Commercial use - Connection time out



  • that form is terrible. they take forever to respond and they do nothing to fix the false alarms. most folks complain about getting reflagged 

    why cant tv fix this horrorshow. clearly they amped up the detection algos and its causing widespread issues. i have already switched to a free competing product until this is sorted. sad. 

  • I was a TeamViewer user to connect from my Laptop to my Desktop Computer to check email when I am away from home.  It worked fine for about 1 year then I began getting messages on login the I was using TeamView commerically which was not true.  It would kick me off after about 5 seconds.  I completed the Private User Form and received an email from TeamView saying I was approved as a Private User and would be allowed to use the application free.  However, I stillget teh same message about commercial use and am kickoff after abouto 5 seconds.  I completed a second Private User Form listing both my Laptop and Desktop ID's but never received a response from TeamViewer Support.  I get weekly emails trying to sell me a license but can't justify it for my single private use.  Any suggestions on what I might do the get TV Support to respond?

  • I am deeply disappointed and find that the statement of being free for private use is a hoax.
    I have two computers sitting next to each other, one running windows 10, the other Windows XP due to older versions of programs that I can't afford to upgrade. To try to save space on my desk by only using one keyboard and one mouse, I prefer to run teamviewer between these two computers. For some reason the staff at teamviewer consider this being commercial use????

  • I have installed the commercial version on my side. Do I have to install it on the remote side?

  • Ah, I haven't been flagged in quite a while since I was last flagged - also for the same reason ( helping my mom who is has an eye disease, my old neighbor, then neighbor, and other friends / students - whom I have never charged, nor will ever charge ).


    I submitted my case - lets see what they say. I also mentioned the fact that unattended access HAS to be set for my mom, and other people who know next to nothing about computers. I mean, my old neighbor complains about the internet running slow at times, when he has 200+ old tabs open and I have to tell him how to close them, every time. I even installed an app on his browsers, where he only needs to click to store / save the opened tabs, and search them without slowing anything down.

    Maybe I should be getting paid, but for $50 a month on TV, I'd rather pay to update each and every single client to Windows X Professional for a few dollars less, from home and be able to connect to them forever. The monthly fee stuff is ridiculous and they need to rethink it. I would pay for additional features, if it was one time per major version.. not because of commercial use, because that's not what I'm doing - it is for personal use, but to help.


    I mean, I have already paid for a very useful explorer replacement ( can be a replacement, or not - I chose not on the installer to avoid reboots during updates ) called Directory Opus. I can set icons on files - so client-side files get one color, server-side another, shared half of client and half of server icon, etc... it is incredibly helpful in searching for files, having tabs, etc... It is a 1 time fee per major version and they update minor versions frequently with new features, etc... 

    If Teamviewer had some additional features and a 1 time payment option for personal use - forever, or for major versions ( which come out every other year, or so - if it is warranted, and not just to get people to spend again ), and got rid of this problem, then I'd buy in. But for $50 a month, it is cheaper to update every client to the Pro version of Windows they are running for the additional features and unattended remote access server, etc.. which also runs a lot better than TV.

    For a company, like the indian scammers run which scams people out of thousands each using TeamViewer and 'refund' scams, by editing the users browser data using dev console and live-html updates to 'fake' incoming money transfers for computer illerates, then have them 'wire' money to a legitimate bank account without any money ever going in... $50 a month is cheap... Why isn't TeamViewer targeting these scammers, or does TV condone this type of behavior? 

    Before I'd buy in to TV, I'd want them to kick off the scammers. Although, a lot of them that are run recycling companies and can easily put in a new piece of hardware and get a new id and be up an running in minutes or an hour... so... On Windows 10, even less time... So reporting does little...

    TV needs to fix the id system so that reporting these scammers will actually ban them from being able to use TV, at least for a day. That'd be nice. 10 minutes isn't a deterrent as they can make 10s of thousands an hour with multiple scammers working.


    edit: It also seems like the only people doing anything against the scammers are people on Youtube that 'buy in' to the scammers offer, then delete the files on the scammers computer. This only works if they don't have a backup. Some don't, but most do. But TV doesn't seem to be doing anything against these people other than accepting money from them. I really hope that it isn't to look the other way..

    Another reason why I'd buy in, is it would give them more funds to hopefully hire a support staff that can actually respond to these issues.. People that pay the one time fee get quicker support, or something like that - to a point. ie: if a paid person adds a ticket, and a non-paid also adds a ticket, the paid would take precedence, but not to the point where the non-paid would never get answered. A week seems like too long, to me. It should be 48 hours, maximum. For paid members, 12 to 24 hours.


