Teamviewer Blocked : MID
Hi Community,
I have 2 machines at home and teamviewer on my phone to access when I need to. It was working fine for about a month when all of the sudden teamviewer wont connect on my phone or one of my home computers. The other one still works fine. I checked the logs and I see something about a blocked MID. Does anyone know what this is? I've tried everything to fix this problem. Changing DNS, flushing DNS, turning off firewall/antivirus, My internet is fine. Any ideas?
2019/11/28 12:58:10.286 9856 1052 L64 Starting Loader
2019/11/28 12:58:10.292 9856 1052 H64 Loader: SharedMem Connected (seg = 0xb20f0000, refcnt = 1)
2019/11/28 12:58:10.292 9856 1052 H64 tv_x64.exe: SharedMem Connected (seg = 0xb20f0000, refcnt = 2)
2019/11/28 12:58:10.837 344 11484 G1 DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=0 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
2019/11/28 12:58:10.855 344 11484 G1 DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=0 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
2019/11/28 12:58:10.856 344 11484 G1 DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=0 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
2019/11/28 12:58:10.856 344 11484 G1 DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=0 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
2019/11/28 12:58:10.856 344 11484 G1 DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=0 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
2019/11/28 12:58:10.857 344 11484 G1 DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=0 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
2019/11/28 12:58:10.857 344 11484 G1 DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=0 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
2019/11/28 12:58:11.137 10620 9280 S0 IdentityAssembler::ParseIdentifyCommandResponse: Identification failed due to an error [6]
2019/11/28 12:58:11.142 10620 9280 S0 CKeepAliveClientClient::OnKeepAliveSucceeded(): Protocol 8 proxy --
2019/11/28 12:58:11.142 10620 9280 S0!!!CKeepAliveClient::HandleLoginClient: Blocked MID
2019/11/28 12:58:11.503 344 11484 H32 teamviewer.exe: SharedMem_SetLogLevel: 0 -> 200
2019/11/28 12:58:11.531 344 11484 G1 Tray created!
2019/11/28 12:58:11.774 344 11484 G1 ApiServer::StartThread: Starting API server thread.
2019/11/28 12:58:11.774 344 11484 G1 ApiServer::StartThread: Waiting for init event...
2019/11/28 12:58:11.774 344 11856 G1 ApiServer::ApiMain: API thread started.
2019/11/28 12:58:11.775 344 11484 G1 ApiServer::StartThread: ...init event was triggered.
2019/11/28 12:58:11.800 344 11484 G1 MainBaseWin::ExecuteMain: MainThread-Id = 11484
2019/11/28 12:58:35.143 10620 9280 S0 IdentifyRequest: ID = 0, IC = -**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**, IsTemporaryID = 0, InitiativeGUID = e7f54eeb-c8be-4fa4-8cf2-17ad5ccf6863, CanStoreGUID = 1, MIDHistory = {0xa0d3c164a3cc_1d4de0f971ad9cd_**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**|u**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs****Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**a0d3c164a3cca0d3c164a3cc116af68812584a94964f87c17b37555f|v**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs****Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**a0d3c164a3cca0d3c164a3cc116af68812584a94964f87c17b37555f<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0dd0c5b4e712d7cef7750d93b4e6b006|windows**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs****Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**53a0d3c164a3cca0d3c164a3cc116af68812584a94964f87c17b37555f<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0dd0c5b4e712d7cef7750d93b4e6b006}, MIDv = 0, MaxSupportedMIDv = 3, RebootHash = {01176b75-9bbc-39fa-4151-bfbacd452860}, MIDFlags = 1, MIDForceUpdateFlags = 0, AttractionGUID = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**00, TerminalServerIDsInToken = 0
2019/11/28 12:58:36.140 10620 9280 S0 IdentityAssembler::ParseIdentifyCommandResponse: Identification failed due to an error [6]
2019/11/28 12:58:36.145 10620 9280 S0 CKeepAliveClientClient::OnKeepAliveSucceeded(): Protocol 8 proxy --
2019/11/28 12:58:36.145 10620 9280 S0!!!CKeepAliveClient::HandleLoginClient: Blocked MID