Commercial use - Connection time out



  • I have the issue of being commercialy suspected. I use teasmviewer 14 on 3 household computers,all of which are only used for gaming and video sharing. I am thinking I have been flagged due to windows10 being set to "workgroup" . All of the computers are dualboot with windows and linux/ubuntu, and windows 10 is the only one that gets flagged as commercial use, and any computer that connects to the win10 computer get flagged as well. As isaid win10 is set to "workgroup" because microsoft removed the option to have computers set to "homegroup". When I boot into linux there is no issue using the same machine to do the same things. So is there any work around to this? or are  windows users out of luck

  • AkiO
    AkiO Posts: 1


    my name is Petr Hanousek, I work in Slot Group a. s. company. We used licenced account for this company, used 10 and 13 verzion of TW.

    Team Viewer use with [personal information removed] for company.

    But I also use Team viewer for personal use. With email [personal information removed] from different pc, but on same Ip address. On company network. 

    Please unblock my personal account, becouse I use it for conect to my home pc.

    Not for working. I had this problem in the past. And TW support unblocked my account.

    Thank you so much

    Wirth best regards

    Petr Hanousek




  • Sevcik
    Sevcik Posts: 1

    To what email address to send the document?

  • KC9LZI
    KC9LZI Posts: 1
    Me too!
    This may be a tactic to get more paying customers.
  • mikee
    mikee Posts: 24

    I just got the same thing on another computer. This is a computer at work, which may be why it shows commercial use. However I almost never use this computer and only to connect to home or family if needed.. Its not even set up for remote access. It says connections are limited to 5 minutes, but in reality the coneection drops in 5 seconds or less and then blocks for 15 minutes. My mom just called with computer problem, but I cannot help, at least not with teamviewer.

    This is the the second commercial use suspected for me this month. Looks like TV really wants to loose some users.

  • @Ying_Q wrote:

    Hi @gideonse and @BenDice,

    Thank you for you message.

    If you think TeamViewer has mistakely marked your device usage and you would like to reset your TeamViewer ID, please fill in the form for reset request.

    Your "Reset Form" is BROKEN though.  It has been broken for WEEKS now.  And no one at TV seems willing and/or ABLE to fix the problem.

    You know, it may be "free" users having all these issues, but if the program, and it's so-called "support" structure is so broken, does not encourage people to buy a subscription for whatever extra/bonus features it might give us.

  • +1 to jelabarre59

    I was on the fence about being a sub, and this just turned me  off completely. Not a good look at all. 

  • BWG
    BWG Posts: 1
    Thank you. Just curious, what do you base this decision to flag peoples accounts on? I'm concerned that my privacy is being violated.
  • sodly
    sodly Posts: 1

    I am trying to reset my connection to free/non-commercial.  However, when I go to the online form it asks for the affected user ID.  Is that my ID?  Or the person on whose computer I'm controlling?  Also, it's asking for a 10 digit ID number.  Mine is only 9.  I  have the latest version of TV.  What am I doing wrong????

  • Yuri_T
    Yuri_T Posts: 2,249 [Former Staff]

    Hi @sodly ,

    Thank you for your post.

    please note that when you submit the form, it is only for a single ID.

    So you need to make sure you submit all relevant ID's as if you only submit one and the other device is detected, even if one is unblocked, connections to another blocked device is not possible.

    You need to make sure you submit all ID's.

    I have also tested if we can submit a form with 9 digits TeamViewer ID. It works fine so please try it again from the link: 

    Hope this will be helpful.

    All the best,

    Former Japanese Community Moderator
  • When I go to the reset page the form does not allow any typing in the Affected ID field -which is required. A line appears and no typing shows up.Screen Shot 2019-10-10 at 6.33.32 PM.png


  • Leo93
    Leo93 Posts: 6 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @nadiajaafar,

    I suggest that you read the following link:

    It will help you with your problem.



  • @BWG wrote:
    Thank you. Just curious, what do you base this decision to flag peoples accounts on? I'm concerned that my privacy is being violated.