    Edit: Also, I was saying - because I do not use TV for commercial purposes - and because I only help a few people constantly - it would be cheaper to upgrade their OS's instead of spending the $50 per month for TV indefinitely - especially because I am not doing this commercially. If I was, then it may be justifiable although if I had a small number of people - it'd still be cheaper to upgrade the clients for Windows. TV really should reconsider their pricing...

    -Josh Acecool
  • I would recommend purchasing a KVM... Keyboard / Video / Mouse... It is a switch for 2, or more, computers located within close proximity to one another, and there are more expensive models that work over wifi....

    The benefit of this is you won't be wasting networking data, just to control one computer over another..

    You would plug your monitor, or monitors if you purchase one with multi-monitor support - or you could purchase 2 separate kvms and just have to hit 2 buttons instead of 1, keyboard and mouse into the kvm, then hit a button to switch between the two.


    What do you use your computers for? If one of them is a 'work' computer, then TV considers it work-related, and therefore commercial use. - their example is, for commercial use: If you work at an employers office, and you install TV on your work computer there, then use your personal computer to check your work e-mail, it is considered 'commercial use'....


    For your situation, TeamViewer isn't an ideal solution as it is very slow to respond. It isn't built into the OS, and thereby it doesn't emulate on the client side, things.. Instead, it is like streaming a video, with triggerable events being sent adding a lot of 'delay'...

    A KVM would be like you're on the computer, itself, as you essentially are....

    -Josh Acecool
  • This is a sign that you have been flagged for commercial use. One of the teamviewer clients may be installed as free - but it may be that you need to pay for the business version on both... I'm not sure though as this isn't clear....

    What is clear, is that I have been flagged for commercial use for helping my mom, who has an eye disease which makes it next to impossible for her to read sometimes - and I installed TV on her computer for unattended access as she wouldn't be able to read the password or id ( we've tried that in the past, and it didn't work and I ended up having to go to her to help read something )... According to some posts, this installation of 'unattended access' is not 'free' and helps TV claim you are using it as commercial-use, instead of personal-use, which doesn't seem right. I want to know what TVs response to this is, as if they do this, then they are essentially discriminating against disabled or technically inept people.


    If you have the commercial license, you are better off contacting support... As a paid user of $50 / month, or more, you can create support tickets for problems, bug reports, and more. Non-paid users can't. We get a form we have to submit and wait a week, or sometimes longer, to get a response.

    -Josh Acecool
  • The only thing I use it for is for my music collection, I got a system running an old operating system theough emulators which I don't have the resources for upgrading. I also use it to make covers for my downloaded music, and that is it. I have even offered to hand over the password for them to log on and check. A few years ago I got an e-mail from teamviewer approving me for non commercial use and that worked great until a teamviewer upgrade was necessary. At the moment I'm using RDP instead, which is a possibility, but not preferrable... I have tried a KVM, but that also didn't give me a good solution, as I sometimes need to copy cd cover images from one to another.



  • teamview keeps saying im commercial wen im connecting to my own computer thru my phoine im certainly not a company nor am i profiting in any way connecting to my self or others ......... how do i go about fixing this issue 

  • Hi,

    I have been using Teamviewer to help my parents with thier computers and phones (to resolve any issue they might be having). But recently my Teamviewer have started to time me out after 5 minutes, stating that I am using it for commercial purposes.

    I read through some of the other similar posts and updated teamviewer on all my devices, as adviced on those posts. But I am still having the issue. Please help!

    Thank you

  • SInce Last week and have been on TV 14 for a while. I got the notification that it has detected I am in a commercial Environment and will disconnect in 5 minutes.

    Examples of personal use:

    • Helping or supporting friends and relatives
    • Connecting to your personal computer at home

    Please see our Knowledge Base for an explanation of how we define personal use.

    Since my use falls within the statements above from your website, I don't see how you determine my use is commercial, since I either help friends or relateives and only connect to local machines in my house that are not used for any business activities.

    I submitted a ticket and so far, have heard nothing back.

    I can be contaacted at. jpedgar at

  • Same issue here. I'm not sure what metrics they are using to determine that it's being used commercially but this is the second time this has happened to me and it's very frustrating. I'm a long time Teamsviewer user and I'd gladly pay for a personal license if you sold one. As frustrating as it is to try and figure out what freeware game is messing up my Mom's computer, having this limitation only makes it worse. I'm not sure what steps to take to resolve this but if it doesn't get fixed soon I'll just go to a different product that has a license that so I don't have to worry about this.

