Commercial use - Connection time out



  • peert
    peert Posts: 3

    @Johnhoward28 wrote:

    I suggest that you submit the form and explain your case.  

    @Johnhoward28 What do you suggest I do after submitting the form as instructed? 

    It is extremely unpolite to request that you sign a form that you promise to handle in about a week and then ignore it (I submitted the form more than two months ago and still got no response).

    I understand that Team Viewer is a for-profit company. I don't understand why they claim to offer free licenses for private users when this is clearly not the case. I am not offended by Adobe charging for their license, since they don't claim to offer a free license.


  • I am seeking help with this message I recieve when logging into one of my pc's.  I have 3 other pc's and I do not get this message on them.  They are all under the same account and for personal use.  I have tried deleting the program on the pc with this issue, and reinstalling, but when I log on I get the same message.  It is only on that 1 pc.  Does anyone have advice for me ?

  • You seem to be reporting an issue, unrelated to the topic of this thread. The advice would be to find an existing topic that fits the description of your problem and post there, or create a new one.

  • satt45
    satt45 Posts: 1

    why keep saying i am commercial user?

  • ntekin
    ntekin Posts: 1


    I am using teamviewer as a noncommercial user (a student). However, it keeps ask me to buy lience and then lock my account. I asked you to solve this problem before but still i have a problem. Could you please check my account on ***information removed*** and give permission to noncommercial use? It is very urgent issue.


  • tmdag
    tmdag Posts: 1

    I am getting message that that i am or i was using teamviewer for commercial purposes (while i never did).

    While this is happening, i also cannot contact support for teamviewer as i don't have a commercial license. 

  • I have used TeamViewer for many years to support my Mom and other family members. A few months ago, it flagged me as suspected commercial use and I followed all the steps to get my usage OK'd. I sent in the  "Declaration of private use" form on Nov 25, heard nothing, and have had no reply to followups. I am sending these to <>.

    Just no reply, so I don't know what to do. 


  • RaconZ
    RaconZ Posts: 1

    Danke Teamviewer!!

    Nach nun mehr Jahren der erfolgreichen Nutzung von TV im privaten Umfeld werde ich nun beschnitten, weil ich angeblich eine kommerzielle Nutzung betreibe.

    Dank der eigenen 5 Kinder und selber im IT Wesen beheimatet zusätzlichFamilie und Verwandten, sind das nun mal ca. 20 Endgeräte in meinem Adressbuch, wo leider immer wieder der eine oder der andere Hilfe braucht.

    Nun ist damit aber Schluß, denn ihr habt mir den Stecker gezogen. Da ich ja angeblich kommerzielle Nutzung betreibe. Ich kann nur sagen, irgendwann trifft es jeden und ein Konkurrent in der Welt holt auf, auch wenn nur langsam aber er macht sich. Somit kann ich nur sagen, liebe Community entweder gibt es eine Free Lizenz oder eben nicht, dann sollen sie eine Kosten Neutrale TV Lizenz für uns dumme Privat Nutzer generieren, aber das aktuelle ist eine schande.

    Auch wenn ich vermute das mein Beitrag gelöscht wird, hier noch eine alternative für euch alle da draußen: **Third Party Product**

    Macht Werbung damit TV mal aufwacht oder eben weiter auf seinen Lorbeeren hockt.

  • rhn
    rhn Posts: 1

    I heard about this happening, but never thought it was this dumb...

    I use TV for only two things: Access my local media server, and tech support on my mom's PC(remote). Tonight my parents call me that their wifi isnt working, so I fire up TV and connects to my moms desktop(with randomized PW she reads to me on the phone!). The second I open the wifi configuration software that came with the accesspoint(not even a commercial grade AP!) I get struck by the "Commercial use" warning and it boots me before I can do anything.

    Judging by the other people complaining about the response time on the reset, I guess I am now in for a 200+km drive to my parents house, and they will have to live without wifi for several days. I expected better of TeamViewer...

    (PS: I wouldnt mind paying something to be rid of this **bleep**, but starting price for the commercial version is pure **bleep** for just doing tech support for my family a few times a year.)

  • Ive submited the form 4 times and my TV is still blocked on both my phone (android) and surface.  What do i need to do to get this unblocked?

    Thx in advance for your help!


