Free License appears after Windows 10 Updates, how to I get rid of it ?

I have a Teamviwer 15 licenses commercial, but I know that Teamviewer have removed things like license keys etc and we would have to login to "activate" the license so that the "free license (non-commercial use) bar is removed.

I have logged into over 150 new PCs and laptops between OCt 2019 & Dec 2019 to "activate" the license. But in Jan 2020, I did a mass Windows 10 1909 update for all the machines in my Organisations and some (including the 150 new machines) have their Teamviewer showing the "free license" bar.

Is there a way to remotely "activate" these machines instead of logging in manually with my Teamviewer account ? Somehow these machines also lost their "trusted" status as I will receive emails and have to "trust" these machines one by one also.

Please advise.

Best Answer


  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,085 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @Zadrian,

    Thank you for your message.

    You can silently rollout TeamViewer Host and automatically assign your devices to your TeamViewer admin account again with our MSI package. As your licenses it compatible with this feature, I highly recommend you to use it. You won't have to do any manual work again and you will be able to manage in a secure and centralized way your remote machines.

    You will find all the information you need in our Knowledge Base article here: 

    For your deployment, I recommend you to use the following command:

    msiexec.exe /i "<Path>\TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn CUSTOMCONFIGID=<Your_Config-ID> APITOKEN=<Your_Apitoken> ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--alias %COMPUTERNAME% --grant-easy-access"

    timeout /t 5

    net stop teamviewer
    net start teamviewer

    I hope this could help. If not, do not hesitate to ask your questions here.



    Community Manager

  • Thanks for your reply...

    Just to be clear...I did already use PDQ to deploy then logged in using my account to activate the machines (PCs and/or lappy) and also import some settings (like create password so users cannot access "options menu"). But after some Windows 10 CU, the Teamviewer become "free".

    So the only way is to redeploy Teamviewer again ??

  • Sorry for the late do I get the api token ?

    I tried looking at the lonk below but it seems nothoing is shown in my web login...

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,085 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @Zadrian

    Thank you for your message.

    You obtain the api token when you create the Host module. Please make sure to tick the box Allow account assignment when creating the Host.

    This windows should open :

    Your permanent link.png

    If this is not the case, please edit your Host, and close it by clicking on Save. The next time you open it, the token should appear in the edit window.

    If this is not working, please create a new Host and make sure Allow account assignment when creating the Host.

    I hope this could help. ?

    If not, do not hesitate to ask your questions here. ?



    Community Manager

  • It still cannot work....TeamViewer.exe assign --api-token **Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**0abcde

    still showing free license.

    Why teamviewer made things so stupid ?? It was so easy to set up with a key and stuff...

    Now on every machine ....I must login with my ID and password, then I get email on my PC, then need to add trusted machine, then go back to the machine and login with ID and password, the logout just to remove that "free license warning" ?? I got to do this for over 2000 machines.....and now with every Windows CU update ??!!??!

    I need something that can work with PDQ deploy....

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,085 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @Zadrian

    Thank you for your message.

    We are sorry this could not help. ?

    I recommend you to open a ticket. Our engineers will support you to solve your issue. ?️‍♂️

    You will be able to open a ticket here:



    Community Manager

  • No worries....if they could helped earlier, I would not be here....

    This shows teamviewer going down the drain as well....the developers just beating round the bush....with the support people racing to catch up...