Commercial use - Connection time out



  • kodansha
    kodansha Posts: 6

    Update: got the form to submit successfully. I was including the text from an e-mail TeamViewer support sent to me previously so that it could be referenced in the form and I suspect I hit a character limit on form submission. I wish the form could fail in a more graceful manner so that I could have realized sooner what was going on ?

    If anyone else encounters this issue, just pare down the text in the usage explanation box until the form submits.

  • Hello im michell .. i saw this problem on my laptop  i can t use team viewer... the problem my trial is expire but i don t use this program for work or something like that you need buy the licence ... i think i need reset or re istallation TW ... but i tried 5 already and the problem is not fixed yet... can you please help me to found the problem 

    thank you very much !!! michel 

  • Moreno23
    Moreno23 Posts: 2

    Buon giorno.

    Sto usando Team Viewre 13 con un telefono cellulare per controllare la situazione dei mie cani a casa mentre sono al lavoro. Collegando il PC al cellulare ed attivando la funzione foto del cellulare, riesco a controllare la situazioni a casa. Purtroppo però TV13 dopo un pò, si disconnette. Non ha un tempo preciso di connessione, a volte pochi minuti a volte delle ore. Una volta disconnesso però non riesco più a collegarmi con il cellulare in quanto a casa non c'è nessuno che possa confermare la attivazione della connessione. La necessità è di poter contare su una connessione di 6/8 ore, giusto il tempo che i miei cani rimangono da soli a casa.

    Qualcuno mi sa dire se esiste il modo di configurare il tempo di connessione per la versione free ?



  • Moreno23
    Moreno23 Posts: 2

    Good morning.
    I'm using Team Viewre 13 with a cell phone to check the situation of my dogs at home while I'm at work. By connecting the PC to the phone and activating the photo function of the phone, I can control the situation at home. Unfortunately, TV13 after a while, disconnects. It does not have a precise connection time, sometimes a few minutes sometimes of hours. Once disconnected, however, I can no longer connect to my cell phone because there is no one at home who can confirm the activation of the connection. The need is to be able to rely on a connection of 6/8 hours, just the time that my dogs are left alone at home.
    Can anyone tell me if there is a way to configure the connection time for the free version?
    thank you.

  • From this week, im seeing this issue for my account used on my personal laptops, have raised  Ticket ID: 3993531 ticket to resolve the issue.

    Please look into this and resolve asap.

    Thanks in advance for all the help!

  • My issue has been resolved  by [email removed by moderator - support email is a no-reply address and cannot be emailed directly. Thanks for understanding!]  the Support team after raising ticket. 

  • PowlVan
    PowlVan Posts: 1

    I am using TeamViewer to help family and Friends for free.

    How do I remove the "Commerical Use Suspected"?

  • pls help. i dont want to use the license version.

    i click on private. but it is the license version.

    Can anybody help me_

  • kospan
    kospan Posts: 1

    i am using the latest version for personal use. but TV thinks i am using it for business and i am getting the message tham my session will end after 5 minutes.

    but iinstead of 5 min, my session ends after 30 seconds. then i must wait 10 minutes in order to reconnect for 30 seconds more!

    very frustrating :(

  • I tried this today and got the "this appears to be commercial use" popup on the few remotes I tried. I'm only one of your cheapskate "free users" for personal use (helping out elderly relations and non-tech savvy friends) but thought you might like to know.

    I've switched back to 12.0.76279 for the time being and working ok.

  • ThePooN
    ThePooN Posts: 2
    I don't think your issue is specific to this build, I've always gotten it in the past years. That's the cost of being the only tech-savvy person in the family... and also have to help friends sometimes.
    Nothing business-related but my sessions often get limited to 5 minutes because of my heavy usage :( and support couldn't do anything about it.
    So I have to use TeamViewer in a virtual machine to bypass the limitations sometimes.
  • I installed the business version to see the differences with the free version, now I can not in any way to put the free version.
    I am a private individual and I use it between private individuals without commercial purposes.

  • OK, thanks. Good tip on the VM

  • tmluigi
    tmluigi Posts: 1

    i have 4 pcs at home connected via teamviewer, been like that for at least 2 years, last couple of days when connecting to a pc in another room i get a message "commercially used suspected" or words to that affect. I thought teamviewer was free for personal use?

  • aucejito
    aucejito Posts: 1

    I'm also interested in this post because of the trial commercial license expired and I try to uninstall the program and install it as Private Use and it detects me with the same account and it brings me to the commercial version without letting me connect to any of my family.


