Commercial use - Connection time out



  • Zhang_Xinyu
    Zhang_Xinyu Posts: 2
    edited December 2021

    Good noon!

    I am a Chinese student. I connect to my office computer remotely just to use my browser to check the information and have no commercial use. TeamViewer remote connection lasts only a few seconds, and then shows: your license limits the maximum session time with your partner (Originally in Chinese, English is my translation). My office computer IP is [removed per Community Guidelines] and ID is [removed per Community Guidelines].

    I look forward to your help. Thanks you!

    Xinyu Zhang

  • Chrigu1
    Chrigu1 Posts: 0
    edited March 2021

    Since last authorization of private use in 2020, TV worked fine until last week although I received no new notice of suspected commercial use.

    My situation is just the same as last (78 yo crippled retiree) year and I’d be so grateful if I'd could remainas a non-business (and veteran) user!

    I’m handicapped and had to get three PCs, one on each three levels of my house as walking is difficult for me :

    ·       Asus-Pantry

    ·       Lenovo-Living

    ·       Nycom-Office

    All machines are my property and are strictly and exclusively used privately at my home!

    TeamViewer use is flawless to and

    [removed by a moderator per Community Guidelines]

    from Lenovo and Nycom.

    But communication to or from Asus Pantry is almost immediately (two to five seconds) blocked with the following message : 

    "Connexion bloquée après expiration du délai de réponse

    "Votre licence limite la durée...

    I suppressed, then reinstalled TeamViewer on Asus, with no avail.

    Communications to and from Asus are still blocked after a few seconds…

    I’ll be happy and thankful to read or hear from you!

    Many thanks in advance.

    I wish you and your team a nice day far away from SRAS-CoV-2 and Covid-19…

  • glevi
    glevi Posts: 0


    I have been using TV for many years, helping my mother and my mother-in-law (89 and 83 y/o respectively) with their computers. A full year out of this period was over the Atlantic Ocean. And it always worked flawlessly. Until a few days ago.

    It terminates my session within a few seconds from the connection, with the announcement that it timed out.

    I never installed a commercial version and I never used it for commercial purposes. No idea what happened, all of a sudden!

    Please help me help them!

  • Msraps
    Msraps Posts: 1

    I have several other PC`s w/o this problem and one is showing it. It worked a week ago w/o peoblems and now I have the Time out problem. Has anyone found a solution, yet ?.

    Best regards,

    Per Abildskov


  • JanPihlgren
    JanPihlgren Posts: 1
    edited March 2021

    I alse been timed out after a few seconds. Why does this happends?

    This happeds after I upgraded to 15.15.5 NI

    I Use TeamViewer for privat use.

    My TeamViewer ID is ** Please do not post TeamViewer IDs **

  • glevi
    glevi Posts: 0

    And same here, I also posted a separate question earlier today. Never had a commercial account, never had any problem connecting to my mom's computer, not even from overseas.

    Now it times out my session after a few seconds and does exactly what the comrades above described!

    Please help!


  • rozina
    rozina Posts: 0

    The session timed out and the session will cliose for what

  • jarkke1
    jarkke1 Posts: 0

    Hi. I used TV for many years to help around 20 people. Recently after connection I keep being disconnected. It says that I use commercially. Can I do something with it?

  • funkhelp
    funkhelp Posts: 1

    Thanks for your 'answer'.

    I got a message to my question to TeamViewer-support:


    Natascha 11:18AM

    Hello - the software suspects that you are using it commercially. In our community, the topic is already discussed in a thread and I'll combine your post to it. On the first page, you will find a post from Esther, which explains everything. To already give you the right link at hand, where you can request the reset for private use, I'll send it to you right away:

    And sorry that this post is called "warning". It's systemic and I've already asked for a change. This here is of course not a warning but a help 😊

    Best regards, Natascha:


    I followed the link and still are waiting for a feedback to my request to reset the TeamViewer-functionallity like before

  • same problem with my account ..worked for years for private use , now i get kicked out of every session after 30 seconds and then blocked

    sent the pdf , if they dont respond i use another product ...very unfunny in a pandemic situation

  • Me too. I submitted the pdf, waiting for unblocking my account.

  • Kalaman
    Kalaman Posts: 4
    edited March 2021

    Since last week, after less than 5 minutes I'm disconnected from the pc of a family member. I tried it with the another pc, but do get the same problem. After no more than a minute Teamviewer stops working and I get a message that I have to wait until p.e. 15:10. When I try again at 15:10 I get the message that I have to wait until 15:11. And this continues all the time. I'm not a professional user and are just helping my family. What could be wrong since a few days? I have the latest version of Teamviewer and am using Windows 10.

  • hi, infact i have the same prblm, in this last week, continuosly i am comng out by th 2 computer i have, 1 in home and 1 in garage, they says alwais releved work professional uses??????? and diconnect, immediatly, anyone can help to me? thanks

  • Hey, that's great! Moderator AlenaC merged my thread into this thread. But my last answer to JoshP was NOT moved. I can't see it here.

    So once again... my problem is NOT solved. I do NOT use private and commercial license on same device.

    As commercial user I must say, that TeamViewer is a great tool. But as private user I wonder why support ignores their users.

    You can't solve a problem like the last US President by telling people that there is no problem! 😤

  • Kalaman
    Kalaman Posts: 4
    edited March 2021

    I followed the url to request it for personal use. When I filled in all data I get this:

    "To proceed with the reactivation process, please print, sign, and scan this PDF.

    Please upload your signed PDF in the Upload File field below, so we can process your request. Please save your PDF for future reference.

    Download PDF

    Total file size is 0.02 MB"

    However, nothing is happening when I hit 'download pdf'. Nothing is downloading. So hard to send a pdf-file that's not downloading...

