Commercial use - Connection time out



  • silent13
    silent13 Posts: 1


    I am trying to connect to my pc from my second house and every time i use teamviewer to connect i am getting disconnected after one minute of usage. I use teamviewer for personal usage to connect to my pc but this limit of 1 minute makes my life miserable! Please help me!

    Thank you in advance!

  • I used this for the first time today to help my mother out with her new ipad (which replaces her 1st or 2nd generation ipad so is very different) and we kept getting this message. I noticed that I was still able to see her screen but she had a neighbour there who was using facetime on his phone as well so that I could see her screen as well. When the Quicksupport App disconnects I am still able to see her screen but imagine that if we had tried to use the audio feature as well that would have been disconnected. Would I still be able to talk to her via telephone and monitor her screen despite the session saying it had disconnected? I presume I am not able to control her ipad at all or is that incorrect? I will either connect to her from my iphone or my Macbook Air.

  • Kon0105
    Kon0105 Posts: 1

    Hello, I am looking for the way to access a laboratory local computer remotely because of Corona Virus.

    I found Teamviewer and knew that this was already installed by anonymous person.

    So, I installed Teamviewer on my Home computer and tried to log on the lab local computer.

    But, I got an message that said me "detected commerical use".

    I don't know why this message popped up.

    In my view, many people are logging on the lab local computer(especically because of corona virus) remotely, so my trial was detected as commerical use.

    In this case, what is the best way to use lab computer remotely?

  • pete666
    pete666 Posts: 2

    after many attempts including trying to call teamviewer still blocking me and covid 19 trying to help my 80 year old parents

    maybe teamviewer might want to think about sorting this out once and for all

    or how about under the current conditions dropping the blocks altogether...

  • lindsay2
    lindsay2 Posts: 2

    My mother, aged 88, is in isolation for the next 12 weeks. I, as a long-term asthmatic, am in isolation for the next 12 weeks.

    I have used the free version of TeamViewer to help my mother with her computer for at least a couple of years. She has very little understanding of what she is doing.

    Today I tried to log on to upgrade her version of Skype, so that we can talk to her. I had to spend 30 minutes on the phone talking her through updating her version of Team Viewer, and then update my own. I managed to see her screen for less than 10 seconds before I was cut off and told that I had been timed out!

    I have since managed to get on twice more, but each time for less than a minute. And now I am being told that I am a commercial customer and must pay before I can have access.

    I have tried opening a support ticket, but the links to do so just keep bring me back to this forum.

    I have NEVER used Team Viewer for any other reason than to access my mother's computer.

    This is REALLY shoddy.

    You either have a free version, or you don't.

    I have no idea what to do now. 

    It seems that my only option might be to upgrade to commercial usage. But I will NEVER pay Team Viewer after this experience.

  • Hi Lindsay
    As I am having the same issue although I am technical I use it to connect to my boys in UK whilst I am in Europe for personal use only.
    Either we pay TeamViewer (perhaps twice) for each connection or ...

    I am looking at **Third Party Product** and it works on my local LAN ie 2 PCs in the same room or building
    As soon as I have figured out port forwarding on my router (Complex bordering on complicated) I will let you know. Theres is lots of help out there although you will have to configure x2 router, yours and Mums (not ideal but thats's protocols)

    I hope this helps

    Kind Regards


  • lindsay2
    lindsay2 Posts: 2

    Thank you much Richard - if you get it sorted out, I will try the same!

  • Hi Lindsay

    What is alos interesting is a Quick fix such as WhatsApp; there is an extension thro' the browser Opera so then you can send links via WhatsApp

    I hope this helps


  • phatent
    phatent Posts: 3

    Hey Lindsay2, 

    I use /d TV from kind of the time it hit the market back in the beginning of the 2000´s.... 
    I once got put on the commercial line but then there was a customer support and people actually helping... today when I called TV in HQ Germany, (I was born there) I was told that onyl paying customers get support and the "free users" have the froum where no one from TV gives a **bleep** about us.... on their homepage it still says that there is a free version of TV... I will not pay TV for the 1-2 times a year I am helping my parents or friends from time to time as it is just not paying out... I am not making and nver made money with it as if I would I´d frikken pay and make money then.... it is very frustrating that TV does NOT help at all and although I sent my hand signed form to them via mail I had no response since... I believe it was like 3-4 months ago maybe.. I stopped tracking as I am slowly giving up on them... they used to be a great company with a good mindset and very nice support with fast response and good problem solving... I guess resession has them too or somethng else I do not know.... but this **bleep*... 

    I hope all turns out to the better for you and your mom. stay healthy and safe. 