    Help please!!

  • Tegoide
    Tegoide Posts: 15

    This is an awful decision. How to get rid of that ?annoying message not possible to disable on the free accountannoying message not possible to disable on the free account

  • Cevap
    Cevap Posts: 1

    Hi, I am using TeamViewer only for private use. Family and Friends. 

    I am using a personal VPN for Bussines. 

    Now it says that I am using the Software as a Bussines product and the Connection terminates after a few minutes. 

    I filled out the form for the TeamViewer Personal Use Verification over a week ago a few times and no reply. Does anyone have a solution or a recommendation for another software of this kind? Thank you.

  • Jackinabox
    Jackinabox Posts: 41 Staff member 🤠

    Hi there Juster747 and aucejito,

    Thank you for posting in the Community!
    In regards to your posts, please access the following link:
    Please read the post by Esther and follow the instructions outlined in the links.
    Hope this helps.
    Thank you once again and thank you for using TeamViewer!


  • Tegoide
    Tegoide Posts: 15

    Any suggestion ?


  • Dear support!

    I'm using Teamviewer as Personal purpose! But last week I got this pop up message: COMMERCIAL USE SUSPECTED!

    I have got support from Teamview, he told me:



    But I don't know where I can restart teamview via “Connection à Exit TeamViewer” for the changes to take effect.


    no have signature right now LOL. My home Car cb radios
  • schmak01
    schmak01 Posts: 6

    I started getting these popups too, I used TV for my family computers, we have quite a few, but it is a lot easier for me to support them via TeamViewer.  I wish they had a family license, or private license, something not as costly as the commerical, using it on 5 computers called "PiHole" "Dad'sComputer" "mom'sComputer" "gameroomcomputer" "linuxbox" shouldn't trigger the commercial view, but again if they had an affordable non-commercial retail license I would gladly pay.  $49/month though for a family of 3 is kinda crazy.

  • diya3646
    diya3646 Posts: 1

    please i clicked on commercial use by mistak and i want it personal use so what i can do please?

  • mboufos
    mboufos Posts: 1


    So  i have 4 pc in my house and i have install the teamv so i can control them. also i have install it on my father,sister,gf pc because i am the only programmer to fix their pcs.

    The problem is that after like 1 week of use the teamviewer between my pcs and family pcs also its appear a 5 mins control message which i try to fix it by email to support@,.. and it says that only paid users will get support. 

    anyone know how can i remove that 5 mins controll message ???

    EDIT: also a friend of mine tried to connect to my teamviewer and it says that i use commercial teamv which i dont....


  • Hey guys so i'm trying to figure out why Teamviewer is timing my sessions every 5 minutes thinking that it's a buisness account when it really isn't. is thre a setting or somerthing i can change to alert teamviewer that i'm remotly controling another personal computer on a personal mater nothing related to buisness? somehow teamviewer is seeing this as a buisness. has anyone been though this or any suggestions would be apreciated.

  • this is the message i get from Team VIewer.


    TeamViewer Free does not allow connections to customized TeamViewer Clients with your own company logo. Pleaser use the basic Quick Support or the full Version. This session will be terminated after 5 minutes.

  • I had used Quick Support for provate use and now I am getting the commercial usage prompt even though I did not use Quick Support for commercial usage. Also I did not even know that Quick Support was only meant for commercial usage. Somebody please help.

  • Yuri_T
    Yuri_T Posts: 2,249 [Former Staff]

    Hi mboufos

    Thank you for your message.

    Please visit , and  fill out the form so we can confirm that you only wish to use TeamViewer for personal / non-commercial purposes. 

    Hope this will be helpful for you.



    Former Japanese Community Moderator
  • Yuri_T
    Yuri_T Posts: 2,249 [Former Staff]

    Hi diya3646,

    Thank you for using TeamViewer.

    If you accidentally chose the wrong option during installation and only want to use TeamViewer for personal use, we would like to assist you in resolving the issue.

    Please visit , and fill out the form so we can confirm that you only wish to use TeamViewer for personal / non-commercial purposes.

    Hope this will be helpful for you.

    Kind regards,

    Former Japanese Community Moderator
  • msmoby
    msmoby Posts: 1

    I am not using TV commerically and certainly do not have 50 plus devices 



    Was trying to remote control my Wife's mobile in another country and got the message - if you want to use quick support - buy a licence ? 


    Has never shown this message before