Commercial use - Connection time out



  • I submitted a ticket as well and have not heard back from anyone.  From looking at the tickets they seem to only care about the paid versions and don't answer people that have the free versions.

  • Hi,

    I use teamviewer from my tablet, mobile phone and laptop to access my home desktop remotely. Recently, my tablet no longer logs in to my teamviewer account. Checking the log file on my tablet, I see  that my ID is blocked. Uninstalling and reinstalling doesn’t help. It works fine from all other devices. Any idea why this is happening and how can it be unblocked?

  • How did you fix this?

  • wrong add. please delete it

  • How did you fix this?
  • Jomel
    Jomel Posts: 2
    Email to teamviewer & ask for reset to private use.
  • Thank you both!!
  • Note that I used this form and while TV unblocked my ID for private use they gave me a clear answer that as soon as my PC at work is involved it constitues commercial use, apparently independent on wether the *purpose* is personal use. So if you're using this from your workplace to do some private things at home or help your family and friends, you're not allowed to do that on the free license, you need to purchase a commercial license.

  • That's a bit absurd. If it's for your personal use what does it matter where you are when you use it. Anyway I don't work in an office and only used TV to help friends and family. Don't really know what triggered this.
  • I don't know why, but here's the exact response I received from Teamviewer, taken verbatim from the email.

    "This means, if you use it at work or support customers and colleagues, it will be commercial usage. Therefore, you are not allowed to use the free version of TeamViewer in any office environments. As soon as one of the PCs participating in a session is connected to a commercial network (office/school/etc.) it is considered commercial use."

    Emphasis added by me. Yes, it sounds absurd to me as well but it's their tool and their rules. Obviously purchasing a commercial license for personal use is out of the question so I will have to stop using it and uninstall it from the PCs from friends and families.


  • Lately I've been using **Third Party Product** and it works great. Lacks a few functions TV has but it does the trick.

  • What does **Third Party Product** lack that TV has please? (I dont use all the features, mainly remote control and going to full screen....)

  • Is this a bug? do you guys get this too?

    IDK whatsup.

    EDIT : Also guys, Why I dont have at the bottom of the Teamviewer saying Free non-commercial use? 

    My bro on his pc got it, But I dont. why?

  • I suppose if you were at work in an office with commercial wifi, which would trigger a "commercial use" flag even thought it's your own personal laptop to your own personal computer at home, you could fire up a mobile hotspot from your phone and connect via that , so you don't use team viewer whilst connected to an office network. Unless they use VERY precise location services they cant tell if your phone is in the building or outside it, and anyway if you use your own phone it's clearly private.

  • I have a customer who installed TV13 as a 'commercial trial' license instead of personal / free use. I only need access to the PC occasionally using my paid for account to check a few things for this customer.

    I have uninstalled and re-installed as personal / non-commercial, but it now has a trial end date (in 3 days!), so need to know how to make it a free / non-trial mode version again please.

    Thanks, Gary.

  • I link to my friends TeamViewer. He can see my partner id and I can see his partner id obviously. Is it possible for someone else to view what he was showing me without him knowing. If they entered my partner id. Then would the new party see what the initial partner was showing but the original partner not know
  • Hello,

    I am getting the message that I am using my Teamviewer for non-private purposes. Why is the report coming? I only connect to my devices and sometimes to familiar ones, but everything is private.

  • UnneJ
    UnneJ Posts: 1

    Hi, by mistake I selected commercial use and now i am unable to access my another system at AUS. can someone help me with this??

  • Kubba
    Kubba Posts: 1

    Hi I have the same problem. By mistake I chosed commercial use during the installation on my privte computer and after 3 days I have information about my license expiration. I unistall softwar and install it again for private use but still same alert. Is there any chance now to use it free just for privte use on privte computer? Thank you in advance

    Ps sorry for my english .... :)

  • How was it resolved? I have this problem too.

  • Just use **Third Party Product**

  • I'm a personal user but suddenly i cant download the tm v11 & other version because of "trial expired". I just want to know, what can i do??. Help me ASAP
  • I have 5 pc in my house and i get pop up that i have 2 mins if i will run the tw in one of my 5 p's otherwise i have to buy a license ...
    This program cant see those pc is in same range and im using it only for my computers ?

    Did some one have the same problem ?

  • **Third Party Product** is fine. I use it now often.

  • kumarc
    kumarc Posts: 1

    can anyone advise how to fix this issue. i accidently selected commercial when i installed teamviewer. then it's shows that trail version will be expired. i have called your technical support. the person who had picked up my call, just told me that she wont support. it's rediculous. how the user can use if you dont provide a support. i have tried to unstalled and installed again. same issue. also have been removed registry, temp folder .

    Kindly assist 



  • As of today TeamViewer keeps timing out at exactly 55 seconds.  I get the message that commercial use is suspected (which it isn't as I only use for my own personal computers and family computers) and that it will time out after 5 minutes.  All day each attempt to connect to a machine times out at exactly 55 seconds and then it won't let me reconnect for 10 minutes. Very frustrating and makes me think time to look at another product.

    Anyone else with the same problem?

    Seems like a developer has put the time decimal point in the timeout counter in the wrong spot.



  • Hi,

    i use teamviewer only to connect to my computer at home and to private computers of my family to help them. It could happen like yesterday, that i don´t close the teamviewer session and it closes automatically after some time. Today i wanted to open teamviewer and i get the message that teamviewer thinks i use it commercial, but this is wrong.
    Please set my account again to private.



  • Tyr
    Tyr Posts: 1

    Hello there,

    The same goes for me. I'm using TV to connect from my work PC to my phone. The work PC does have a licence for commercial use, while I use a non-commercial version for my connection to my private PC and phone. I admit to beeing lazy and leaving the connection open while working. Today I received a message that TV thinks I am using it for commecial use. That seems weird.

