Commercial use - Connection time out
How do I use TeamViewer at home? Once a month? I do make decisions at work about whether we continue our TeamViewer usage there and I'm not happy about being kicked off in my private account when I only use it once a month
I've reinstalled and ...
I've reinstalled TeamViewer on my mother's computer (which is tricky since I can only visit 2-3 times a year)
But now I can't help her. Drops me out and says I'm a professional?? Once a month??
What do I do?
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I have not used this app in literally months. I tried to use it this morning to support my 76 year old mother in a foreign country and it told me I'm using the app commercially and need to buy a license. I couldn't connect. Are they just trying to con me in to buying a license?
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I have been using TeamViewer for personal purposes. I was recently logging on to two computers, but I only had five minutes to check the process. I always receive this connection block notification even if I don't do business activity through TeamViewer. How should this get fixed?
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Download TV on both host and remote laptops for family personal use.
After a few minutes TV disconnects me.
I took longer to download TV on both laptops and to configure the laptops than I was connected.
Error message received attached.
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All of a sudden one of my personal use clients is timing out almost immediately and I am not allowed to reconnect without waiting. The computers are on the same home network. I am still able to connect to one other computer on the same network.
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I have been flagged for business use which is incorrect. I have tried to fill out the form but it will not accept my id. I can also not reach support.
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i have a laptop running on windows 11, after update teamviewer. teamviewer timeout after 1 minute use and than i have to waite 1 minut and than the same issue. even if i instal it again
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I am using TeamViewer free version for my two home computers for personal use; however, the connection / TeamViewer session has timed out and ended in around 15 seconds lately. I pretty sure I meet your qualifications for the free version. Please check and advise. Many thanks!
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My Account is the free account and it changed to bussiness account or something like that. I dont understand why? I saw some unknown names on the people in recent sessions section. Now i cannot connect my any computer. please someone help me.
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Good day,
i have been using Teamviewer now for a couple of years, in the early days i used it a lot to acces my Desktop PC at home while i was in another city for work.
Nowerday i´m barely using teamviewer any more, just here and there to check sth. on my home pc (maybe 3-4 times a month) but stil everytime after like 1 minute i get kicked out of the connection and get asked to buy a license.
Is there anyway to get my account "unflagged" or whatever makes the algorithm think i use teamviwer in a commercial way ?
answers would be apreciated
Enjor your weekend everyone
PS: Sorry for my bad english
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I've had a free account for years and since a while now it won't connect any longer. It seems to think I'm commercial use, but this is strictly for personal use
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just want to help my family out that all( but it time out)
can some one help my
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Been trying to contact support in regard to being flagged. Every time i make a ticket it will not submit. Everything is filled out correct and ready to go. But it won't submit. Tried following the link to unflag, that JeanK recently posted, and same thing. I fill out the form, everything is correct. But it won't finalize submission. It's almost like they just don't care about me unless I'm giving them money. Very frustrated. If there was a small fee for personal users, i would pay to get rid of the frustration.
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I have already had my non-commercial (personal) account for 6-7 years. I cannot use it any more as I get disconnected (timeout) and have to wait for some time and then after a minute, I will be disconnected again. As I have never used TW for commercials and always it's been used for personal to support my family, I am wondering how I fix the problem. I uninstall and reinstalled it many times but same problem. I appreciate your help.
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i use teamviewer to fix my mom's laptop remotely. she's in the us and i'm in the uk. she somehow clicked on the commercial account and is completely flustered. is there any way for her to revert back to the free version. i'm trying to find the simpliest way to fix it for her.
thanks, tina
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Hi i have a free version but after 1 min i am out. It is privat can you fix so i can log in Christer
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Hi, I recently tried many times to access my PC from my phone (as I was able before) but now it tells me each time that "a professional use is detected". I don't know how come. I only use it to access my home PC from either my Winnovo A10 tablet or my Samsung Galaxy A5 phone. Can you help me get back on track with the free personal version?
Thanks in advance
Xavier Mallet
[removed per Community Guidelines]
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Is Teamviewer free for personal use.
Teamviewer seems to recognise me but I cannot sign in!
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I am REALLY not happy! I do NOT use Teamviewer professionally. As a matter of fact I just attempted to help a friend today but NO, I couldn't sign in and this is the notice I received. I have attempted to fix this on my own as well as by contacting free community assistance and called. What do I do now? How do I clear this out?
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I am a physically disabled and semi-retired IT consulting tech/engineer. I used to have hundreds of clients, now I only have a couple and all of them are friends or charities. I used to pay for a TeamViewer subscription and now due to limited income from disability I cannot afford it. It used to be TeamViewer was very gracious about allowing "free" use. THAT WAS TEAMVIWER'S GREATEST SE:LLING POINT!! Now it is near impossible to use it "free" for any practical tech support for people. It used to be I emphatically recommended my commercial clients subscribe to TeamViewer, in part because their generous and humane free use policy gave me the flexibility to help people working at home or at the office. In the last two years, TeamViewer has become way too impractical, anti-generous, and anti-humane in allowing free use. So, aside from what TeamViewer condescendingly calls an "inconvenience", this has caused the people who still need my help, who are rarely paying anything, to make other arrangements and I have recommended all my former clients to ditch TeamViewer, resulting in the loss of at least 100 paying customers just from me (and another 200+ from other professional colleagues of mine who have said the same to their clients) THAT I KNOW OF, because of your grossly anti-humane switch to a nefarious profit centered approach. I have been told by TeamViewer employees that this switch to such profit-mongering methods has depleted internal morale as well as a lost of lots of customers. Another good company gets destroyed by hyper-capitalism. What a shame.
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I only help family and rarely friends and I have received no compensation directly or indirectly. But the fact that I am using VPN for such academic purposes...makes Teamviewer think I am doing commercial. This is so sad when the ID reset page is only at the devices level but not the email address level, not to mention it simply doesn't work because again it's due to the VPN. Any real solution here? Many thanks. Have to use alternate products for now which is less frustrating, [removed per Community Guidelines]
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I just remote to family and friends of family to help the elderly. It says that I have a commercial account now. How do I fix this?
Dislike the warning tag, just because my search term was not correct to find this thread.
Attempted to use the reset form. Does not work in firefox or chrome under Linux?
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I bought a new computer and tried to add it to my partners list. Although it looked successful in the beginning trying to make an unattended connection using a password gave me the message that I need to buy a license to be able to connect, which means I am suspected to make commercial connections. How can I add this computer to my family and friends (non commercial) list?
Thank you
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I have a free version to connect with my elderly mother, but my sessions continuously timeout.
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Sometimes I help older people with Teamviewer with their computer problems. At most once a week. Lately that is no longer possible because Teamviewer no longer allows me to do this. How do I get that commercial stamp off my account?
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Hello everyone, I have been using TeamViewer for over a year in the free version. Recently, my version has been suspended for commercial use. However, I have never used the software or other than to help my family or connect to my personal computer remotely (eg at work). I tried Going through the reset system but the page does not load when I submit the form. Do you have any ideas ? thank you
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In the last 6 months I used the software may be twice to access my uncle's computer and now I'm being forced to upgrade to a business plan. I am no business and my uncle's neither.
I can't even submit a ticket not chat with the support.
How can I go about this please!