviewer 15 crashed as per below message. It has been happening from time to time for other 4 months.
Sometimes we get a few days where it does not crash, other days we get crashes when we are using it and other times we get all our Teamviewer 15 support machines crash at the same time.
We have many clients with version15 installed now. It is really annoying to ask them to restart Teamviewer to get access. It is frustrating also to tell a client to leave the machine on, they do this, you go to do the job only to find that Teamviewer has crashed. This never happened in Teamviewer14.
It appears that this issue has been around for some time and reported, is there any update or timeframe on when the developers will review and fix the problem. Post from support is over a month old now.
We can't work like that! It's now almost two month. Fix this **bleep** Bug!
How can we downgrade to version 14 on all machines and hosts? What is the easiest way?
I reported the issue 3 weeks ago that it was happening on my machines at work, my machines at home, and on a colleagues work machines. I opened a support case and it was blamed on my deployment policies, which I obviously did not use at home and at my colleagues business and I reported this on the ticket. My ticket was then closed with no further communication. Hopefully this is fixed soon now that a true problem has been indentified because it's getting old driving across town to open TeamViewer on a computer I installed TeamViewer on so I didn't have to drive across town.
Hi @MadPad33
Thanks for your reply.
We are always testing new versions before we release them and provide them as an Insider Build beforehand to invite everyone to test them as well.
Furthermore, TeamViewer 15 is not crashing on EVERY machine outside. It just happens to some people and our dev team is therefore working on it.
Thank you for your patience. Have a great day.
All the best, Natascha
How about testing such a release, before rolling out to everybody.
Hi there,
Thank you all for your comments on that topic.
Our development team is aware of the issue that TeamViewer 15 is crashing and is already working on a fix.
We do not have an ETA for now, but we will keep you updated.
Sorry for any inconveniences caused. Wish you all a great day.
Happens to all our agents more than 10 times a day!
Annoys our clients as we keep asking for the TV details
Can't reach Team viewer support on the phone
Didn't get a response to my tickets more than a week ago
Any possible solutions to the crashing? Go back to previous version?
I am having this problem too.
Yup i agree. And it went down for my whole team this afternoon at the exact same time. 3 seperate computers at once can't be computer related
happens more than once during the day. To all our machines at the same time. Never had this with version 14.
This seems to mainly occur for me when i come into the office during the morning or when i have left he machien dil for a perdiod of tome. I only have my system set to turn of screens. Its fully on and power saving does not kill the nic card.