Commercial use - Connection time out



  • eschuebel
    eschuebel Posts: 1


    I am now getting this message as well with my free account.

    I have been a loyal user of this product for 20 years, helping manage my families computers.

    What is going on?

    Thanks for you help.

    CMACK Posts: 1

    Same issue here! I help Friends and family, but my parents are always in need! This really blind sided me without any warning in the middle of a crisis! I am going to just struggle through using Remote Desk Top. I will probably just uninstall this program! I am beyond disappointed!


  • Hi, I'm Tunahan. I'm starting teamviewer to control my personal pc's at my home. Yet, sometimes an error is occuring and says like that; commercial use detected. As i sad before, i'm just using the teamviewer for my personal use.

    Could you please help me about this problem? Best regards.

  • PaulMr
    PaulMr Posts: 1
    edited June 2021

    We saw the posting about Depreciation of legacy versions and are trying to determine when our complimentary upgrade to version 15 will expire, based on our original corporate license purchase.

    Just trying to determine who or how we contact Teamviewer to ask that question. Appreciate any help provided.

    [Removed as per the community guidelines.]

  • masipe2
    masipe2 Posts: 1

    I am having the same issue. I regularly log into my mom's computer to help her and TeamViewer is now locking me out. For some reason TeamViewer is thinking the account is being used as a commercial account, but it is not. What can I do to resolve this?

  • I have the same issue also, It's trying to tell me I'm using it for commercial use when I'm only trying to use it to help my partner set up her computer properly.

  • It's very frustrating to be able to connect to my laptop remotely and then get kicked off with the "your session has ended" message after only thirty seconds. It is not a once in awhile, sometimes thing, it happens every time I try to sign in. For months now. I am disabled and I live in a long term care facility, so being able to use TeamViewer makes one aspect of my life much better and easier. And I should probably add that I'm using the free version, but I wonder if the facility's public WiFi has anything to do with my problem?

    Thank you for any help.

  • TrevorW
    TrevorW Posts: 1

    This is affecting me as well.

    I mostly use Teamviwer to connect my mac with a big screen to a Windows laptop with Visio installed. My partner subscribes to Visio and sporadically uses it for her work, but I use it only for non-paid, non-commercial uses. The monthly fee for Commercial TeamViewer is way too high for me (and a lot more expensive than buying another subscription to Visio - if it would run on a Mac). I also use it for remote support of two family personal computers, and I would be most disappointed to lose that capability.

  • Bazza
    Bazza Posts: 1

    I was trying to sort out problems on my wife’s pc when teamviewer dropped me out after 30 seconds. Then a notification came on my screen stating that I was using it for commercial purposes. I can no longer access my wife’s pc! Is anyone else having this problem and is there a fix to this issue??? I eagerly wait for an answer!

  • ohh man me too..this is pathetic.

    i can't connect to my father pc now.

    anyone from teamviewer care to assist.

  • FuzzmanKs
    FuzzmanKs Posts: 54

    No it does not. Your Teamviewer ID is tied to your hardware equipment. Review this thread for proper procedures for RESET MANAGEMENT.

  • FuzzmanKs
    FuzzmanKs Posts: 54

    Hundreds of times it has been posted. Even a Google search will lead you to answers.

  • same issue here only started on my laptop when connecting to my parents pc.

    seriously teamviewer get your act together please.

  • I have a free account so that I can remote into my elderly mothers computer to help her with computer issues. Team viewer keeps logging me out and then locking me out so that I cannot reconnect for hours. I have uninstalled the ap and reinstalled it, but get the same results. Any ideas?

  • FuzzmanKs
    FuzzmanKs Posts: 54

    My impression from what I read on here, is that they must be way behind in the Resets. Mine (submitted 4/27/2021) took less than 2 business days, but I may have been before hundreds/thousands of others.

  • FuzzmanKs
    FuzzmanKs Posts: 54

    Scroll back and week or so and you should have your answer.

  • I am having the same problem as everyone else apparently. The generate PDF button does not work. I can't reset my account for PERSONAL USE!! Please help

  • tomsvl
    tomsvl Posts: 2

    Had not used TV for several months. Now getting timed out with commercial use message.

    Trying to reset back and


    just as everyone else has said.

    Like others I use this to help family members with their computers.

    A simple check of logs will show how much we use. I'm sure you cut off everyone.

    Thanks for a solution

  • kingzhou
    kingzhou Posts: 1

    Just today, I ran into the same problem. I automatically disconnected one minute after connecting to the remote computer, prompting me that the connection was blocked by a timeout. It has never happened before. I use the free version, not for commercial use, only to connect to a home laptop to write records and documents

  • aobama
    aobama Posts: 3
    • The form has been submitted for almost 3 weeks with no response🙃
  • aobama
    aobama Posts: 3

    The business identification declaration form has been submitted for nearly 3 weeks without a response. Did you forget

  • EdwardUK
    EdwardUK Posts: 47

    To be fair to Teamviewer there must be thousands of commercial users using the free version which is lost revenue for Teamviewer and arguably unfair to those commercial users who do the right thing and pay. So I'm not surprised that Teamviewer are taking actions to identify free commercial use.

    But where Teamviewer have failed totally is how they, without warning, simply don't allow affected users any amount of time to rectify the situation. Teamviewer should have notified affected users (via a pop up for example) that their use is deemed 'commercial' and that after (say) 30 days their Teamviewer app will be disabled unless payment is made OR the user sends in a 'reset management' appeal.

    This, in my opinion, would be much more fair to all users as well as Teamviewer and would significantly reduce the amount of complaints. Also, probably most importantly, users who are genuinely helping vulnerable people would be able to continue the support and able to take actions to continue doing so (by sending in a reset management form).

    I'm sure that many Teamviewer staff (such as @Esther) are understanding user's situation and trying to change things but probably bureaucracy within Teamviewer makes it difficult to change things.

  • Stephan3
    Stephan3 Posts: 7

    Hi I am being disconnected now as I think my account was wrongly flagged as commercial use. How do I reset my account to personal use.

  • wrapper
    wrapper Posts: 1

    I am getting the same thing.

    No answers?

  • BillGray
    BillGray Posts: 2

    I have been a TeamViewer Free user for 4 years - with my family. I have a Win 7 system, my daughter has a Win 7 system, and my wife a Win 10 system.  I have no problem staying connected to the Win 7 system - but the Win 10 system times out after about 45 seconds.  Is there a problem between TeamViewer and Win 10 systems?  When I try to reconnect to the Win 10 system, I get the following notice:

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Connection blocked after timeout.

    Your license limits the maximum session duration to a partner, immediate reconnects are blocked.

    Please try later or upgrade your license.

    Connection to this partner will be blocked until _________.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Thank you, Bill Gray

  • dsevey
    dsevey Posts: 0

    I have submitted the PDF requesting my FREE license to be reinstated, as it was incorrectly flagged for commercial use. How long does it take Teamviewer to reset the FREE license?

  • mrbquick
    mrbquick Posts: 2

    I need help with the same issue. I was just flagged for commercial use on my personal computer and iphone.

  • tokasha
    tokasha Posts: 0

    keep getting warning message that im using teamviewer corporate use and block connection while i have been using it for personal use for years.