Commercial use - Connection time out



  • Stop whining, read the previous post

  • kw123
    kw123 Posts: 1

    as of today i am being kicked out after 5 minutes, repeatable.  it assumes i should buy a commercial license.

    the "about .."  states i have a free license. and i am using it only for private use. I am retired, no business

    what do i need to do?








  • hi,

    i have the dreaded commercial use detected and so i filled in the form and received an email saying couldn't work out, so still barred. so printed off another form and signed and emailed.

    no response to this so still barred

    i am trying to upgared the grandparents pc's to win10 and not going well so really not helpful this at all. i've never used my own account commercially.

    what is going on, what am i supposed to do!



  • I have the free teamviewer version that i mainly use for connecting to my pc downstairs that is connected to my 3d printer. I can then transfer files from my main pc upstairs and turn the printer on, .... I have been doing this for over 2 years and last week teamviewer started giving me notifications that it detected commercial use. I don't know how it detects this but maybe it's because of the 3Dprinting software that runs on my computer? I can now only use teamviewer for 5 mins at a time. Is there any way i can fix this?

  • I'm waiting for an answer from teamviewer specialist to reset commercial use suspected for almost two months now. I filled out the form at:

    I checked my spam also. I'm not using my team viewer for commercial use but I don't know how resolve this.

    Why do I see 'Commercial use suspected' / 'Commercial use detected' 


  • sled
    sled Posts: 3

    From my previous message the name of product was replaced by **...**. But if you ask the most popular search system about remote desktop it suggests you one of their solution

  • iPhone 8

    OS 12.2

    When you connect from your phone to your home computer, the session is canceled 59 seconds after the connection.

    Always and constantly. I'm wait more than 10 minutes and try to do something in 59 seconds.image.png


  • mikee
    mikee Posts: 24

    The tool mensioned here:  does work for me. I have not seen any sideeffects, but it does reset the teamviewer ID. No more waiting for months to support to reply. Last time my post was deleted, hopefully this one will stay.

  • I use Teaviewer since .....I do`nt know. My first call was with the founder...... And now Teamviewer calls me  "commercial user" and I get all the "comfort" from an illegal user..., as an "Insider".... Thank you very, very much to the Teamviewer team !! May be a problem of succes. And / Or:large companies  - or their employees - are not interested in individual customers, because they apparently do not understand that people like us are very important for their workplace........

  • HELLO!!!
    I've long enjoyed your program, manage a home computer when I'm at sea,AT WORK.POSLE UPDATES 15 UPDATE MY FREE ENTRANCE ZABLOKIROVAN.YA NOT use paid VERSIEY.KOGDA I'm at work I watch sometimes at his game that is included on the home COMPUTER.HELP PLEASE RESTORE MY FREE CONNECTIONS OR EXPLAIN WHAT MY PROBLEM IS, WHERE AND WHAT I VIOLATED.

  • I do not use my TeamViewer for commercial use and filled out the declaration of private use form and my TeamViewer was reset to non-commercial use.

    I just recieved an email saying that they could not confirm that I use this only for non-commercial use after I revieve my email about TeamViewer being reset and they want me to fill out another form. This would make the third time filling out the form. I did not use the program in between the emails.

    How can this be corrected? I tried calling TeamView and could not talk to anyone since I was not purchasing the software.

  • A few years ago Teamviewer picked up a lot of users after **Third Party Product** decided to kick out free accounts. As Teamviewer crowed 'free forever for private use' they are now in a bind now so they have invented this nonsense to get rid of use free loaders helping out or families.

    If they had a legitimate reason they would state what the trigger was, they haven't on here nor to any requests. 

    Filling out and signing a form again and again is just icing for them as they get to associate actual ID  AND activity with 'real' people the moment that have an address, phone number and a signature.(remember paid accounts do that via the payment method) If they are not harvesting data from their free users (remember if it's free on the internet then YOU are the product) then they are gathering data for some 'other' entity who wants it.

    1 hour a week to help my 80 year old mother deal with the interweb is ALL I ask, but that's not possible with Teamviewer.

    The ONLY thing I can think of in their defence (which they could say if it was true) is that using a VPN looks suspicious to them as the true location of the user is either variable or not as stated on the form. If that's the case then I still won't use them as a VPN is a neccessary part of trying to stay safe online.

