Commercial use - Connection time out



  • Shift
    Shift Posts: 1

    Why does the free personal version kick me off after 5 minutes?  Is this the pain of using the free version or does mine have an issue?

  • I've been using TeamViewer for years for personal use maintaing compters for my family. Please corrent my account for personal use: [personal information removed by moderator]



  • I was getting commercial use suspected, then tonight i tried to use it one more time to connect to our Plex Media Server so i didn't have to connect a monitor and stuff to that computer to setup **Third Party Product** on it instead, now i get a message saying Business Network Detected... Are you F'ing joking???  Theres nothing business about my home network!!!



  • Hi, 

    I have had a teamviewer account for a few years now and I am very light user, connecting 5 to 10 times a month at most. I use Teamviewer sometimes to connect my home computer to my computer @school. I am currently a PhD student on an assitanship ( and a debt) who can't really afford the service, but really appreciates the free version. The software has recently started to prompt me that I am using it in a commercial environment, asking me to call support or get a paid version. I called today and spoke to a person in sales. I explained to him my situation and he told me that given that I am not connecting from home to home I am considered a commercial user. I explained to him how little I use teamviewer and how my ip comes from my school. He told me that even if he puts an exception, it will reset in a couple of days. At the end of the conversation he told me that I had to basically get a licence or stop using the software. 

    I wonder if given that it can be detected that I use teamviewer from an IP belonging to a university, and also rarelly use it, is there a way to make an exception, or detect such situation. I have no intension to use the software outside of the licence agreement, but I believe the usage I am giving is not comercial at all, and I can't really afford it. There are other options, such as vnc, but teamviewer is convenient. I could perhaps create an account with my student email? 

  • I had this same issue and support told me that when a computer is used for personal/commercial (as you explained) it's solely considered a commercial license endpoint... I was extremely dissapointed to find I accidentally forced a few of my clients from their personal use since I pushed my access to their home systems trying to help them.  Seems everyone has a catch to nail people for money these days.

  • wngan
    wngan Posts: 2

    I have a few home PC, and i using login from the work place using my own laptop. than this few days i keep get the message we've detected you're using Teamviewer on a business network, what i can do now? Do i have to contact you? Please help.

  • I'm having the same issue but now it doens;t appear that you can sedn emails to the support email to fix the issue.  I never use TV for commercial use but I now have this message.  

  • aaon
    aaon Posts: 1

    I am having the same issue as well. I also access my home network from work, but it is all for personal use. For me it started when I would remote to one of my devices from my phone; however, now I get it when I remote into most of my computers.

    I do have ~4 computers that are always on and logged into TeamViewer: my wife's desktop, my PC in the living room, my networking pc (the one I use to manage the home network), and another personal desktop. I do have ~15 offline devices; however, these are either old computers or family devices like my sisters or mom


    I went through all the offline devices and removed all old devices and family computers I have not touched in over a year.

  • I get the same message, but it is only when I connect my home laptop to my home desktop. They are both on the same home network too.

    If I connect to my mom's desktop or any other PC from my laptop, I don't get the message.

    Also, if I connect from my home desktop back to my home laptop, I don't get the message either.

    For some bizarre reason TV thinks connecting to my home desktop from my home laptop is somehow for business use. Obviously, there's some bugs in their latest versions of TV.


  • Yes, this started happening to me as of recently. I'm using the PC, and I get timed out. Which result is a block of another connection due to my "limitations". Limitations I never had before, by the way! I was able to reconnect when this happened on a bad connection before. But now I'm on a stellar connection on both ends, stop timing out! And stop limiting my connection needs. I'm using this personally not commercially, no reason for having these limits. So I get to use it for 4-5 minutes every 3 minutes(it gets blocked for 3 minutes)

    Thanks to whoever trying to resolve this with me, or for me.

    I have to say Teamviewer used to be a lot better, but had been worse and worse for me. Both on Linux and on Windows. Is it possible to obtain an old version, maybe that will be better for me, as I don't like the progression Teamviewer has taken for the past year or two..

  • auy71
    auy71 Posts: 1

    Hi, I'm using the versione 13.0.6447 with free license. I have an active account for manu years. I use the product to provide assistance to family and friends.

    It is about two weeks that when I make a connection, I am told thath a commercial/businnes use ha been detected and that the session will be terminated in 5 minutes.