  • I too have this issue. Running a desktop and up to 4 laptops max on the same network but never being all controlled at once. I don't see the issue here but all my computers on TeamViewer are tripping saying I am in a commercial environment when clearly I am at my own house. As stated earlier by another user I would pay for a personal license to fix this issue but 1k a year just to control my computers at home is crazy... can I get some help over here TeamViewer support?

  • Same problem here. Must be time to dump Teamviewer and get another remote access software.

  • You've already gotten one response from support. That's more than most of the people here. Consider yourself lucky.

    My advice? Give up. 

    There are plenty of other alternatives to TeamViewer. Most are just as good. A few are actually better. That may not have been true five years ago, but the competition has really improved while TV has been basically standing still.

    There are no good reasons to stick with TeamViewer at this point if you are having issues.

    In theory, there's no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is.
  • For copying files from one computer to another - you can, if you have 2 ethernet ports per computer... or 2 on the new computer and one on the old... use a network cable from your router / modem into the new computer on the fastest slot. Then, use a CROSS OVER wired ethernet cable from the second slot in your new computer to the single slot in your old computer.

    You can set up a network bridge so the old computer has internet access through the new ( it does require that computer to be on at all times ).

    Then, you can transfer files directly from the new / old back and forth with the KVM solution -s uper easy.


    Another easy solution, and not as much work - is to do the KVM solution, and then add a simple 5 port switch to it. A wire comes from your modem / router into the switch ( the instructions will tell you which port to use as not all will have one labeled ), then 1 wire per computer.

    Both computers will have their own access to the network, and internet. Then you simply add network drive on either computer. Use the computer name... ie: If you right click My Computer, you'll have a tab, or somewhere in those tabs on XP, it will say COMPUTER NAME.

    \\<computer-name>\ in explorer will access everything 'shared' on that computer ( exclude < >s )...

    Add the specific folders you want to share as networked drives. You can even share the entire C drive, or set up login permissions and use \\computer-name\C$ or so to access the C drive. If the username / password is the same on both machines, it should avoid asking for the username and password.

    This would resolve your issue of not being able to easily share files by easily being able to share files at a much faster rate. Even keeping your folder structures so you can access the other computer instantly, copy files over, or leave them and then access from the new computer.

    -Josh Acecool
  • For copying files from one computer to another - you can, if you have 2 ethernet ports per computer... or 2 on the new computer and one on the old... use a network cable from your router / modem into the new computer on the fastest slot. Then, use a CROSS OVER wired ethernet cable from the second slot in your new computer to the single slot in your old computer.

    You can set up a network bridge so the old computer has internet access through the new ( it does require that computer to be on at all times ).

    Then, you can transfer files directly from the new / old back and forth with the KVM solution -s uper easy.


    Another easy solution, and not as much work - is to do the KVM solution, and then add a simple 5 port switch to it. A wire comes from your modem / router into the switch ( the instructions will tell you which port to use as not all will have one labeled ), then 1 wire per computer.

    Both computers will have their own access to the network, and internet. Then you simply add network drive on either computer. Use the computer name... ie: If you right click My Computer, you'll have a tab, or somewhere in those tabs on XP, it will say COMPUTER NAME.

    \\<computer-name>\ in explorer will access everything 'shared' on that computer ( exclude < >s )...

    Add the specific folders you want to share as networked drives. You can even share the entire C drive, or set up login permissions and use \\computer-name\C$ or so to access the C drive. If the username / password is the same on both machines, it should avoid asking for the username and password.

    This would resolve your issue of not being able to easily share files by easily being able to share files at a much faster rate. Even keeping your folder structures so you can access the other computer instantly, copy files over, or leave them and then access from the new computer.



    -- Turns out this was where the KVM discussion was.

    -Josh Acecool
  • goo morning. did you  solved your problem? tell me how.

  • How do I get an answer from the reviewing department? In April 2019, I first got "WARNING: Possible Violation of EULA" and I responded by filling out the " Form_TeamViewer-Personal-Use-Declaration.pdf ", signing with a digital signature. It took them until September to repy that they needed a physical signature. So, I printed it, signed it, scanned it, and sent back on October 9th. says ""Due to the large number of requests we receive, answering the requests can take some time, although we are now aiming to solve all requests within seven business days. We are sorry for the inconvenience."

    However, it's now been over a month. How do I get this escalated to someone who can help? My best friend and I do genealogy together, with her keeping the main records and I log in to add stuff. We really miss doing this because of the 5 minute limit and then being forced to wait for an hour before I can log in again. It's very frustrating.

  • I've recently started to get this pretty much every time I use Teamviewer.
    And lately there's a 20 minute cooldown before you can even attempt to reconnect?
    It almost seems like a ploy to have home users purchase licenses, otherwise why the 20 minute block?

    I've tested across multiple connections and ensured nothing is wrong on my end.