  • Hi

    I can't use the software anymore, I keep getting the message saying it's professional use despite Im doing private use only. And how would you even know ? are you spying on us ?

    Anyway Im at work and try to reach my personnal home computer for internet browsing and such so what's the problem please help


  • Vatsilidis
    Vatsilidis Posts: 655 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi, many companies count the time of using the app by looking your public Internet IP address.

    One good start, i think it could be to renew your and your customer's public IP addresses and see how it will work. The easy way to do this is to reboot the Internet Router.

    In case you have a static IP address, one good way maybe is to communicate with the support team to solve it.

    Regards, Lampros

  • @Closed account: After I have been following this topic of (supposedly unjustified assumption) "commercial use" in this community for a few weeks now, because I am confronted with it myself, I unfortunately have to conclude that the "fault" of the long processing time of users affected by complaints is NOT only to be found with the "Teamviewer" team.
    For example, if a user writes that he ONLY connects to his PC at work to read e-mails and edit documents... and cannot see any "commercial use" in it... etc. then I, as an employee of the manufacturer, do not want to have to answer such a complaint.
    So I think that some people should reflect a little before complaining. Because they are wasting the time of the employees and reasonable complaints cannot be processed...

  • I am attempting to connect to my home computer, not my work computer so I dont understand why I am being flagged for "commercial use"

    What do I need to do to have this unblocked?

    Thanks for your help and I appologize if you think I am wasting your time... just need this unblocked so I can use it for personal use



  • In order to have the Commercial Use message removed, you need to fill out the TeamViewer ID reset form and not try to submit a ticket.  You can do that here:**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**.9246135.**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**-**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**.**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**

    TeamViewer should make this more accessible.  I had to search far and wide for it.  

  • It took me a couple weeks after I submitted mine in before I got cleared.  I do the same as my family is located all across the west coast.

  • Connection blocked after timeout, I get disconnected after about 30-60 seconds of beening connected to my uncle, giving him remote support on his home computer.

    Why does this happen? Why do I need to wait 10 minutes or more to be able to connect again? rather silly in my eyes.

  • I was blocked two months ago, submitted a "Declaration of private use" form, and my service was restored. Took about a week. By the way, they don't inform you that you've been cleared. It just sorta happens. I was relieved and somewhat pleased. BUT yesterday I found that I was blocked again. No way in **bleep** did I do anything even remotely commercial on it in the last month. So, I've RE-submited my forms.

    Now, I like TeamViewer. There are other options, but TeamViewer is the most functional. That being said, DO NOT EVER rely on TeamViewer. Always have another method of connection available. They won't let me tell you here what those other methods are, but they're easy and free.

  •  @TiRohn  Also... weiß gar nicht so richtig, wie ich es schreiben soll....Darum dann mal so : "Wie blöd kann man denn sein ???", wäre vielleicht eine ganz gute Frage....., aber ich will ja nicht unhöflich sein. Du schreibst, daß Du nur kurz von Denem Laptop aus eine Verbindung zu einem (Firmen-?) Server machst - und Du durch die Unterbrechung der Verbindung zu diesem Server "so" nicht arbeiten kannst.... Und dann klagst Du hier über die Feststellung einer "angeblich" kommerzielle Verwendung ? ? ? Wie, bitte, begündest Du die lediglich private Nutzung ? Das würde ich echt gern wissen. Denn so langsam tun mir die Mitarbeiter leid, die solche Klagen beantworten müssen - und denen durch sowas die Zeit für die Bearbeitung berechtigter Klagen fehlt...

  • TiRohn
    TiRohn Posts: 3

    @kwilleke  schrieb:

     @TiRohn  Also... weiß gar nicht so richtig, wie ich es schreiben soll....Darum dann mal so : "Wie blöd kann man denn sein ???", wäre vielleicht eine ganz gute Frage....., aber ich will ja nicht unhöflich sein. Du schreibst, daß Du nur kurz von Denem Laptop aus eine Verbindung zu einem (Firmen-?) Server machst - und Du durch die Unterbrechung der Verbindung zu diesem Server "so" nicht arbeiten kannst.... Und dann klagst Du hier über die Feststellung einer "angeblich" kommerzielle Verwendung ? ? ? Wie, bitte, begündest Du die lediglich private Nutzung ? Das würde ich echt gern wissen. Denn so langsam tun mir die Mitarbeiter leid, die solche Klagen beantworten müssen - und denen durch sowas die Zeit für die Bearbeitung berechtigter Klagen fehlt...