  • I used TV for a solid 8 years as a normal home user. Helping any friends was also no problem. And the moment I began to travel often with my private laptop - I got it blocked for 'commercial use'. As well as my home private gaming desk-top PC. Which I used to connect to while on travel. The only 'commercial' thing I ever done with TV is connecting to my office laptop to check email - and ironically, it has a valid company-wide commercial license for TV. So there was literally zero 'violations' of the terms of private use - by your own documentation. Luckily, I found out that even if it is sometimes not equally good in some aspects, - **Third Party Product** is able to provide me with whatever needs I have as a private user of remote control software. And after getting a "we were unable to confirm that the submitted ID is being used privately" email in reply to reset request, the only thing I want and will say to you as a feedback is - goodbye. With that 'monopoly' over, I am really happy I don't need to worry about proving I am an honest user. I can finally use another SW with similar set of functions. Adios. Sayonara. Farewell. Enough.

  • Hello!!! Me program limits access on reason commercial work, I used program only in personal purposes, udolenno grandmother computer helped explore) Have themselves on another computer wife helped with computer and I have just 3-4 my devices. What to do, whom to write) thank you all in Advance)))

  • Commercial use. Please release it.
    I am extremely personal.
    It has been good so far.
    Please allow free use.

  • Same here , i ve got a block saying im ueing it for commercial business !! Its totaly personal use guys

  • 3ICE
    3ICE Posts: 15

    Not fixed. Still the same "Error" (no info provided.)


    Edit: I figured it out. The phrase " T o :  &L T; s u p po rt at t e a mviewer  dot c o m &G T;  " caused it to fail. Removing it allowed me to submit the rest of my appeal

    Independent / Parallel discovery Kudos go to user kodansha

  • 3ICE
    3ICE Posts: 15

    For the record, this is the Solution (sorry for double posting, it is not letting me edit because "There was an error while attempting to post your message. Try again in a few minutes."):

    Not character limit, but forbidden phrase (unmentionable address of old teamviewer support email)

    PLEASE make the Error page verbose. It took me two days to figure out this shadyness.

    @kodansha wrote:

    Update: got the form to submit successfully. I was including the text from an e-mail TeamViewer support sent to me previously so that it could be referenced in the form and I suspect I hit a character limit on form submission. I wish the form could fail in a more graceful manner so that I could have realized sooner what was going on ?

    If anyone else encounters this issue, just pare down the text in the usage explanation box until the form submits.


  • Muss auch das "Produkt der bei TV ausgeschiedenen Entwickler" parallel einsetzen um nicht immer wieder von meinem privaten Rechner abgeschnitten zu werden. Es nutzt mir auch nur bedingt etwas, dass ich Mitarbeiter bei TV kenne die meine IDs direkt an die zuständige Abteilung weiterschieben um sie vom Verdacht der kommerziellen Nutzung raus zu nehmen (geht halt deutlich schneller). Blockiert wird definitiv auch über die Quell-ID, es reicht nicht die Ziel-ID (auf die man zugreifen will) freizuschalten. Sobald man also an einem neuen Rechner, Handy, Tablet ect. sitzt wird man erneut geblockt und muss diese ID freischalten lassen. Wenn dann einige Zeit ins Land gegangen ist wird man erneut geblock. Also immer mit Arbeit verbunden und daher unzuverlässig.

  • 3ICE
    3ICE Posts: 15

    Edit: I figured it out. The phrase *** caused it to fail. Removing it allowed me to submit the rest of my appeal:

    Hi, (I tried everything to contact you, to no avail)

    The page at ***/en/support/commercial-use-suspected/ is broken. Trying to submit it shows nothing but "Error". (Zero details given as to what is wrong, why the error occurred.)

    So I am copy/pasting my entire, filled in form, and sending it to support. Here goes:

    Usage explanation


    It has been over a year since my "commercial usage detected" ban. At the time I contested the decision but got nowhere with it, never having received any response besides canned text and even that only after 2 weeks of waiting. So I gave up. But still kept TeamViewer installed on my machines. The strict limit of 1 session per day and 5 minutes until auto-disconnect have made it really difficult to continue using your product, but I persevered. My ONLY use case this past year has been to remote into my laptop from the bathroom, while I poop so that I could continue to play Hearthstone via TeamViewer. That's it.

    COMMERCIAL USE DETECTED disconnect in 5 minutes. Gg no re: I'm at home, trying to remote into my laptop from the bathroom to play Hearthstone, but okay, sure, commercial use... I lost that game obviously. After the 5 minutes were up, and connection was dropped, recovery failed. "Connections to this partner will be blocked until 00:00. Nice."

    Even before my ban, I only helped friends and family. Not commercial usage. I never accepted money in exchange for my services, not even from my least favorite neighbors. What they did pay was in chocolate. Obviously I do not sell software or collaborate with any colleagues. I never have. My only crime; Accepting some chocolate. But my sweet tooth is hardly a threat to your tech support empire.

