Commercial use - Connection time out



  • I submitted the form to say that I am not using TeamViewer for commercial use but I made a mistake. I put in the wrong ID and now every time I try to submit the form it automatically submits the same form with the same wrong ID. I do not have any opportunity to fill it out properly. Can you tell me how to resubmit with the the correct ID?

  • Brian_K
    Brian_K Posts: 1
    edited July 2022

    I use team viewer to check on a computer (Windows 10 file/media store) that sits idle in my basement.

    Team Viewer consistently tells me I am violating terms of license.

    I keep telling them 'No I'm not'. They claim to unblock me, but most of the time they do not.

    This is getting to be old **bleep**.

    I am well within the license for the 'free' use. I use it only for personal use, I do not connect to any computer outside my home, and I do not use it for anything I make money on.

    How do you get the bozos at Team Viewer to fix this? I've been complaining for more than a year, and they seem inept to fix this.

    I need to add. I use Team Viewer maybe 1 or 2 times a month, that's it. It runs 'always on', but I only actually use it rarely.

  • KalevL
    KalevL Posts: 0

    we help an elderly lady who is 90 years old to use internet connection, We have been doing this for two years now. Now the system says that the time to take advantage of the free version has run out. I had perceived that there was no "time limit". Thank you for your answer // Best regards Kalev Laanemäe, Karlskrona, Sweden

  • yanivg
    yanivg Posts: 6

    all was working well for me, suddenly I get this message when trying to connect:

    "it seems there might be a licensing problem with your connection partner.

    connecting to this device request a valid TeamViewer license for your or your connection partner"

    why do I'm getting this?

    I'm using the software for personal use only, also when I'm able to eventually connect the connection disconnect after 2-3 minuets.

  • misujry
    misujry Posts: 1
    edited July 2022

    I get blocked for a couple of months and then suddenly it all works again. My mac downstairs is now blocked. My PC upstairs worked but now it is blocked. All I do is help people maybe 3 times a months configure their routers so they can open a port and share data. I have no idea how to "see" any responses as every time I get to the "Community" it is a different looking page. I asked this question earlier on a difference "Ask a Question" page. I someone can email me at [removed per Community Guidelines] with some sort of answer, that would be great.

  • aoz987
    aoz987 Posts: 0

    Dear community,

    I tried to use teamviewer with my sister the other day, and teamviewer has shut me off, saying I am a professional, per my usage. I am not a professional, I am an individual. However, we did have an episode where I had to use almost 100 hours of communication time over a couple months, with only my sister, because of an issue with a Dell computer which ultimately needed a filing with Better Business Bureau and attorney general to get our money back. It was a total mess. But I did use teamviewer for a lot. But it was not business use. It was diagnosing a totally screwed up computer system. Is there any way to get teamviewer to recognize me as an individual. Thanks

  • furny
    furny Posts: 0

    I have no idea why. i am a free user, and only use team veiwer for personal use.. how do i have my account reset back to free user

  • L0U1S
    L0U1S Posts: 0

    Dear team,

    I´m trying to connect remotely my partner´s computer but the app keep telling me I am not authorised as I am using it for commercial use. How is this happening?

    Thanks very much



  • rwthomson
    rwthomson Posts: 1

    Have Teamviewer free sessions been limited to 5 minutes? I hadn't used it in a while, but now that appears to be the case.

  • dpotter97
    dpotter97 Posts: 1

    I use teamviewer to help my grandparents use their home computer. They live many hours away from me so this is the easiest way to help them. I am unable to help them right now because it is saying that it is being used for commercial use. I have tried to fillout the form but it wants teamviewer id's but no matter what i enter it will not work.

  • RuudJ
    RuudJ Posts: 1

    I use Teamviewer to help my mother of 85 years old with her duty's on her pc from mine home place. So I use it with free license, But i got now problems to get connection with her. It likes that Teamviewer thinks that I use Teamviewer as a commercial person and get always a timeout message with a Blocked time use, with the question to try later or to upgrade Teamviewer to a paid license. How can I solved this problem?

  • joaoo
    joaoo Posts: 1

    I have the exact same problem

  • therealeinstein
    therealeinstein Posts: 1
    edited July 2022

  • Sabertooth
    Sabertooth Posts: 1
    edited July 2022

    Hello, I only use TeamViewer between my home desktop and laptop and I don't use it everyday. I don't understand how your system has decided to change my account for commercial use. I guess it would be a good thing if I could use your service for commercial use because that would mean I would have a job, but I'm unemployed :(

  • Vulfff
    Vulfff Posts: 2

  • Vulfff
    Vulfff Posts: 2

    All devices belong to me.

