Commercial use - Connection time out



  • gsaverino
    gsaverino Posts: 1


    I have had dozens of issues with the free version of TeamViewer timing out on me.  I use it to help my family members and love the tool when it works great.  I believe that I have accidently at times installed TeamViewer but when I select unattended access, it somehow flags that it is no longer the free version and now the license expired on this XP computer....

    I'm still using teamwiever to help friends or family members...

    What can I do to uninstall this version, download another one and install it on this XP computer ?

     Thanks for your consideration.

  • mittcross
    mittcross Posts: 1

    hi ,

    i have tried a trial of the business teamviewer and now i wanted to keep using it as personal . i have tried to delete but always gives me problems and i need the business key, i cant find any solutions on how to switch back to free/personal use??


  • wrswaim
    wrswaim Posts: 19

    I installed the new TV 12 update and all works well now.  I use it for personal use to access 2 pc's (one more than the other).  I installed it on the pc's I access ad they are fine now.  But on the one I do the accessing from it now says suddenly it is expiring in 6 days (?).  Funny thing is its for free use and even stranger is I used the same install file from TV.  I did check off the correct boxes.  Even did an uninstall and einstall just in case to make sure - marked basic and for free use - and it still shows an expiration suddenly.

    How can this be fixed as soon as possible?!

    Thank you!

  • Hello
    I testet Teamviewer Business. After expired test time i want back to the home or privat licence. but i cant. i uninstalled and installed teamviewer again. but ever when i will log on my other pc, it shows me up the message: test licence expired. what i have to do?    greetings from switzerland :-)

  • Kimber1
    Kimber1 Posts: 3

    Why my TeamViewer tells me my license is over when I'm just a free personal user? I look for answers and all the stuff I find where old pictures...

    How I can use my TeamViewer as normal?!

  • bartlanz
    bartlanz Posts: 315

    Chances are you either selected Business or Both for type of use when you installed TeamViewer rescently. OR TeamViewer has suspected you are using it for Business use.

    You will need to go to this page: Review it and do what it says. Towards the bottom of the page is a link that brings you to a form you'll need to fill out and submit. 

    If my post was helpful, Please throw me a Kudos.
    If my post fixed your issue, please mark it as the solution to help the next person find a solution quickly.
    Bart Lanzillotti
  • waces
    waces Posts: 29


    As of today my 2 TW instances started to act as commercial ones (both of free). It makes impossible to use.

    Tried to open a support case but the form said my account cannot tied to a license (surprise, surprise Sherlock, those are free licenses), so support ticket cannot be opened.

    Why it starts act as a commercial license and how can it be changed back (beside of uninstalling and forgot TW for good)

  • bartlanz
    bartlanz Posts: 315

    You will both need to go to and fill out the form.

    If my post was helpful, Please throw me a Kudos.
    If my post fixed your issue, please mark it as the solution to help the next person find a solution quickly.
    Bart Lanzillotti
  • mishu8689
    mishu8689 Posts: 1


    I am running TeamViewer on my personal laptopt, which I use at home  and at work, and another another computer at work. At home I connect from my laptopt to the computer at work because the ip of my research insitutute is registered to acces private research databases like webofknowledge.To whom may ai speak to still use the software for free?

  • waces
    waces Posts: 29

    That's not answer of the question _WHY_ it started to acting this weird. Byt filled up the form and nothing happened as expected. (btw log files are mandtaroy? **bleep**? in the back office TW must see the assigned license)

    I guess TW is bit behind reality and thinks the lates insider build of Windows 10 is a server.... LOL.

  • freedomq8
    freedomq8 Posts: 1

    Hello there, 

    I think by mistake i installed teamviewer with trial for commercial use. After the peroid expired i tried to go to the free mode but i couldnt (which makes it impossible to connect to home pc ) i extended the peroid of the trial and i hope there is a fix for this issue meanwhile.


    Any suggestion?