  • netgeek1
    netgeek1 Posts: 1

    Teamviewer used to be great, but now it really **bleep**!!! I only use it to connect to my mother and father PCs and in the past few months it locks me down to 1 minute and says I'm using it commercially. I tried the idiotic "Why do I see 'Commercial use suspected' / 'Commercial use detected'" and the support team came back with "Thank you for your request regarding being unblocked from using the free version of TeamViewer. After reviewing the information provided to us, we were unable to confirm that the submitted ID is being used privately." The account I use to log in with only has ONE PC connected to it... 

    Teamviewer team, if you want to stop offering a free product, fine, lock it down to trial only, but if you do continue to offer a free product, stop being **bleep**!!! You have 1000's of posts with this same issue.

  • Peta1453
    Peta1453 Posts: 1

    I downloaded Teamviewer version 15.3.8497 for personal use, and I chose personal use during installation, but later it shows that I only have a 6 days trial and will be charged after the trial. I only use this software for perosnla use, why am I being charged? Hope teamviewer community can help me solve this problem :)

    For additional information, I am using newest windows operting system for team viewer.

  • Dear Martin

    Thanks for reply, very informative and mirrors my experience. They have replied to me now with a form to sign "on my honour" so we will wait and see.

    Kind Regards and Respects to your family and that of Lindsay (of course)

  • Bonzadog
    Bonzadog Posts: 28
    Welcome to the club...believe me you are far from being alone. I would have though TV would have dropped this by now but are very obviously continuing that path to destruction. Someone started a petition about the practice, and I am trying to find it. @tv PLEASE STOP THIS - either kill the free version or charge a modest amount and improve the commercial detection. The latter does not work.
  • mocherif
    mocherif Posts: 7 [Former Staff]

    Hello, thank you for your inquiry. The QuickSupport app disconnect is actually a limitation on the iOS platform, as it does not allow apps to go in the background. When the screen is being captured and streamed from your mom's iPad to you, the TeamViewer QuickSupport app needs to be backgrounded, and iOS will end up killing it as it has a short timer on apps backgrounded. Hence we stop it. So nothing is wrong with how you use the app, this is how the feature is supported with the current platform limitations, and screensharing will continue after we stop QuickSupport. You will be able to view the remote screen, but not control it. There is no interference with making phone calls. Hope this helps. Cheers!

  • I sent in my affidavit and I just got this reply:

    Dear User,

    Thank you very much for sending your self-declaration of personal use to us.

    We have successfully reset the TeamViewer ID you submitted via the form provided earlier, and we acknowledge that you are using TeamViewer for personal use only.

    With your signed declaration, we took additional steps to make sure your TeamViewer ID remains reset.

    The reset has been applied within the last five business days.

    Please note that if your usage pattern changes and your connections are deemed to be Commercial in nature, your reset may be reverted at any time.

    Furthermore, please keep in mind that a TeamViewer connection always involves two devices (TeamViewer IDs) and the pop-up might be displayed because of the remote side.

    Have fun with TeamViewer and enjoy your day.


    We look forward to hearing from you.


    Best Regards,

    Your TeamViewer Team.

  • Barrytoo
    Barrytoo Posts: 4
    What about: "Fixed an issue where the remote session gets terminated after a few seconds, followed by a pop-up message that accuses such personal usage to be detected as commercial thought both parties are connected to the same router in the same house"? It has been over a year since this issue first appeared and no colleague of yours that I have contacted cared about looking into this nor even report it to someone who will. The Web app, the Chrome app and the Windows 10 app versions of TeamViewer don't have this issue, unlike the desktop version. That said, if you really want to pressure personal usage to be paid for, you should consider the aforementioned ones too. Otherwise, just care about fixing this issue. Thanks A former TeamViewer user
  • Barrytoo
    Barrytoo Posts: 4

    What about: "Fixed an issue where the remote session gets terminated after a few seconds, followed by a pop-up message that accuses such personal usage to be detected as commercial though both parties are connected to the same router in the same house"?

    It has been over a year since this issue first appeared and no colleague of yours that I have contacted cared about looking into this nor even report it to someone who will.

    The Web app, the Chrome app and the Windows 10 app versions of TeamViewer don't have this issue, unlike the desktop version. That said, if you really want to pressure personal usage to be paid for, you should consider the aforementioned ones too. Otherwise, just care about fixing this issue.


    A former TeamViewer user

  • Barrytoo
    Barrytoo Posts: 4

    What about: "Fixed an issue where the remote session gets terminated after a few seconds, followed by a pop-up message that accuses such personal usage to be detected as commercial though both parties are connected to the same router in the same house"?

    It has been over a year since this issue first appeared and no colleague of yours that I have contacted cared about looking into this nor even report it to someone who will.

    The Web app, the Chrome app and the Windows 10 app versions of TeamViewer don't have this issue, unlike the desktop version. That said, if you really want to pressure personal usage to be paid for, you should consider the aforementioned ones too. Otherwise, just care about fixing this issue.

