Teamvierer Message: Computer is offline or teamviwer not running - but is in fact online

Teamviewer 15.1.3937 --   two PCs with Win 10 Pro.

PC1 = PC PC2 = Laptop.

I had to reset the WIN on PC2 and installed teamviewer and set PC1+PC2 to be "discoverable".   I can make a teamviewer connection from PC2 to PC1. BUT I cannot make a teamviewer connection from PC1 to PC2. It says PC2 is offline or no teamviewer is running. Which is obviously not the case-

PC1 can see the shared disc and PC2 likewise and is able transfer data from ant to both computers..

Can someone assist me on this.

I have been using teamviewer  for some years now.






  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,080 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @Bonzadog

    Thank you for your message.

    First, I recommend you to check if the ID you have entered in your list is the correct ID.

    If yes, please delete the computer of your list and add it again.

    This might fix the issue.



    Community Manager