  • TommyToot
    TommyToot Posts: 1


    Im an individual using team viewer with friends. I do not have a business however my free trial has run out.

    Can you please reset my licence?

  • bartlanz
    bartlanz Posts: 315

    Go to this page and do as it instructs.

    If my post was helpful, Please throw me a Kudos.
    If my post fixed your issue, please mark it as the solution to help the next person find a solution quickly.
    Bart Lanzillotti
  • My ticket number is 3156599

    I am also in the same situation, and haven't received any resolution. My use is personal, to help my wife, my kids, and my parents, I don't understand why I keep getting a "trial expired" message.

  • jarom004
    jarom004 Posts: 1


    I recently purchased a few computers from my work, they have previously been used in a commercial enviroment and we do have a Premium license with 2 channels. Since i purchased from my work i am now wanting to use them for my family with my personal account, but i am now getting the trial expired notice and i am locked out.. could i get these computer reset? or what process do i need to go through to acheive this? i looked at submitting a ticket but it says i need a lisence to do so..

    Thank you,

  • Hallo

    Wir haben versehentlich bei der Installation kommerzielle Nutzung statt nicht kommerzielle Nutzung ausgewählt. Nun läuft die Testversion ab, wenn wir in den Ferien (Lager) sind, von wo wir zwingend auf den Computer zu Hause zugreifen können müssen. 

    Wie kann von kommerzieller Nutzung zu nicht kommerzieller Nutzung geändert werden? Was passiert, wenn die Testversion abgelaufen ist?

    Danke für jede Hilfe!

  • bartlanz
    bartlanz Posts: 315

    Go to this page and do as it instructs.

    If my post was helpful, Please throw me a Kudos.
    If my post fixed your issue, please mark it as the solution to help the next person find a solution quickly.
    Bart Lanzillotti
  • Thomas94
    Thomas94 Posts: 1
  • i have had team viewer on my laptop and did the free version because i needed it for my computer to remote access while i am in school and my laptop version states that it is needed to purchase a business one because my free trial is over. however i requested the free one because i am not useing it for business purpose. what do i do now because i can not use mine.

  • sonnyk76
    sonnyk76 Posts: 2

    Hello all!

    I am using team viewer to access my personal computer for no fonancial or otherwise compensation, yet upon initial installation I believe I may have selected commerical use by mistake. Please advise

    Ticket ID: 3303473
       Subject: Request from Personal Use Verification form

  • sonnyk76
    sonnyk76 Posts: 2


    I selected commerical use by mistake when installing TV on my personal computer.

    I am using TV to access my personal computer and not for financial or otherwise compensation

    Ticket ID: 3303473
       Subject: Request from Personal Use Verification form.

    Please advise.

    Thank you

  • Viachka
    Viachka Posts: 2

    hello. I had a problem. I always have a free license, but few days ago I saw a message that has expired trial period. Tell me what do I do.true.jpg

  • slufrano
    slufrano Posts: 1

    I can not access ``1 computer due to it saying it's going to disconnect in 5 minutes.  I've installed and reinstalled numerous times and it still says the same thing.


  • dlmvegas
    dlmvegas Posts: 2
  • dlmvegas
    dlmvegas Posts: 2

    It has now been over a week since I filled out the stupid form for you to correct my "Trial Period" problem.  Has anyone out in this community ever gotten their problem fixed?  Reply if you have and how long it took to get fixed. 

    I use this program maybe once a month which doesn't justify me paying for this service.  So I guess if you're a free customer and have problems good luck on getting anything resolved.  Anybody else who's fed up with this try **Third Party Product**.  It works a **bleep** of a lot better than Teamviewer and it's free with a pdf manual as well.

  • Scotty
    Scotty Posts: 493 Staff member 🤠

    Hi sonnyk76

    Please note that as stated in this form, due to the large number of requests this can take up to 30 days. Thank you for your patience.


    Senior Moderator
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