    I did not circumvent the restriction by making separate accounts or changing my hardware ID either. I sat in "commercial usage detected" jail like a good / law abiding / upstanding citizen. I sent in my appeal and waited. A year has passed and I haven't heard from you. I feel it is justly time I petition the big boss once again. Whatever crime I may or may not have committed in the past is well and truly punished. Thoroughly as well. I did my time, now set me free from this nightmare of a restriction.

    I'd really like to be unbanned. Thank you for your consideration, I look forward to hearing from you. In closing, here is a feedback-ignored complaint email I sent that was also 100% ignored by your support team last year:

    ---------- Forwarded message ---------
    Date: Mon, Nov 5, 2018 at 3:14 PM
    Subject: Re: [#46]: TeamViewer-Feedback_13.2.26

    Hello Ms. Support Engineer,

    Thank you for your assistance. I think? Or whatever... What is this canned text!? I'm a free user, yeah, but I can still provide feedback, no? I mean the [please send us any and all feedback] link is still there in the app's about page, for all to see. So why did you even put it there if you don't actually want our feedback? This is not a support request, this is feedback. Different channels entirely... (Hopefully!)

    Tell me, why did you wait almost two weeks to send me an automated reply? It's 100% identical to the last one you sent too. Down to the signature pattern. Neither of us gain anything from it.

    Are you that snowed under!? I reply to my email within minutes! (Took me 15 more min to notice this one, because I was outside in the garden, fixing my bike.)It costs me only 30 minutes to type this length of human-written, non-canned-text. An actual, real email...Your "reply" took 12 whole days... And all you did was spam-fire some canned text at my general direction.Well, you missed! Hire more staff. Don't lie to users about wanting our feedback if all you do is ignore it.

    Plus, you didn't even quote my original email. How am I supposed to know what kind of feedback I sent originally? I completely forgot about it since then. It was weeks ago! And to boot; I sent it from within the old TeamViewer app on Windows Phone 10. By typing in a text box and filling in the template it provided.Not some email program that keeps archives of all sent and received email. I need you to quote the original email below your "reply". If canned text can even be called that.I don't even know if I wrote a one-liner or a whole essay. It wouldn't be worth fighting for a one-liner. (I faintly recall complaining about a leftover teamviewer service still running in the background even when I'm not using the app. Maybe that was all? I don't know... So in the future; assume this option is checked: I want to receive a quotation by Email. Always checked...)

    I send feedback almost every day, to various tech companies.
    Some read it, thank me, and implement a fix for whatever it was that I reported as being broken, in the next patch.
    Others reward me with free membership, gift cards, a place in the credits, etc.
    And you reward me with nothing but canned spam. And it's way past the expiry date.

    Microsoft especially rewarded me after my 1000th feedback post with a free phone (700€ value — a Lumia 950 XL pre-release test device) I still use it today. I was selected randomly but we all know they like to pick top contributors.
    Pastebin gave me a total of 12 months of premium membership for all the security vulnerabilities I found. (And even some typos, lol.)
    Zynga, R2, Gameloft, Nordcurrent, GGG, Webonic, Blizzard, all gave in-game currency.
    Even Facebook, they said thank you in a pdf scan of a proper typed and printed letter, signed by multiple people who fixed the security bug. (Sadly no bug bounty was awarded.)
    ASUS, Dell offered MVP status, and with Google I was Top Contributor for a long time as reward for my feedback (automated system but still nice).
    Teamviewer gives only a "please don't contact us again" email. Reading between the lines I see the following dismissive message: "You are nothing to us, free user. Go away."

    Thanks anyway, for the link to ***/en/support/
    And obviously I Googled whatever error message I got, and found an even better link than what you provided: ***/t5/Knowledge-Base/Why-do-I-see-Commercial-use-suspected-Commercial-...
    Better, longer F.A.Q.

    Thanks for the form though. I'm unfortunately not ready to fill it in just yet... As I did receive chocolate bars for my assistance from several family members, on multiple occasions. That counts as payment I feel.

    Daniel "3ICE" Berezvai

    On Mon, Nov 5, 2018 at 2:31 PM TeamViewer Team wrote:
    Dear User,

    Thank you for using the free version of TeamViewer and contacting us.

    As TeamViewer is used worldwide, we try to assist all our customers as fast and as efficiently as possible. At the moment, support for the free version of TeamViewer is offered via our community: ***/
    Help is provided in English.

    In case you are getting the commercial use suspect message please be aware that from now on all the commercial use suspect cases will be managed by a standard form and not via tickets, please fill out this form in this link: ***/en/support/commercial-use-suspected/ and you request will be handle as soon as possible.

    If you are a TeamViewer customer and you want to receive support, please submit a ticket here: ***/en/support/

    We hope your experience with TeamViewer only improves with time as we appreciate you choosing TeamViewer as your Remote Control software provider.