    Same here!

  • @Closed account wrote:


    Has ANYONE had their commercial use block removed?

    If so, how long did it take?

    Can you give the rest of us any hints on getting a quicker response?

    JWK in RVA



    I did back in August.  They restored it about 5 days after I submitted the Declaration of Personal Use.  But that was after I submitted the request to unblock.  Don't recall and can't tell how long it took to get the response to the request.  

    After all that they just blocked me again.  So I signed a new Declaration and emailed it directly just now.  We'll see what happens.

  • TeamViewer: Are you there? Would really appreciate a response.

  • Rings
    Rings Posts: 11

    I just got a response to my 3rd or 4th email declaring private use, which is a first (they've never responded to one before.) They said that they don't believe me and think I'm using it commercially! They gave me 2 options: either buy teamviewer for commercial use, or sign a "declaration of private use that needs to be printed, signed personally and sent back to us to the following email address (redacted)"

    I'm not willing to follow through with that for personal reasons. I'm not giving them my signature, full name, address, phone number etc. Are they out of their mind? They should be able to detect commercial use just fine with their algorithm AND a human involved. They clearly are not able to do so, or knowingly flagged me dishonestly in order to strongarm me into buying a paid account. Looks like I will be leaving Teamviewer after a long 10+ years if they think I'm a commercial user who connects to one person every other month.

  • @nadiajaafar wrote:

    When I go to the reset page the form does not allow any typing in the Affected ID field -which is required. A line appears and no typing shows up.image

    Make sure that you have NUMLOC on. Typing in that field without NUMLOC will result in no characters being entered.

    I just tested the form at:**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**.**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**.**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**-**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**.**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**#forms

    and it woirks with Chrome browser.

  • I do not know how to refer to an older post, so I will repeat my comments here:

    I filled in the online form for each of my 13 IDs. They unblocked 12 of those IDs within a few days. The 13th was still blocked. I filled in  the online form again with no results. Then I received an email asking me to fill in the "declaration of private use" form. I did so and listed the 13th ID (even though the form doesn't ask for the ID at all). That 13th ID was unblocked within 24 hours.

    You ask for pointers, but all I can tell you is what I did. I submitted an online form for each ID I have and on the form listed all of the other IDs, so everything could be cross-referenced, if necessary. I showed the name assigned to each of the IDs. For each ID that "looked" commercial, for example DATASERVER, I explained that it was used only in my home and for a specific, non-commercial purpose. When they asked for the "declaration of private use" form, I also listed the ID and the name assigned. That's it.

    All I can say is that it worked for me. But I know that the system is unclear, appears to be arbitrary and is inconsistent. I know that the trigger is not only the IP address, since the ID that originally did not get reset was one of seven in my house, so they all shared the same WAN IP address.

    Other people have not been so lucky, with no action of any kind in response to their forms. Can't say why.

    I consider the unblocking a response, so I was not unhappy that they didn't write me an email when they did that. It's not good public relations, but my concern was unblocking - I consider that the important part of the response. In fact, the only email I did receive, was the one that said I needed to fill in the Declaration of Private Use. The responce I got for that one was, again, unblocking, but no email.

    Good luck.


  • I have been in communication with TV the last few weeks for the same exact thing. I have two cell phones, two android tablets and two laptops and a desktop ALL IN MY HOUSE. But due to my health I am unable to get around back and forth from room to room as much as I used to so if I need something from one device or I need to view something on another device then I use TV. HOWEVER here lately THEY SUSPECTED ME OF COMMERCIAL USE. So I filled out all the forms and they sent me a response. I will copy and past the one line that sums it all up ............ After reviewing the information provided to us, we were unable to confirm that the submitted ID is being used privately. Guess what? Not only can they not CONFIRM that I am NOT using it for commercial purposes but they are not confirming that I am either. **bleep** sure glad courts don't work that way. We are sorry sir but we can't confirm that you didn't rob that bank so we are going to put you in jail anyway. I will install a virus on my PC before I pay them for the use of something that they are falsley claiming is free when it is not.

