Commercial use - Connection time out
I use TV for amateur astronomy. I've been using it for a few years without issue. Today I received notification that my access will be limited because my usage suggests I'm supporting another professionally. I am not, I am using it for amateur astronomy, as I always have, my usage has not changed. How can I remove the restriction?
Thank you,
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Hi ,
My account has been restricted as it is saying that i am using it for commercial purpose. Which i not , i am using it for study purposes. I tried to get the support but cant get to them. Anyone can help on this.
Thank you
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^ This.
Signature Block does not work on three browsers either
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Hello, my ID is [Removed per Community Guidelines], there is a problem with the license. I'm for personal use. Please check.Thank you
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I use Team Viewer non commercially and today my account was blocked.
It most likely happened due to my Navigaph licence. My Navigraph Sim Link app was updating and at the same moment I got a message from Team Viewer that I was suspected of commercial use. I use Navigraph together with MSFS2020 solely for private use!
Please advice what to do now.
Edward Sluijter
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I have 5 computers at my home that i use for my hobby in armature "HAM" radio. I have been restricted due to this. How do I get this restriction removed? I am not using TeamViewer for commercial use or making money off of it. I use it to remote to my computers that are in my ham shack out back from my laptop inside sitting on the couch.
I was advised by a sales rep to submit a ticket, but i was sent here since it is a free license.
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Używam codziennie bezpłatnej wersji teamviewera między 2 komputerami, w domu, w tej samej sieci internetowej. Od 2 dni wyskakuje mi komunikat o tym,że moje łączenie wskazuje na komercyjny charakter. Jak to jest w ogóle możliwe? Czy mogę to gdzieś zgłosić i wyjaśnić sprawę lub czy da się coś z tym problemem zrobić.
I use the free version of teamviewer every day between 2 computers, at home, on the same internet network. For 2 days I have been getting a message saying that my connection is commercial. How is this even possible? Can I report it somewhere and clarify the matter or can I do something about it?
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Good afternoon,
I've been using a free teamviewer account for some time (albeit very rarely) but recently I've had to login to my home computer while at work like 2-3x a week to get something (as I dont want stuff like amazon shopping, or whatever) on my corporate network. This week I've been getting disconnected and seeing this
Please note, I am not doing remote assistance for others professionally (or otherwise). I've only been using this personally and while I get that using the free version of teamviewer is a privilege and not a right I'm concerned while I've been suddenly seeing these messages.
Only thing I can think of is like I'll start a session, browse amazon for a few mins then lock the account and disconnect and this makes it seem like i'm doing remote assistance.... odd.
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This content has been removed.
I have been locked out by an erroneous 'suspected commercial use'
The reset form won't access my ID - which I am reading directly out of TV.
I have a 9 digit number in 3 groups of 3 - but it just says 'enter a valid ID' - so I can't submit the form.
Complete stalemate - how do I solve this?
Any help appreciated
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Well, it seems to be a Forum sin for failing to find the answer in some other post! sorry!
Anyhow, I've now answered my own question - the ID copy format includes unacceptable spaces - as simple as that.
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I have used Teamviewer for MANY years for personal use to help friends and family without issues on a free non-commercial license... Today when trying to help my father with an issue he has been having, I get timed out after 5 minutes and told i have to wait to reconnect or buy a license?!?! Why the sudden change here?
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Hello. Every once in a while I get an error message telling me that TeamViewer detected that the account is being used commercially, and tries to force me to buy a license. In reality, the account is used by my son to play games on my personal computer, using a laptop. Why am I being blocked? What's triggering the lock?
There's a message that keeps locking me out for one minute, and one minute after that for a long time. Now, for example, it's saying that my session timed out because of being connected for a long time (It was my first logon of the day).
Thank you for your help!
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We are using Teamviewer to support the seniors, the handicap, the underprivilege and those who have no knowledge how to use a PC. We submitted the request to reset today. Could you advise how long does it take to reset please.
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is here anyone from support?
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i tried to log in to my friends computer to fix some issues he had with hes computer but teamviewer closed the connection and a message poped that said something about commercial use detected. I am not using this commercially but as a home user trying to help my friend, can you help me?
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Commercial Use detected/suspected
thats what it poped out, i am not using this commercially what is going on?
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I am trying to work in my office computer but unable to do that because the Team viewer is showing that I am using for commercial purpose. However, I am an academician and researchers working in government organisation of INDIA. How could I solve this issue
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This is so aggravating. I had a teamviewer account for years, then suddenly it's flagged as commercial use. Teamviewer has no support, as far as I can see, for free users so I just made a new account. That account has lasted about a year and now flagged for commercial use again. WHY?!?!
Is there an alternative someone can recommend that is just like Teamviewer?
Thank you
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For some reason when I connect to my laptop using my mobile phone to check how my program is running it give me session timeout. And after that when I try to reconnect it gives me this:
"Unable to connect
A connection could not be established. Connection blocked.
You reached the maximum session duration to this TeamViewer ID. Please try again later.
Connections to this TeamViewer ID will be blocked until <currentTime + 1 minute>"
When I click the "More Info" button it opens a pop-up with the costs and benefits of a business plan, but I don't want a business plan because I am using team viewer strictly for personal use.
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I have Free version that I use to assist my sister with her laptop, and occasionally a friend who has difficulty. I cannot now connect to my sister as I am being told that my current usage indicates I am using it in a commercial environment. I am not.
What's going on and how can I sort this out?
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So...about a year ago, I kept getting commercial use messages...I filled out the paperwork, sent it in, and teamviewer fixed my issues...but now it's happening again...what a pain. can someone from teamviewer please fix this again...
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I had the same problem (i assist my father with his desktop), i filled out the form during the uninstallation but i didn't get any answer or solution...
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Why is it being left to the Community to answer, what about TeamViewer support, this appears to be non-existent.
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I have filled out the "reset form" no less than 3 times, with all the correct information including TeamViewer IDs. However, even after I get an email notifying me my account has been reset, I still keep getting kicked out of sessions stating commercial use. What gives?
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I have tried to remember how long ago I started using TeamViewer and could not remember if it has been ten years or maybe a little less. But in the past three years in my retirement i have not used it much but kept it updated in case i needed to use it to get into my desktop from my laptop or tablet. But now I am being accused of using it for commercial uses when I have not been using it at all. It hurts. I filled out the form and now I am waiting to see if they believe me or not. TeamViewer is a great help to me in so many ways in the past as i traveled and able stay connected to my desktop at home.