    In addition to buying the license (which I can not, even for the use that I do) is there any way to solve this inconvenience?

    Best regards

  • LITM
    LITM Posts: 3

    I don't know why it's saying trial expired im using it for personal use and not business? Is there anyway i can fix this?


    this page's form link is not worked

    my teamviewer is bothering me with commercial use suspected message

    i want to free with that stupid message. plz help me.

  • same problem here, is there a solution to this?

    In the installation i had chosen personal non commercial use

  • LITM
    LITM Posts: 3

    I made a support ticket and there working on it now!

  • I submitted a ticket regarding commercial use 10 days ago and i was wondering how long does it take to respond?

  • Hi,

    I use Teamviewer for a very long time. Always installed it on every computers I had, and same for all my family and friends, so I can help them whenever they need a hand with their computer or whenever I need to access one of my computer from any PC or phones I have.

    I don't recall last time I used my Teamviewer but today, I tried to use it from my phones to access one of my computer and this evening at home, from one computer to another (they are on the same network at home). And each time I got a pop up saying that there is a commercial use suspicion. This is annoying. I do not want to be banned from using Teamviewer or have limitations while I have never used it for directly or indirectly paid purposes...

    I hope it is a known bug in the detection algorythm and that it will be sorted out soon.

    I do not want to come back to a **Third Party Product** like system. But if I have to, I will... My girlfriend is 300km away from me and she is often in dire need of help with the computer...

    I have created a ticket n°3904424 and hope I will soon have a reply.

    Kind regards,

  • I started having the same issue last week as this is the only PC i log into on a regular basis.  I unfortunately was unable to  open a ticket because Teamviewer is tellig me I don't have a license as I am using a free version.  Looking for some help.

  • Go to :

    at the end of the page there is a link to a form and it will create a ticket.

    it seems we have to wait as I saw messages telling it is up to 30 days before we can have a reply...

  • Hi,

    This is a copy / paste of one of my messages I posted in a resolved post. As for me, it is not a solved issue I decided to open a new post. Sorry for any inconvenience.

    I use Teamviewer for a very long time. Always installed it on every computers I had, and same for all my family and friends, so I can help them whenever they need a hand with their computer or whenever I need to access one of my computer from any PC or phones I have.

    I don't recall last time I used my Teamviewer but today, I tried to use it from my phones to access one of my computer and this evening at home, from one computer to another (they are on the same network at home). And each time I got a pop up saying that there is a commercial use suspicion. This is annoying. I do not want to be banned from using Teamviewer or have limitations while I have never used it for directly or indirectly paid purposes...

    I hope it is a known bug in the detection algorythm and that it will be sorted out soon.

    I do not want to come back to a **Third Party Product** like system. But if I have to, I will... My girlfriend is 300km away from me and she is often in dire need of help with the computer...

    I have created a ticket n°3904424 and hope I will soon have a reply.

    Kind regards,

  • LITM
    LITM Posts: 3

    What did you do to fix it?

  • I just started getting "we've detected you're using teamviewer on a business network" (I am accessing my home computer from work to check email, etc. as I can't easily do that on my work computer)

    is that commercial use? (I'd tend to not think so)

    if so, will that error message eventually disable me from using teamviewer? (if yes, then I'd tell everyone to avoid it any context...)

  • What tricks?  Please share so we can all fix it ourselves. 

  • @dave484674wrote:

    I just started getting "we've detected you're using teamviewer on a business network" (I am accessing my home computer from work to check email, etc. as I can't easily do that on my work computer)

    is that commercial use? (I'd tend to not think so)

    if so, will that error message eventually disable me from using teamviewer? (if yes, then I'd tell everyone to avoid it any context...)

    Contact support sooner than later.   Non paid issues are very low priority and it takes time for them to correct the issue. 


  • I suppose

    I'm just affraid if I contact support they might fully cut me off as they might interpret my usage as being commercial in nature (even though I don't get paid to read my personal email (!))

    i figure if it starts limiting me to 5 minutes, i've got nothing to lose than to ask (and if that happens, I'll just start using some other tool

    MJJPA Posts: 1

    I am using Team Viewer for personal use.  The website says this is free.  However, no matter how many times I uninstall and reinstall Team Viewer, I keep getting a popup that tells me that my trial period is over and that I have to buy a license.  And, Team Viewer will not work anymore.  Team Viewer requires licenses for personal use?  When did that start?