Commercial use - Connection time out



  • BillyJIV
    BillyJIV Posts: 1

    This keeps happening year after year.

    I have a personal PC at my home.

    I do NOT have any business.

    I work at a hospital and take my personal laptop to work and use the PUBLIC WIFI.

    I believe TEAMVIEWER is interpreting the public WiFi as a business and things I am a business when I am attempting to connect to my home PC.

    It is ALL PESONAL and thus should be FREE.

    What can be done to keep the program from constantly blocking me?

    I only use the program 4-6 times a year and it works great for what I need to do.

    I would buy a license but it is too expense for 4-6 times a year

  • sjulty
    sjulty Posts: 2

    I was attempting to help a friend with an issue he has been having but, when I logged into his computer I was flagged as a commercial user. Next, I went to the temviewer reactivation web page, filled out all of the fields & signed it but when I went to submit, it froze.I thought it was an anomalie havig to do with the web brouser I was using (Google chrome) so, I went to firefox and, got the same result. It did NOT appear to accept my submission. what am I doing wrong?

  • peterwerren
    peterwerren Posts: 0
    edited June 2022

    TeamViewer blocked my free account. I am only using it for personal use!

  • Cookster46
    Cookster46 Posts: 0
    edited June 2022


    I live in Belgium and working in the Netherlands. I use Team viewer (free license) to stay in contact with 85 year old parent. Previously I have signed a note declaring that I am using this free license for that and only that purpose, to help an elderly parent.

    I arrived in Den Haag, NL this evening and have not been able to establish 1 remote link with parent for longer then 30-45 seconds.

    What gives?

    Randy Cook

    [removed per Community Guidelines

  • how to fix non-commercial use, with reset option

  • Thanks to .Carol.fg. for responding my initial inquiry. I submitted the activation request this morning.

  • dala
    dala Posts: 1
    edited June 2022

    I help my aging parents with their computer issues. Recently TeamViewer has decided I am a professional, won't connect to their computers for more than 30 seconds, and then won't let me reconnect. I make no money from my use of TeamViewer and feel it meets the generous license for the free tier. There are only 4 machines I ever use with TeamViewer (2 for my parents and 2 for me). Is it possible to revert my TeamViewer account back to the free tier so I can continue using it for personal use? Thank you.

  • safern
    safern Posts: 1
  • CNuscis
    CNuscis Posts: 0

    I can't connect to any of my friend's/family's computers via their ID/password combo. I just get this same error message about licensing problem. I have a free TeamViewer account as do the computers I connect to. I've read elsewhere that someone fixed it but zero info about what they did to fix it. So here I am asking probably the same question that's been answered before. Please help.

  • mattish1
    mattish1 Posts: 0

    what is the way of making contact?

  • bjornkn
    bjornkn Posts: 0

    I am the most knowledgeable person in my family and circle of friends. So far I have 9 family/friends on my ID list which I occasionally give support. Teamviewer helps a lot, and saves a lot of time not having to guide them solely around over the phone even for doing the most basic Windows stuff :-)

    Today my ex wife needed support, and then I was told that Teamviewer thought I was doing commercial support. Because of the number of "clients" (9) ? Or because of the activity (haven't used it for weeks now)?

    How can I convince Teamviewer that I don't use it commercially?

    I have never received a penny (or NOK øre) for my "support work".

  • plaurits
    plaurits Posts: 5


    I am using free license for personal use and helping a friend FOC now and then to check her mac from my windows10 PC.

    Both TV versions are up to date.

    Recently I am getting “commercial use” warning when starting the connection and connection times out after 5 minutes.

    How to solve this issue s.t. I can continue to help my friend?




  • newshnd
    newshnd Posts: 1

    I am a 70 year old retired computer literate user regularly helping his 83 year old brother with his iphone and ipad. We typically use FaceTime between two devices and Teamviewer between another pair of devices. Yesterday I received notifications that TeamViewer was cutting me off from free usage. An annual subscription of $420 is rather steep for helping my brother. Is there any more reasonable option?

  • Hi, I'm a grad student at Eindhoven University. I'm trying to connect to my personal computer on campus from home or while traveling, but teamviewer keeps kicking me out. Is there any way I can prevent this from happening?