  • I would LOVE for them to PROVE that there is commercial use on my network to or from it.

  • I will buy 10 licenses if they can prove or can provide evidence of commercial use on any of my devices. PERIOD. How about it TeamViewer. I am calling you out. Do you want to protect your reputation as a company? Am I lying about it or are you?

  • NO ONE WILL PROVE IT. They just CLAIM that you are doing that. Give up and go find some software from some other company.

    @stevelin wrote:


    Teamviewer detected commercial use. But I‘m not.

    I just use it to solve my mom's computer problem at home.

    I have already filled out the form. But I have never received any reply emails.

    Can you help me?


  • Rings
    Rings Posts: 11

    I've already ditched Teamviewer completely. **Third Party Product** not only works better, it doesn't falsely accuse it's honest customers of commercial use!

  • TeamViewer has a few capabilities that other free options don't. The other free options (that don't have "commercial use" garbage) allow remote control of other machines with ease, but are less capable in file transfers.

    Having had my TV privileges removed because of alleged "commercial use" (those allegations being entirely false), and having those privileges restored by submitting a "self declaration of personal use", my going forward strategy is simple. Use TeamViewer, but DO NOT DEPEND ON IT. Have alternate remote control apps available and proven, and ready to use. As to file transfer, there are many file sharing apps available that can be put on both local and remote machines that will do the job.

    I should add that , not infrequently, TV just refuses to connect. When that happens, I just quickly switch to my ready-to-go alternate app.

    As a result of my "commercial use" denial, I still use TV, but I no longer depend on it.

  • I agree and have a few comments.

    @DanLester wrote:

    TeamViewer has a few capabilities that other free options don't. The other free options (that don't have "commercial use" garbage) allow remote control of other machines with ease, but are less capable in file transfers.

    One of the functions that TeamViewer has that I like and make use of is the "computers & contacts" list. It maintains a list of all "other end IDs" along with a description. I do not need to maintain a separate list of those.

    Another function I like is that TeamViewer will display or notify me when another machine is up and ready. I can look at my contact list and see what machines are online and which are not. That's handy when I reboot a remote machine and I am waiting for it to come back online. I don't have to keep trying to connect - TV will pop up a notification telling me the machine is back.

    @DanLester wrote: going forward strategy is simple. Use TeamViewer, but DO NOT DEPEND ON IT. Have alternate remote control apps available and proven, and ready to use. 

    I agree. I think your strategy is spot on. I would further stretch it to apply to almost every product you (or we all) use. Browsers, registry cleaners, video players, pretty much everything, should have a tested alternative ready to go into service.

    @DanLester wrote:

    I should add that , not infrequently, TV just refuses to connect. When that happens, I just quickly switch to my ready-to-go alternate app.

    I've never had this experience. When I get a failure to connect, there has always been a problem on the other side. (Many times, a problem on the other side is the reason I am trying to connect.) Of course, I have only my own and friends machines as a basis for survey, but I've probably made 100s of TV connections over the years and that's what I have found.

    I occurs to me that the overhead of TeamViewer cloud resources in maintaining the currect status of all the TV IDs connected at any given time might be substantial. Maybe that's one of the reasons why they are trying to get commercial users to pay up. (This does not, of course, excuse the method they are using to do that, which, I think we all can agree, is pretty poorly managed.)

  • Very good.

    You just articulated what I have been doing the last few months.

    TV is primary, but I have another app that works as easily. [third party product]

    I have tried several apps and the one I mention is the best for me. 




  • Sadly they don't respond as fast as they used to. I also have switched to that software.
  • I'm having this same issue. Never used Team Viewer for commercial use, helping by parents with their phones and my brother with his PCs is not making me any money.

    How can I get my account reviewed and clear so I can support my family again? Already looking for options, but there is nothing as good as Team Viewer for Android phones.

  • i have used this for years and now this is happening whats going on??