Teamviewer shuts down as soon as I try to connect to other devices?!

I resently bought the business licens to teamviewer - and ever since I haven't been able to access any other divces (I have tried four different divices - all with the newest update- which I also of corse also have)

As soon as I enter the ID-number and Password and hit connect: Teamviewer shuts down. 

I have tried Uninstalling - reinstalling
I have run desk-cleaners - anti trojan

I have updated my computer software

I have restartet my macbook endless times.

I really need help - and the teamviewer support doesn't seem to help at all

Thanks  :)


  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Former Community Manager

    Hi @jason8 

    Thanks for your post and sorry to hear about the connection issues.

    Did you already send your logfiles, the support collector and/or crash files to our support via our ticket portal?

    Do you have a ticket ID?

    Thanks, Esther

    Former Community Manager

  • Hi esther, 

    Thanks for your reply. 

    Yes I have send everything - and support har now spended 5 days on NOT finding a solotion. 
    And I haven't been able to work since. (I'm losing money each day)

    This the numbers you need?:

    [#33243660], Inv acc : **Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**


  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Former Community Manager

    Thanks @jason8 ! 

    I checked with the support team and they informed me that your case is currently under advanced investigation with our development team.

    I am sorry that I do not have a better answer right now for you, but I am keeping my fingers crossed that the issue will be resolved soonest!

    Sorry once again and I wish you a great day!


    Former Community Manager

  • I'm someone from teamviewer took it more seriously -  they would call me, and i'm sure we would be able to fix it together.  

    It simply cant be true, that I spend a lot of money on a product that doesn't work and support spends 5+ days on fixing it. 

    There MUST be a senior personal that I can talk to, and that can help me. instead of just saying:  wait until someone might feel like contacting you. 

    My business is bleading right now

  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Former Community Manager

    Hi @jason8 

    I understand that the situation is frustrating for you and I apologize that it takes such a long time. I am sure that my colleagues will get back to you as soon as they have new insights.

    Unfortunately, the only thing I can offer or recommend is getting again in contact with our support team to talk about the case.

    Thanks and best,


    Former Community Manager

  • Hi Esther,
    Have you reached out to them? And asked them to get back to me og try to fix my issue?

    Because surely you could do that.
    The ignore me every time i try. I'm super powerless here.

  • I am experiencing the same issue. I've completed the tech review form and confirmed non-commercial use. For past 8 weeks support has gone silent and  I can't find anyone to help resolve the issue.  It does, indeed, seem that TeamViewer is forcing non-commercial users into purchasing a commercial license with smoke & mirrors approach to customer service. You say one thing, but in reality they don't want free users. The free version fit my needs and serviced me well for serveral years. I will miss it. But being forced out of the free plan is exasperating.

    @jason8 wrote:

    I'm someone from teamviewer took it more seriously -  they would call me, and i'm sure we would be able to fix it together.  

    It simply cant be true, that I spend a lot of money on a product that doesn't work and support spends 5+ days on fixing it. 

    There MUST be a senior personal that I can talk to, and that can help me. instead of just saying:  wait until someone might feel like contacting you. 

    My business is bleading right now


  • Hey - and thanks for the reply.

    My teamviewer stopped working AFTER I bought the business-licens.

    That's what doesn't makes sense - and weired that their support level is that low with paing customers 

  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Former Community Manager

    Hi again @jason8 

    Yes, no worries! I reached out to them to ask for an update, but your ticket is still under investigation with our developers. It seems to be a (larger - at least from my perspective) technical issue which can´t be fixed by our 2nd level support.

    Please don´t give up on us! We will work on it.

    Thanks again for your understanding and please accept my apologies.


    Former Community Manager

  • 7 days now.
    No one reaching out to me to try to explain the situaion. no one calling and trying to help with alternatives. 

    1 week without being able to work. 

    ... nothing. no support. no service

  • PATPC1
    PATPC1 Posts: 1

    My free licenses went dark in December. I relied on this to access my home computer when at 2nd home. Hope to find another product to accomplish same. Would not mind paying something but not at commercial rate.....