Commercial use - Connection time out



  • sintara
    sintara Posts: 5

    whats the program 

  • JackHK
    JackHK Posts: 86

    Thanks for letting us know!

    @Mike44a wrote:

    Same 'profanity-watch' at my home IP and in these posts. Unbelievable. Unacceptable total spying company. Uninstalling now and warning internet-community.


  • JackHK
    JackHK Posts: 86

    Exactly, considering to give up.... 5 months already,  nothing happened!

  • JackHK
    JackHK Posts: 86

    Give up mate, don't waste any more time!

  • JackHK
    JackHK Posts: 86

    Great! Share with me privately. 

  • Funk
    Funk Posts: 9

    I'd be interested to know too.

    Edit: this is pathetic - they've taken the time to configure the forum to automatically censor mention of any competitor products! **bleep**!  How insecure do you have to be as a company to do that eh?

    [removed per Community Guidelines]



  • pv7721
    pv7721 Posts: 151

    Actually, it's manually performed AFAIK.

  • Funk
    Funk Posts: 9

    Heh, ridiculous.  If you can get forum posts edited in seconds why can't you get this debacle with locked-down free user accounts sorted out?

  • pv7721
    pv7721 Posts: 151

    @Closed account: because unfortunately I think that they're actually paid for that i.e. moderate this community, and probably / most likely one of the things in their moderation chart is that it's forbidden to discuss anything else but TV

  • Funk
    Funk Posts: 9

    It shows where the priorities lie at least.

    As it happens part of my job role is recommending and selling all kinds of IT solutions to businesses (as well as having the ear of my MD and CEO).  Guess what remote control product I'm now never going to recommend to anyone I know should they ask...?

  • pv7721
    pv7721 Posts: 151

    @Funk: Hm, let me guess, TV? Hey, by the way, does IB mean anything to you?

  • Grant837
    Grant837 Posts: 18

    Hey, I can not figure out how this forum works, but just to back you up, I said nothing I know of about competing products, but my last post complaining about the lack fo service was deleted for this.... I assume TeamViewer is owned by China, etc..

  • Grant837
    Grant837 Posts: 18

    Probably,.. I propose we all go outside this censored forum (I assume a 3rd party trying to keep its contract with TeamViewer) and use LinkedIn to share our experiences...

  • Grant837
    Grant837 Posts: 18

    Indeed, let me know, via [please do not post personal information publicly] what you found.. assuming its a free private use product, which I am happy to promote to my 200k employee company if I like it...

  • Grant837
    Grant837 Posts: 18

    @Closed account wrote:

    Oh, don't worry, I have given it up.   totally uninstalled and now using a superior product.

    A little search will reveal several options, one of which I've found to be easy and reliable to use.

    Indeed, let me know,  what you found.. assuming its a free private use product, which I am happy to promote to my 200k employee company if I like it...

  • patrix35
    patrix35 Posts: 1

    I get a message about commercial use detection . That's not true. I use Teamwiever only privately between family computers and connect from my work place to my home PC.

    Can You help me about Please ?

    Best regards


  • maxgior
    maxgior Posts: 2

    Good morning, for about a couple of months my account has turned out to be for professional use but in reality I use it only for comuters of my own property or relatives. on 04.18.2019 I received a message telling me that my account was reset to free, but today I am again informed that my account could be professional with consequent blocking.

  • crian
    crian Posts: 1

    How did you have it reset to personal use only?

  • McLovin69
    McLovin69 Posts: 1

    ok - after trawling through 56 pages on this topic, and not a single reply or solution offerred by teamviewer itself ... do you have a solution available please?

    Running 3 laptops at home for personal use, only one has the issue of an almost instant timeout. All have recently been upgraded to version 14 . 


  • sintara
    sintara Posts: 5

    good luck getting them to reply they have no interest in free usses  they have not once replied to any of this topic  discrace of a company 

  • 7leagueboot
    7leagueboot Posts: 22

    I got a reply by email. Basically, I was told to take a hike and they would not unblock me because my email address had a company name in it. The fact that the company hasn't existed for the last 6 years didn't make any difference.

    I get the impression they are trying to unload all free users, perhaps to reduce the load on their servers?

  • 7leagueboot
    7leagueboot Posts: 22

    "Sent you a message."

    Send me one as well please. ;)

  • Chris_w2
    Chris_w2 Posts: 0

    Good day,

    1. Does the FREE version of teamviewer timeout after a certain period ? mine seems to timeout during the session.
    2. Can anybody explain the differences between the free version vs licenced version ?

    Thanks in advance

  • pv7721
    pv7721 Posts: 151

    @7leagueboot: I arrived at the same conclusion as yourself, free users might overload their infrastructure

  • pv7721
    pv7721 Posts: 151

    @Closed account: these badges attributions I think they're automatic :D

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,029 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @Chris_w2,

    Thank you for your message.

    For more information regarding our professional licenses, please contact our sales team via:

    We wish you a pleasant day.



    Community Manager

  • Funk
    Funk Posts: 9

    I've had no choice but to move over to a competitor for now (the same as @Closed account).  It's a shame as if Teamviewer got their **bleep** together and provided a 'prosumer' tier I would've coughed up for it.

    This hobbling of free accounts and tragically slow response to resolve (assuming they actually do agree I'm not a commercial user!) leaves a bad impression.

    The competitor product I've gone over to will require a little bit of learning.

    Note to Teamviewer mod: if you can't sort out our accounts then don't be surprised or throw a hissy fit when we're left no other option than to abandon your product for someone else's.

    If you can a) sort out my account and b) offer an 'inbetween' paid product for power users then I'd be willing to take another look.  Your product is a good one and I would be prepared to contribute toward it as a home user (say perhaps £50/year for example) but you would have to do away with this ridiculous auto-restriction of accounts especially as it's throwing up false positives!

    I've been trying to work out what caused it to think I'm using it commercially and I wonder if it's because of my phone.  I use Blokada to block ads on my phone and it does this by setting up a VPN loop-back.  The VPN doesn't actually connect out to anywhere, it's designed to sink-hole ads but allow legit traffic through.  I wonder whether Teamviewer's basic 'detection' sees a VPN and automatically assumes that no home user could ever possibly be using one and therefore defaults to 'COMMERCIAL USE DETECTED'?  If so this is a pretty poor way of determining commercial use!

  • pv7721
    pv7721 Posts: 151

    I never used VPNs and my impression was that a simple thing like connected to a remote computer over the Internet or two simultaneous connections from a computer to the 2 other computers in the same LAN would trigger the commercial use suspected. Thankfully, it stopped for now, but I've added a new computer to my tiny little pool of computers I'm watching, I wonder how long until I'll be hit again (possibly at the next major version, when the detection algorithm will be tweaked again)

  • JackHK
    JackHK Posts: 86

    Submit the form and request for unblocked. I gave up after 5 months of waiting....