Commercial use - Connection time out



  • BobL1952
    BobL1952 Posts: 7
    edited April 2024

    I have had this once before and that thing was fixed within a day.

    This time I am waiting for a correct responce now for almost a week.

    I moved to **Third Party Product** although I prefer the TeamViewer way of working more.

    But when it does not work, it does not work and then finito TeamViewer 😝

  • eyurtese
    eyurtese Posts: 1

    I have the same problem. The worst is that there is no way to contact TeamViewer and explain this. I just went to app store and gave 1 star review. It seemed like that's what I could do only.

    MSN_GOU Posts: 1

    I am only trying to help my family, but TV states that I am using it for commercial purposes, and limitates to around 1mn of use per session... how do I get out of that?

  • AmenAbdulwahab
    AmenAbdulwahab Posts: 1
    edited April 2024

    Hi guys!

    Can someone tell me how to get rid of this limitation?

  • Hi, I have the same problem!

  • BobHails
    BobHails Posts: 2

    Same here!

  • BobHails
    BobHails Posts: 2

    Looks like a lot of people are encountering the same problem. TeamViewer doesn't seem to be in a hurry to fix it.

  • greg54js
    greg54js Posts: 2

    So I legit use TV for family computer management. My parents are in their 60's and they don't do technology well. So I have been using TV for the last couple of years as I am not close to them to drive over and take care of things. So today, I have to help my mom with her FB password and I get the notification I am doing commercial use stuff and will have to spend 50 bucks a year to continue to maintain my family's computers.. *bleep*.. I am not paying for that so what is the deal here?

  • I have used TeamViewer for 15 years I connect to one friend's computer he has 3 and I have connected to all 3 but 99% is to his main computer. now it flags me and cuts the connection after 5 min. and then I tried to chat and it hung up on me and sent me chasing through a bunch of useless help pages

  • Jeanmarcn
    Jeanmarcn Posts: 1
    edited April 2024

    Hi all

    It seems that TeamViewer is tired of letting us, small users that are trying to help family members, use it without paying for software.

    I say ok cool we'll use **Third Party Product**, at least it works for more then 5 mins


    PS: it was working great then they said "here is an upgrade go ahead and use it" now I'm stuck with the commercial use screen when I try to connect to friends or family. Not cool, really not cool.

  • amuror
    amuror Posts: 2

    Hello i am here again;

    i installed a minecraft server to play with my friend on another machine inside my house ( and again the commercial use stuff come out) can you fix this ? i already compiled the reset request and add all my team viewer usually use;

    Verify your stuff and please free me from jail as its another machine inside my house not somewhere else; i could just get up and go in the near chair to do stuff xd but as i said up and before , i am old and lazy to do this :\

    Can i know at what point is my ticket to check / no commercial use and reset and get rid about the messages and timeout ? :O


  • el_chazmo
    el_chazmo Posts: 3
    edited April 2024

    UPDATES: I have reset all applicable IDs (not account) 5 times in the last week. Any time I connect from an android phone... Commercial suspected. No idea what to do. Does anyone know why, even after resetting, it gets flagged again straight away?

  • redavenger
    redavenger Posts: 8
    edited April 2024

    what **bleep** is going on teamviewer? i have a android phone and it says i am using teamviewer commercially. And when i tried to reset it i got a rejection email, with a link that does not work.

    please fix this up.

  • Kenwy
    Kenwy Posts: 2

    same for me... and i'm using the program to connect only to 3 pc's, maybe someone will can help us

  • BobL1952
    BobL1952 Posts: 7

    Today I had an answer from TeamViewer.

    Yehhh, they did reset my ID, thank you TeamViewer!

    It seems to be important that you enter ALL ID's (up to 10) you need to work with TeamViewer.

    Ij your ID has been reset, but the ID of the PC you contact with is still known as commercial user you still will get the message "commercial usage"

    Stay hopefull and describe clear and honest what you do.

    But remember that TeamViewer uses a tool to check what you do and can get confused again.

    Also contacting home and office PC's or using it for a non profit company will be noted as Commercial usage.

    That is written in their explanation

  • Ew_2024
    Ew_2024 Posts: 1

    Hello. I have a free license for private use. I only use it to help 2 elderly people with their computer - updates and more. Lately I find that I get a timeout very quickly. How can I fix it so I don't get kicked off all the time.