    Update: This has been the third time I posted this reply since someone deleted it twice. That says something...


    A former TeamViewer user

  • varko95
    varko95 Posts: 1


    I'm Daniel and I have some problem with my teamviewer licence. I have a free licence for personal use, but today I couldn't connect with an other computer becouse the teamviewer said I have to by a licence or extend free licence. I can still access the other computer from my phone. Could you help me to make my free licence active?

    Thank You!

  • tucker57
    tucker57 Posts: 1

    I had the same problem...what do i do..

  • Barrytoo
    Barrytoo Posts: 4

    What about: "Fixed an issue where the remote session gets terminated after a few seconds, followed by a pop-up message that accuses such personal usage to be detected as commercial though both parties are connected to the same router in the same house"?

    It has been over a year since this issue first appeared and no colleague of yours that I have contacted cared about looking into this nor even report it to someone who will.

    The Web app, the Chrome app and the Windows 10 app versions of TeamViewer don't have this issue, unlike the desktop version.

    That said, if you really want to pressure personal usage to be paid for, you should consider the aforementioned ones too. Otherwise, just care about fixing this issue.

    Note: This is the 4th time I've posted this reply since someone keeps deleting it. That says something...


    A former TeamViewer user

  • starcast
    starcast Posts: 1

    Please someone help. 
    I am using personal no commerical version of TeamViewer and it keeps telling me my trial has expired.
    Even made a new Free account and it still does this.
    Re-installed after a clean wipe four times and no change. 
    I really need to fix this issue. 
    Remote access is very important for me right now.... 
    (For almost all of us I'm sure)

  • I think I clicked the wrong button when I've installed TV becouse I don't use it for work. I use it to help my mother to work from home. Any method to get back the trial version?

    I know you usually don't answer this type of request. There are huge number of similar questions in the community, all without any response... if it's a business policy say that and try to underline the importance of chosing right setting during the installation. I never seen a program that marks users in such a way, from certian point of view it doesn't make any sense...

    Hope you will be more comprensive in such a period.


  • So I know how to get it to work.

    You must uninstall TeamViewer on the Lab computer. From your description, it sounds like the user installed TeamViewer as Commercial use instead of personal.

    Once you uninstall TeamViewer, you must change the MAC address of the system. Otherwise TeamViewer will continue to block your system because they register the MAC in their database (I know it's F***ing annoying)

    So not to worry, Windows 10 allows you to change the MAC address. You'll need administrator access to do this, so I recommend getting permission from your network administrator.

    Go into network settings and select the main network adapter. Configure the driver. Go into the driver settings (it's different for some computers so it may be under Advanced tab) Find "Locally Administered Address"


    You'll need to change the MAC address here. Use the current MAC address + 01 at the end.

    Example: If your current MAC address is: 00:0A:00:1F:05:08 then use 00:0A:00:1F:05:09 for the new address. To find your current MAC address, simply run 

    ipconfig /all

    in command prompt. Then find the correct network adapter and the MAC address will be associated with that adpater.

    Once you changed the MAC address, you can now install Team Viewer again! This time select Personal use only.

    Hope this helps you more than Team Viewer support can during this time of distress.

  • Recently TeamViewer announced that for the time-being they will not be checking or blocking for commercial use detection.


    So it should work now for the time being.

  • lyzerak
    lyzerak Posts: 2

    Hallo zusammen

    Ich benutze TV ausschliesslich privat und nicht kommerziell.

    Leider musste ich einen Antrag stellen, damit TV mein Konto (welches fälschlicherweise als kommerziell markiert wurde) als Privatbenutzer zurücksetzt.

    Ich habe vor gut zwei Monaten das Bestätigungsmail erhalten, welches besagt dass meine TV ID zurückgesetzt wurde. Leider kann ich nach wie vor TV nicht benutzen, da "Testv

  • Phil7
    Phil7 Posts: 8

    The problem for me is oncec the minute is up the screen hangs.

    The screen recording stops. In other words I cannot work with this.

    What other settings should I check?

  • mocherif
    mocherif Posts: 7 [Former Staff]

    Hello! Please try to use our latest app releases for both sender and receiver. Let us know if you can still reproduce, and if so what devices/OS versions are you using. Cheers!

  • Phil7
    Phil7 Posts: 8

    Thanks for your concern.

    My Imac is running macOS Catalina 10.15.3

    Team Viewer is 15.4.4445

    Currently testing with my Ipad Software 13.4 on same network (could this cause problems) The QS teamviewer is 15-4-1

    I make contact but as soon as the line drops so does the video of my ipad screen

    Hope this all makes sense to you.




  • SandoHP
    SandoHP Posts: 11

    @Giovanni7 (and @starcast), have you followed the guide on to uninstall TeamViewer? Deleting the relevant registry items as described there should help. Otherwise you could consider using Revo Uninstaller.