remote access - poor internet

hi - I use TV to access a dozen or so PC's located at remote hydro geenrating stations , unmanned small power stations.

On some the iternet connection is not good .. and in some cases TV says PC is online but will not establish a connection. **Third Party Product** will extablis a connection.

There are several links in chain of internet connection - 4G to network over power cable adapters, so probably quite a delay end to end.

Any ideas of ways we could get TV to work reliably on these sort of poor connection sites ?

Woudl really liek to give up on **Third Party Product**.



  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,080 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @morbenhydro

    Thank you for your message.

    There are two parameters you can test and play with.

    • Deactivate UDP
    • Disable hardware acceleration

      TeamViewer options.png

    I recommend you to test by disabling these options and see what settings fits better to the machines with poor internet bandwith.

    I hope this could help. If not, do not hesitate to ask your questions here.



    Community Manager