  • Dizzy23nc
    Dizzy23nc Posts: 1

    I have also filled out the form and received the successful reset email. I am still being limited for commercial use. I have 5 computers at home that I connect to. Definitely not business related. I need this to be corrected.

    REVRAY Posts: 1

  • My free use of Teamviewer was cut on suspicion of commercial use which is NOT THE CASE. I have filled in the reset form around 12 times so far and when I click on the 'Generate +PDF button NOTHING happens. I have sent a screenshot of one of the many forms I've filled out by DM to Support but now I don't get any reaction from them. (I was asked to do this). I am very frustrated by this lack of help especially when I am not offered any reason as to why Teamviewer thinks I'm using the free service for commercial purposes. I need an explanation and a reset.

  • Teoma
    Teoma Posts: 1
    edited July 2022

    Dear All,

    i have a free license that i use to connect to my home PC from my mobile phone.

    The problem is that after one minute the session is closed and in more information teamviewer tell me that they think the usage is not for private usage but for commercial, but i only use this to connect to my home PC.

    How can i fix this problem? how can i contact Teamviewer tem to explane the situation and fix the problem?

    Many thanks

  • Tim_R
    Tim_R Posts: 0

    I use Team Viewer only for personal use. My account has been restricted. I have filled out the online form to have my account reset with no result. It appears that the form is not working and no PDF file is being created and uploaded.

  • kjtbone
    kjtbone Posts: 0

  • sm239
    sm239 Posts: 0

    I'm a free user, but as of today, each time I log on to remote into my HOME computer, I get disconnected and a time out message appears....

    Message continues to state I'm attempting to use as a commercial account.......i'm just attempting to remote into my home computer.....and when calling the 800 it states I have to come to this page....i guess this is what i get for a free product.....

    Can someone assist me as I'd like to remote into my HOME computer.

  • ArnieG
    ArnieG Posts: 1

    I use the free, for personal use only, license. Recently I received an email telling me I am suspended because they suspect I am using the app commercially. I do not understand this a I rarely use the app and it is only to help a couple of relatives when they have a problem on their PC's. I read that I can request a reset so I began to fill out the form When it asked me to enter my user ID, I entered the nine digit number which is displayed in the app as "your ID". The reset form keeps telling me to enter a valid number. So I am totally confused and email locked out.

    Help please.


  • minaAU82
    minaAU82 Posts: 0

    Team Viewer has suspected commercial use on one of my connections even though it's not.

    Filled out the form to contest it but accidentally put the wrong TeamViewer ID on the form. Now it won't let me re-submit it as it requires you to log in before filling out the form and everytime I log in it detects a form has already been submitted.

    Tried to call support - they refuse to help as I'm only using the free version. Does anyone know how to re-submit this request or is there an email address I can send this through to. Really frustrating!

  • Preze
    Preze Posts: 1

    Hi there, I am using teamviewer for private IT-support and help for my family and friends without any payment.

    Since a fiew days I cannot user teamviewer because it detects commercial use. How can I get back to private use? I tried to reset my ID but this service is only for licensed users.

    Please tell me, what I can do.

    Thanks and regards, Preze

  • Momaks
    Momaks Posts: 1

    I use Teamviewer to help elderly friends in another country with their PC problems but lately I have had issues with either being constantly blocked after a few minutes or not getting access at all. I get messages that I need to get a licence or that I have been timed out. I am no expert, just someone who wants to help. Internet speeds at both ends are not the issue.

    Can any one suggest a way to stop this from happening all the time? Am I losing this battle?

    I have already abandoned Teamviewer for my own use within my home for all our computers and devices as it will not work at all.

  • grapar
    grapar Posts: 4
    edited July 2022

    I never use teamviewer for commercial purposes. How to solve my problem with blocked free account.


  • I get a message that commercial activity is detected, haven't used it maybe 30 minutes in the last year. instructions on how to check my licenses is inaccurate, do not have the same layout in my software as depicted. my software is up to date. can only connect for about 2 minutes before message about playing fair. my 90 year old dad is alone with no computer experience, I occasionally want to show him some info on the computer. i would gladly pay for a commercial license if Teamviewer was reliable. Please help me. its been very frustration over the years to get Teamviewer to work and i only get to visit once a year have my hand on that computer.

  • lajoiemdm
    lajoiemdm Posts: 2
    edited November 2022