  • hello it's been about 2 weeks since I can't remotely enter my PCs from my smartphone or other PCs as the system tells me that I have reached the maximum connection time.

    what does it mean and what should I do?

    I have always and only used the sw to work remotely on my own computer and never for professional reasons.

    I've already written a couple of messages but never got a reply. what can I do?

  • gielhansen
    gielhansen Posts: 1
    edited March 2021

    Same problem here.

    Since there is no sign from TV that this is going to be solved, I installed **Third Party Product** instead for remote control, and it's actually working great. Really simple software and graphics are better than TV. The only small disadvantage is that you need to enter a password every time you re-connect to the remote PC, the PW is only stored in the paid version.

    Meanwhile I uninstalled TV and will stick to *Third Party Product** from now on.



  • Hi,

    Since some days, the program clase at 5 minutes because detect a comercial use.

    I use the program only for me and my family. I have one laptop and one desktop and my parents and brothers have some laptops too.

    I use the program in my smartphone too, but only of personal use.

    Excuse my bad english. And thanks for all.

  • Mercy55
    Mercy55 Posts: 1

    Hello all,

    Recently TV keeps kicking me off my wife's pc after a minute or so. All i see is the error that the connection has timed out, and then the 5 mins wait kicks in. The 2 pc's are on the same GB router so I am kinda confused how that timeout happens. When i came here I saw the way to reset your account if it suspects you use it commercially, but I dont get that message at all.

    Do I still need te reset my account? Or is there something else going on here? Any advice on how I can determine what to do would be appreciated


  • Hello to all, I make the request for the reset, but i've not understand why you need my address?

  • Hello to all, I make the request for the reset, but i've not understand why you need my address?

  • I have swapped computers a few times but never re-registered as a commercial use as I no longer have the business, I just use it occasionally to help old clients or family with simple issues. Being as this would be non-commercial use it should be free. Is it suppose to disconnect after 60 seconds in the free version? When I called the help line it asked if I have a subscription, I do not as when I purchased it, it was a stand alone license not a subscription, it was not a cheap license when I bought it, do I now have to pay for a subscription?


    Jonathan Van Putten

  • fro_10
    fro_10 Posts: 0

    Have there been an actual answer to why TV disconnects after a short while, under 1 minute, and when you tro to reconnect it says that the connection is refused because of a Timeout and that I should try again later (and gives a time). When I try to connect at the given time I get the same error message but with a new time and this continues until it basically says I have tried to many times.

    Nowwhere is any detection of commercial use mentioned. Previously TV have worked as a charm with no problem but then a while back I got the suspected Commercial use, which have never occured, but had the account reset so it started to work but now I get this. As with most people I only use this to remote manage my other personal devices and also to help relatives remotely.

    From being a happy user I find this problem that seem to arise more frequently a big nuisance and quite frankly have mee looking for a more stable solution to handle such private remote management tasks since I will not buy a commercial licens to handle remote task max one a month, maby if there was a private licensing plan but since there isn't that isn't even an option.

  • Years ago I bought a license for my business to offer remote computer support to clients, and paid a pretty penny back then I think it was 2014, I no longer have the business but I still occasionally use Teamviewer to help family and friends, so this should qualify under the free use side of things YET even with a license I am getting disconnected after 30 seconds up to a minute, very frustrating. I don't understand it I PAID for a lifetime license, at least that is what I was told when I made the purchase now it sounds like they expect me to have a subscription, that is not what was agreed to when I bought the license. Anyone else have this happen to them?

  • I have a free personal licence (even though it says I have a paid licence in the About dialogue box) which I use to access my home computer when I am on the road (largely to transfer files) and occasionally to allow my paid technical helper to view my computer when he is remotely assisting me. I have Mac devices (MacAir remote and iMac at home) both running MacOS Mojave 10.14.6. TeamViewer is Version: 15.15.5 (4dbfdadce58)

    In the past 12 months, intermittently I could not login and a dialogue box says that:

    "The connection could not be established. The maximum number of concurrent TeamViewer sessions has been reached......"

    This is despite the fact that I do not have any other sessions open and that 5 minutes prior I successfully logged into my home computer using TeamViewer. I tried closing and rebooting tht computyer to mkae sure I diod not have the application or connection running somehow in the background but to no avail.

    Any suggestions please?

  • robyzTW
    robyzTW Posts: 1
    edited March 2021

    Hello, since 2 weeks I get this message in a minute after starting connection, please what it happens ? I cannot use teamviewer anymore . I tried to uninstall and reinstall too, no result. I Tried to send Comment with log and image attached, but no answer . My Teamviewer use is absolutely private .

    Many thanks for your help

    ing. Roberto Zais - **Please do not post Email addresses**

  • TV seems not interested in helping us with that. 😕

    For private use I now have switched to another remote control solution.

    For commercial usage I will vota against TeamViewer as soon as decicions come up.

  • @Esther

    hello, yesterday I've make the procedure to reset my account, today I've receive the mail that my account was resetted, but I can't enter,,,,

    probably I've wrong somethings, in the module. I've write only ONE ID, I didn't understand that I shold have to write all the ID of all my devices.... 

    the problem now is that I received the mail that tell me that the reset was done sucessfully, but on the site I can't subscrive another module to reset also all other my devices.

    how many days I've to wait before try again?

    sorry for my english....

  • Me too. I submitted the pdf, waiting for unblocking my account.

  • GeoMmm
    GeoMmm Posts: 0

    I can connect and disconnect. If I try to connect again it says that I cannot reconnect immediately after being blocked.

    This is a bug.

    I am not making conmercial usage. I do not have a commercial usage to make of it. If this is Teamviewer's commercial strategy its not working with me. Thanks to this I discovered there are other alternatives to Teamviewer and even faster!

    Best luck to everyone