Video Issue using Windows 10 Creator

Installed Windows Creator on both my tower and laptop. Seems my laptop can no longer receive video from my twoer, which is working on the tower. Laptop is an HP that previously could see video from tower, even after the first installtion of Creator. Alsi run comodo virus on both. I get sound from the mic on the webcam, a Logitec C270. Also now not getting ay sound from tower to the laptop but can hear lots of mic feedback. This is a recent issue, about two weeks after installing reator on both systems, Any ideas from anyone?
Tower is running AMD A`10-6800K 4.1 gigs, 8 gigs ram, has over 2 terabytes of free hard drive space,using the on oard video card Radion HD 8679D, .running creator build 1703.15063.296 Laptop ihas an AMD A6-6310 at 1.8 (:, 4 gigs ram, running creator build 1703.15063.296. Not sure if this started before or after this lastest build.