    We thank you for your understanding

    Best regards,

    [name removed by moderator]
    Support Engineer

    TeamViewer GmbH * Jahnstr. 30 * Göppingen * Deutschland
    Handelsregister: Ulm HRB
    Geschäftsführer: Oliver Steil, Stefan Gaiser

    Ticket ID: 46

    PS: TeamViewer 14 – Preview is here! Discover what’s new!

    If you receive the message "commercial use suspected" or “commercial use detected”, and you believe the way you use TeamViewer does not match the definition of commercial usage, we would like to assist you in resolving the issue.

    Using TeamViewer to help family and friends without receiving any financial compensation is considered personal use. However, using TeamViewer for the exercise of your business or profession, or for any purposes for which you directly or indirectly receive compensation – for example, team work with colleagues, or providing free support to third parties which have bought software from you – does not qualify as personal use.

    Please fill out the form below so we can confirm that you only wish to use TeamViewer for personal / non-commercial purposes. The information provided by you (Name, Address, E-Mail address) is required to review your usage and determine whether you are using TeamViewer commercially and to reach out to you after your request has been processed.

    After placing your request, there are three possible outcomes:

    We will reset your ID if private usage is confirmed
    We won’t reset your ID if commercial usage is still suspected. In this case, we will give you the opportunity to fill out a declaration of private use.
    If you provided us with an invalid device ID, we will inform you that your request could not be processed. You will have to fill out the form again but with your correct ID
    We are aiming to solve all requests within seven days. Please note that we will attend to every request. Sending multiple requests will prolong the process.

  • peert
    peert Posts: 3

    So, after getting alerted on "commercial use suspected" I sendt an email explaining my private use of Team Viewer (to support my 87 year old mother that lives 1100 km away). When that got rejected, I submitted the requested form where I sign the agreement to not use the software commerically. 

    I submitted the form on October 14, just over 2 months ago. I have sent two reminders requesting an update of the status but had no response.

    The web page states that "Due to the large number of requests we receive, answering the requests can take some time, although we are now aiming to solve all requests within seven business days." It has now gone just over 60 days since I submitted the form. 

    My questions are:

    1. when should I expect to get a response to my submitted form? Clearly, seven business days is not the answer.
    2. how do I get in touch with someone who can verify that my form was received?
  • I have been using teamviewer to do my school work remotely. I used it so much that it was detected as not personal use so I submitted the form that you facilitate for both user's ID and it was acepted a couple of days ago. So I used it once and everything was fine but now again it started saying  commercial use detected, so I am not sure if I should submit the form again or if there may be a problem with the software.

  • I have a large number of friends and family that I help from time to time but not often.  Just got blocked so started researching.  The Team Viewer knowledge base states that if you resubmit your request to unblock that the clock starts over and earlier requests are ignored.  here's the link to that page....

    I don't know how they are determining the potential commercial use.  If they were more specific, people could alter their behavior and patterns to avoid these false detections.

    Good luck.  [Removed per Community Guidelines]

  • I went to remote into a computer at home from my office and it kicked me after about 2 minutes and flagged me as commercial use. any idea why this would happen?

  • I use TeamViewer from time to time for personal use at home.  Now I got a message "action required: TV is being used commercially by you or your connection partner.  Your session will terminate within minutes. ,,, The free version of TV is for private use only."

    These are all my personal computers, at home.  My main one is downstairs and I use TV to control the ones upstairs.

    I connected to one of the computers several minutes ago, and got the message. The only thing I changed is that I increased the memory in the remote computer.

    What will fix this, so that it knows that I am a home/personal/private user?

  • I found the form to request a reset of the account, so I've done that.

  • I believe TeamViewer is intent on dropping the free version. There have been a number of complaints about improper flagging of commercial use and no indication that anyone acknowledges the form.  Has anyone attempted to phone the company  ? That will be my next move and it I can't get any sense out of anyone, I'll move to an alternative which doesn't play stupid games. Quite obviously the subscription model is completely unviable for any but multinational corporations.

  • I believe the comment 'the company doesn't care about private users' is right on the mark. Notice the apparently universal problem of no response to complaints.  In my opinion, all evidence points to the company intending to frustrate and harrass free users to the point where they pay the subscription charges that may be viable for multinationals, but are nothing less than extortionate for retirees.  If the statement regarding all concerns being addressed within seven days was actually true, I'd have some confidence in the company's bona fides, although that is evidently too much to hope for.

  • peert
    peert Posts: 3

    It would be interesting to hear if you get any response. I submitted my form 2 months ago and have still not heard anything at all.