    I am a home user and do enjoy the free license for when I need to help out my father or daughter who are not computer literate.
    But recently I can't rely on the service.;

  • av666
    av666 Posts: 1

    I got constant error right after almost each connection from my smartphone, tablet and even real PC to another one with text "Bla bla commercial usage, wait 15-20 minutes". I didn't remember exact error text. This occures after connection either immediately or after couple seconds and I can't use TV for free not for commercial goals. I even can't understand how and why TV application can detect that I use TV for commercial goals within that couple seconds.

    This is not first case and I already contacted support and got no real help. I ran into this about half a year ago, and possible with v14.

    Is it normal for TV free application? It is new rules of TV free which I didn't saw anywhere?

  • Why do I keep getting this message?  Both versions on each machine say "free license."  I am using this between two machines for personal use.

    Super annoying.

  • Poor TV support. Sent 2 tickets and no reply. Expected better support. [removed per Community Guidelines]

  • Good Morning, 

    I am using Teamviewer long time ago, just to control my personal computer, 100% sure about this, and from today I recieve a message in the app that says "It seems that you are using Teamviewer for commercial porpuses", which is 100% not true...

    What can I do to show that I am using it for personal purposes? It is the same PC...I am the only one who controls it...

    Thanks in advance

  • It's been a year...

    My FREE and ONLY PRIVATELY used account has been flagged for "commercial use" for the third time and the endless annoyance of trying to get the false flag removed has begun again.

    Just trying to help my elderly parents in Germany with computer problems. Same here, went to look again and keep being put off by the RIDICULOUSLY HIGH price (per month!!!) for Teamviewer. Yes, I know I can't post the price because someone will censor that HAHA. Just for everyone to read here... IT IS WAYYY TOO EXPENSIVE for PRIVATE USERS !!!



  • Hello! 

    I use TeamViewer for personal use to occasionally remote into my PC at home, and a couple of my close relatives for quick fixes. TeamViewer has recently suspected my account being used for commercial use, and I would like to see if this can be appealed. Thanks! 

  • I have now filled in the form 6 or 7 times! I got myself rated as a "free user" some while ago, but changed to a new computer just weeks after that. That forces me to fill in the form again..I only want to connect to my home pc and my fathers pc. Thats it!! From work I use 2 different computers depending on where I am using the "not install"-feature. With new computer the Commercial **bleep** pop ups again. So filling the form again, I got a mail saying that they have now again determined that Im a free user, but still I cannot connect from one computer. So again I filled in a new form, and now I got back that I need to print and manually sign a paper with a pencil and scan back to them to confirm that I am a free user (They have already determined I am this two times). WHY CAN YOU NOT JUST CONFIRM THE WHOLE ACCOUNT AS FREE!!! Now I need to fill in the form FROM every PC I use at work to do this. Its so frustrating. I really thinking on a different app for this from now.

  • The process begins with you reading the first page of this thread and filling out the form using the link there and asking them to classify you as a "private use" user. 

    I did this as well.  After a week, they sent me a document asking me to fill out a private use document stating it is only for private use.  After you do that, you cross your fingers and wait. Most people do not get it cleared easily.  Others get lucky and get all 13 of their computes cleared. 

    I remote into mom's pc from my multiple PC's (never from work) and they still think I am not a private user.  I do not remote into any other TV pc except hers. My mom does not pay for my tech support except in tasty food when i go for a visit (haha). 

    If you do not hear back from TV after a week, you will do what I do and google "Third party product".  [The sentence has been removed as per the community guidelines.] I wish TV had a better process of clearing accounts that are not being used for commercial purposes.  

  • Hello, I have a problem with your product. 3 computers are connected to my record (an old laptop, a stationary computer without a monitor, and I use it only through the remote control and a new laptop). I study at a school in Russia, and our school does not have expensive devices for programming, so I work remotely at a computer. But I can’t do it now, because this program considers me a person who uses it on a commercial basis and ends the session after 5 minutes. Can you solve this problem, I assure you, I use this beautiful product only for personal purposes. My mail is **Please do not post Personal Information**

  • I'm done banging my head against the wall with these folks.

    1. I got the "commercial use detetected" message.
    2. I filled out the form. 
    3. They "could't confirm non-commercial use."
    4. I filled out, signed and scanned the requested attestation. document. 
    5. 12 weeks have gone by (3 reminder emails sent to them) with no response.
    6. I called TV sales and spoke to a supervisor. They were very nice but could not offer any help.

    I'm now starting to investigate alternatives for home use and will share my results with my collegues in a fortune 50 IT department at work. I think that there is an opportunty for my company to save some money..