Hello there Team!
I need some help with our license/product - please provide information for the license assigned to the company listed below - we have to know if we are able to access Management Console or any other Control Panel, where it will be possible to update our QS module. We have bought TeamViewer 12 (to be more precise we are using HOST in version 12.0.224043), and we are using custom - yet very old QS module in version 4 (4.1.8107).
For couple of days we are not able to connect with our customers using this exact QS module. We are really in need to create newer version on QS with our logo and custom password.
If it's not possible to get access to any Control Panel or Management Console is it possible to order update for QS module to work with our HOST program as a part of the purchased license?
I will be gratefull for any help, we cannot work properly and it causing a lot of problems.
Company info:
**Please do not post personal information**
User ID and Server ID - I prefer to send those informations in private message.
Contact mail: **Please do not post personal information**
Best Regards,
Patryk **Please do not post personal information**