No License

Hi, I subscribed for TeamViewer services of the offer (Multi-User) and the subscription fees are already transferred from my bank account, 

but I have two issues ;

1- I haven't received a PDF invoice of the amount has been paid

2- My license isn't activated yet, or in other words, I did not receive any license number 

Please help ASAP


Best Answer


  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,080 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @M-bae0714

    Thank you for your message.

    I confirm you that your payment has been cancelled. Your credit card has not been booked.

    The license could not be sent to you as something in the information you have provided was wrong.

    I recommend you to contact directly our sales department, or try again to order online.

    We are sorry for the inconveniences caused.



    Community Manager

  • Hello @JeanK . 

    I checked the bank and the transactions of the VISA card, and they assured me that the amount has been transferred. 

    Also i have received an e-mail subjected "Get started with TeamViewer" mentioned the order number of the subscription

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,080 Community Manager 🌍

    If the money has been transfered, it will be refunded.

    According to our database, the license you purchased is not usable anymore and has been deactivated.

    Please process an other order or contact our Sales department directly:

    We are sorry for the inconveniences caused.




    Community Manager

  • Mr. @JeanK 

    Q1: How long does it take for the money to be refunded?

    Q2: Could you please advise me with the correct way to upgrade my account again from free to premium?

    Thank you in advance for your support