    @kwilleke :  Aha, und das soll jetzt also nicht unhöflich sein? Ich habe durchaus einen "Use Case", welcher mein nicht kommerzielles Nutzen dieser auch aus dem Firmennetz begründet, und dies habe ich einem Mitarbeiter erklären können, welcher sich die Zeit und Geduld nahm, sich dessen anzunehmen und sich nicht zu Schade war dafür. Schade finde ich es allerdings, dass es immer wieder Personen gibt, welche sich lieber die Zeit nehmen solche Kommentare wie deiner zu schreiben, anstatt entweder einfach darüber hinweg zu lesen, wenn man das Gefühl hat das sei nicht richtig oder man kann nichts beitragen, oder sich dann echt die Zeit nehmen würden, das Problem zu verstehen. Wenn dann dabei heraus kommt, dass es nicht gerechtfertigt ist, kann man ja immer noch entsprechende Massnahmen oder Antworten einleiten... Aber, die Internet Welt scheint wirklich überall von Trollen zu sein... In diesem Sinne wünsche ich noch frohes rum motzen weiterhin... 

  • Firstly I have just followed the process to submit a form to ensure that my account is correctly recognised as Personal, not Commercial, and that has been approved. I have a number of devices at home, including an iPad. All devices are tied to my TV account under a single login (email is the same login for all)

    However when I try to use the iPad to access the other devices via "My Computers" where they are listed, it still seems to think I am using it commercially. I can only assume that the process which sees usage as Commercial vs Personal is tied to the TV ID, not the user login email.

    So firstly if that assumption can be confirmed or clarified I'd be grateful. Secondly, have I overlooked a step somewhere which ensures all the devices I log in from see my usage as personal? Thanks in advance.

  • Hello, for me the TV disconnects not after 5 minutes, but after 30 seconds! I use it non-commercially, yet it says commercial use detected. Can you do something about it? It is Ubuntu PC at **Please do not post personal information** account. Thank you

  • Looks like TV started to rely on AI to recognize comm use...

  • I am receiving a notice that I'm using Teamviewer commercially when connecting to my wife's computer from my own. I have filled out the form to certify that I am a personal user only but I have not received any response. I have sent in the form twice with two weeks between submissions and nothing. How long until I get a response? Thanks.

  • Hi,

    I've been flagged as commercial use. Not sure why but I filled out the form to ask for this to be cleared. They investigated and cleared the issue. 
    First time after this clear I log back in and am immediately told that suspected commercial and gives me the same blocks as before. Really it didn't seem like anything was done. 

    I then emailed letting them know the story and that I would like this cleared, to which I received an auto-response saying to fill out the form.
    Now whenever I email them I get a case closed email and nothing else. 

    They don't have phone support. I can't email, and the form doesn't work.
    So, anyone know what I'm supposed to do now? 


    [Personal Information removed per Community Guidelines]

  • Hi all,

    I have a problem with my TW. I use TW for personal purposes, but TW behaves as if I did not activate business version. I have a standard (personal) account and it doesn't matter if I'm signed in to the app or not. Reinstall does not help. TW cutoff connection after 20-30s.

    My question - why?

  • Hi

    new to all this tech as will come clear!

    I have the free version installed and was able to conect to the remote


    I was working on the tablet when the conection was lost. When I spoke to the person with the tablet it was stii conected to the internet the conection was not lost.

    I can only imagine that with the free version you only get a set amount of time.

    Is this correct

    Any help appreciated.

  • Same problem; we do use it commercially and all of our users are now dead in the water working from home in the snow, accessing workstations at the office failing. Complete failure and unacceptable.

    WD Help Desk
  • I am getting the same issue. I am trying to connect to my home computer to check on the progress of a 3D print I have going.

    Even though it said it thought I was using this in a business environment, it was still supposed to give me five minutes of connection. Instead I was only able to stay connected for about 30 seconds and then it disconnects me. Then it prompts me to buy a business license, but states that "use of TeamViewer with family and friends without any financial compensation is considered as personal use." Really? Then why can I not connect to the computer I have had connected to my account for the last 5 years?