  • jdlopes
    jdlopes Posts: 3

    Extremely frustrating to be locked out! This is personal use, not commercial. I'm accessing my server, in my office, from my workstation 3 feet away! I am constantly locked out of my server. I've been using TeamViewer for many years and had recently installed another program because I don't have the same stupid issues!

    Get a grip, TV!

  • SarahW
    SarahW Posts: 2
    edited April 2024

    I am using TeamViewer's free, non-commercial version. I have only used TeamViewer to connect remotely my laptop computer to my desktop at home. Suddenly I am getting a message that I appear to be using TV commercially and I need to upgrade. Then I get kicked out of my remote session and told I cannot rejoin.

    Did I change a setting or do something to cause this to suddenly start happening?

    Any help appreciated!

  • Lokto
    Lokto Posts: 2

    So I'm supposed to contact you because you detected commercial use but I can't contact you because I'm a free user ...

  • Lokto
    Lokto Posts: 2
    edited April 2024


    I got block from logging to my windows 10 machine because commercial use is detected. (Lol?)

    The pc never leave my home, 99% of the time I connect from the same network from my phone and this behavior is detected as commercial?

    Sound a bit strange for me.

    Any way to have it unlocked?

  • azthroop
    azthroop Posts: 1
    edited April 2024

    I was recently flagged as using Team Viewer commercially, even though I only use it for personal purposes. I created a support ticket explaining my usage and requested to be reset to personal use only. This reset worked great and I was back helping my 88 and 90 year old parents use their computers via Team Viewer, when they need a little help.

    Unfortunately, now both of their individual computers have been flagged with the same error messages, and on one of their computers, it lets me login for less than 5 minutes and it isn't enough time to create a support ticket off of their personal machines/computers. I tried to create another support ticket, on their behalf recently, but Team Viewer won't allow me to create another support ticket. It seems that, since I don't pay for a license, I don't get any more help? This is very frustrating for me, but has created a real safety issue as they are not able to manage their online prescription renewals/payments on their own. Support...Please email me [removed per Community Guidelines] with a solution asap


  • Ingvar_2001
    Ingvar_2001 Posts: 2
    edited April 2024

    My connection to a friend in the USA closes (is timed out) after a few seconds. Why?

  • kiron
    kiron Posts: 2
    edited April 2024

    How can I convince the overlords at TeamViewer that I am using it for personal use?

  • Good Day everyone,

    This is the message I am receiving now, I am not use this for commercial use at all. I use this program for my church to do the updates on the pc and have been doing this for years. Recently only change that has happen was church got google fiber business line before that was a different business ISP.

    Can someone please help me with this issue, so I do not have to stay at church for hours to do the windows updates.

    Commercial Use Detected

    This software seems to be used in commercial environments please note that the free version may only be used for personal use

    your session will be terminated after 5 mins 

    please check our website for further information

  • I use this for helping my parents with their computers and doing all personal things. Nothing else, I connected it to my work laptop once to do something on software that is on there from work. How can I get this to stop bugging me about being a business user?

  • I use TEAMVIEWER free licence for remote teaching assistance.

    My licence has been limited for "suspicion of commercial use".

    Is there any document needed to have free licence reactivated?

  • akeshma
    akeshma Posts: 1

    Hi dear,

    I am facing issue when using TeamViewer. a massage says :

    "Detecting Commercial use in my account"

    and then after 5 minutes it will close session automatically.

    I am in personal use and monitor/controll home devices !

    Thanks for understanding.

  • Sarah_A
    Sarah_A Posts: 1

    I have the same problem. I've recently started to get pop-ups saying commercial use has been detected. I only use Team Viewer from my personal Mac for occasional remote support for an elderly parent. This sounds like personal use to me.

    It would be good if someone could tell me how to resolve this issue.

  • jgmdean
    jgmdean Posts: 1
    edited April 2024

    How am I supposed to support family if the only laptop I have when traveling is work related?

    When traveling my only computer is my work laptop. I still need to support aged relatives and home users that are not related to my job. Yet this apparently counts as "work related" and requires an unreasonably priced commercial license.

    This is basically going to make TeamViewer useless for me for personal use and I don't want to have to find another solution.

    TeamViewer has no access to manage my work laptop and that would be against company policy in any case.

    I want to "play fair" etc. but I can't be the only one in this situation?

  • Enzo82
    Enzo82 Posts: 1

    Hi, i've got restriction for commercial use but i use TeamViewer only to manage my PC's from phone.

    Can you help?