  • oria
    oria Posts: 1
    edited June 2022

    I'm a private person. Uses the app to occasionally help the slave and friends. You started blocking me as if I was a professional nerd for livelihood purposes. Please release the name we will use. Thanks

    [removed per Community Guidelines]

  • DDog
    DDog Posts: 1

    I use the free version for personal use to assist family and friends. Just recently I started being notified that I am using TV for commercial purposes. That is not now nor has ever been the case.

    How do I rectify this issue? I am handicapped and cannot get around easily and need to help family with computer issues.

    Ant help would be appreciated.


  • Dsutter
    Dsutter Posts: 2

    I recently as yesterday change ISPs (from AT&T to Comcast) and today that I try helping my Dad (he is in another Country and I am in the USA) 2 to 3 seconds into the session I get disconnected and it shows me as a commercial account? I have called the 800 number but it tells me that if I am on a FREE account I need to come here and well, here I am.

    What is going on and how do I fix this issue?

    Again, I help my Dad in another Country sporadically, to the point that is not cost effective to get a commercial account nor do I make money when I help him. I may help a friend in need as well but that is probably once or twice a year and again, I make Zero when I do help them out.



  • Krow
    Krow Posts: 1
    edited June 2022

    Hello i use Teamviewer to help friends and stuff once in awhile and i started having issues to connect because its saying im using it with a professional matter which is not the case anyone help please

  • pvdlee1
    pvdlee1 Posts: 6

    One of my PC's is suspected for commercial use.

    How can this be reset??

  • Dsutter
    Dsutter Posts: 2

    Same thing happened to me last year, couldn't get a hold of anybody from TV so I desisted, tried later (a couple/few weeks afterwards) and it worked back again. I understand if this is something they do around this time of year to make people buy into their commercial account but that is not what's going to happen here. I use this less than 10 times a year so to me paying 50 is not in the books, way too rich for my blood so to speak.

    If they don't resolve the issue soon, I am sure there are other free options to choose from. I keep using it because I am already used to it and the look and feel but if I need to, I will uninstall and be done with it.

  • I'm not talking to a business at all, but I can't connect to a friend without a quick time out. This happens every six months. Why? Why? Why?

  • Debojyoti
    Debojyoti Posts: 1

    how to fix this issue? logging off from account and suspecting commercial use

  • pvdlee1
    pvdlee1 Posts: 6
    edited June 2022

    I am trying to reclaim my private version for [removed per Community Guidelines]

    I used the form on but got no reaction.

    What can I dor more???

  • koemic
    koemic Posts: 1
    edited June 2022

    Hi all, since a few days now I receive a warning message when I try to use my free TV licence to remote access my PCs on which I'm logged in with the same account.

    The message reads (roughly translated from German): "There possibly could be a licence problem with your connection partner. To connect with this device you need a valid TV licence on your or on your partners device."

    When I connect to the device, the connection is cancelled after a few seconds and the device is blocked for a few minutes, since "the maximum connection duration is limited with my licence". I've never had this problem in over 7 years, and I've only ever used my TV account for private access to my private devices, never for commercial use. Since I only have a free licence, I'm not able to open a support ticket with the developer themselves. Can a developer here please help me with my licencing problem? I dont want to delete my account, open a new account and run into the same problem over again.

  • Hi Everyone

    Im using it only for my personal one desktop and i keep getting the pop up, i tried this link

    and still not helped me.

  • ladym
    ladym Posts: 1

    I have been using the Free version for years, and granted so Years ago...I am Not paid and help people from a Non Profit Volunteer online radio station...Now all of a sudden, it's saying they detected Commercial Use?? I have did all I'm supposed to do according to Teamview, to get my access back and no response...Please Help my people need me...

  • Sambolak
    Sambolak Posts: 0

    Hi! I don't know why I got massage that it's using for commercial about one weekago. This a private account. Maybe because I changd my phone and I copy all the app to this phone as well??? I'll confirm that this is a private account. Best regards Sam Rami

  • lenny2020
    lenny2020 Posts: 1

    I have been using non commercial version for several years, and now I have been flagged incorrectly as "commercial" I simply use the program to help my 80 year old sister who lives in a different state manage her computer. I have completed the "affadavit" and the only step that follows is to allow me to "download the pdf" which I have done. But the program still keeps "kicking me off." what next?

  • 148269Tv
    148269Tv Posts: 1

    Using non-commercial with two computers. I've been flagged for commercial. what can I do?