Commercial use - Connection time out



  • ravindradg
    ravindradg Posts: 3 ✭✭
    edited June 18


    I am using TV on 3 of my laptops as private user. But I am constantly logged out with message that it is used in commercial setting.

    Please help.

  • Yts
    Yts Posts: 10 ✭✭

    When i connect my pc after 1 minte it cancel all 4 user its my pc an my mobile i dont use for custumer i have group team just from my pc please fix it

  • Yts
    Yts Posts: 10 ✭✭

    Please fix it

  • Jerryb1
    Jerryb1 Posts: 2 ✭✭
    edited June 18

    How can I continue using my free account.

  • NTXH
    NTXH Posts: 5 ✭✭
    edited June 18

    Why is it constantly popping up that a commercial use has been detected. Now i am not able to long into my home pc at all. Have had this issue before and filled out the Reclaim your Free Version form and got it fixed, only to have it a couple of weeks later lock me out again.

    I filled out Reclaim your Free Version form a week ago and still no response or help.

    How can I get this issue resolved permanently and now have to have this happen over and over again?

  • Scottie10nt
    Scottie10nt Posts: 2 Newbie

    Hi, i have been using Teamviewer free version 15.54.6 for private use on 2 remote PC's with no problems. Using team viewer today it keeps logging me out every 5 mins and saying (see below) can some one help and point me in the right direction. i have no license for a free version. thank you

  • NTXH
    NTXH Posts: 5 ✭✭
    edited June 18

    Went through all the steps and now my account is marked as commercial user and locked me out and after filling out the form to reinstate it, no response or solution.

    This is just not right!

  • DWKay
    DWKay Posts: 2 Newbie

    I use team viewer primarily to assist my elderly parents who live some distance from me.

    Recently I have been getting the commercial use banner up when connecting, and if booted, unable to log back in immediately, causing them distress

    This account is not being used commercially.

    I may occasionally connect through a local network on wifi, which is using a VPN...

    However all connections are made to PC's in my list, and never by manually entering an address.

    Can this account please be unflagged.

  • Ishness
    Ishness Posts: 2 Newbie

    I keep getting this message even though I don't use Teamviewer commercially. In fact, I hardly ever use it. I've used teamviewer to manage my computers at home, or friends/families computers. Maybe 6 in total, with 3 being my own computers/laptops at home. This has happened several times over the years and I cannot get it to go away. I think I've submitted tickets in the past but now, being a free user, I can't. What can I do and how to I get TeamViewer to fix the way they look for commercial use?

  • ammar6221
    ammar6221 Posts: 1

    time out problem,
    I only use the program to help my mom and not for Commercial work

  • Ang32
    Ang32 Posts: 1 Newbie

    So i see teamviewer is becoming more and more garbage, and ontop of that, now they don't offer support for free users. 2 years ago they banned me because i connected to a relatives "work" computer that they had in their house so i could increase the screen zoom for them. they had real support though at the time and un banned me i assume because they record what you do, and could see that that was all i did. but now ive been connecting into my laptop a lot and leaving the connection running overnight, and now im being banned for it because they want me to pay. so what can i do?

  • Yts
    Yts Posts: 10 ✭✭
    edited June 19

    i link pc to pc just my after 1 mint is close its say youtr time is finish and team will be close

     [removed per Community Guidelines]

    DOMASSIST Posts: 2 ✭✭
    Good morning,
    I have been using the free version of TeamViewer for years.
    I help friends with IT.
    When I connect with a friend the connection cuts out after about 5 mm.
    TeamViewer tells me to upgrade to a paid version.
    I don't use TeamViewer professionally.
    How to recover my free account.
    Thank you.

  • KeithBurns
    KeithBurns Posts: 7 ✭✭

    I did not get a "commercial use suspected" message, simply disconnected, and then informed I cannot reconnect for 10 minutes. I use this on my Mac desktop, and iPad to connect to my Mom's computer when she is having problems. It's been a few months since my last use. Before today, this has never happened. My Mom lives a couple hundred miles from me.

    Is this resolvable without purchasing a Single Use license? Also, would my Mom's computer also need a Single Use license?

  • KeithBurns
    KeithBurns Posts: 7 ✭✭
    edited June 19

    I have a free account, I use it to connect to my Mom's computer when she is having problems. Today, my two sessions timed out after a minute and tell me I must wait 10 minutes before another session is allowed. Is the only way around this to pay for a subscription? Would her computer and my computer both need a paid subscription? I use this maybe 4 times a year and only for her.

  • KeithBurns
    KeithBurns Posts: 7 ✭✭

    Also, I was able to get her side updated just before we were disconnected. We are both on iMacs with the current OS 14.5. I requested an account reset for personal use and explained why. It said it can be up to 72 hours before a response. So I wait.

  • Yts
    Yts Posts: 10 ✭✭

    pleese i do all and send id now is 2 id thay i want to inside them if i am out off home

  • dnasilver
    dnasilver Posts: 1 Newbie

    I've been using Teamviewer for years to connect my own pc for non-commercial use, and it's suddenly suspended and limited down to less than one-minute. I'm so confused how could my account been flagged all of a sudden.

    I've filled in the Reclaim your free versioin page for several days, and still no response.

    Please help…

  • Bhaven
    Bhaven Posts: 1 Newbie

    I would like to have my id reset to "personal use" as am using TeamViewer for personal use only to access my laptop and desktop remotely or sometime to help my parents living in another country.


  • robertdimov
    robertdimov Posts: 1 Newbie
    edited June 20

    the msg is "you license limits the maxiumum sessions duratin to a partnet, immediate reconnects are block etc " upgrade you license ?

    I am coneecting to mum computer, its not work or business and its the first time in a few days trying to connect.

    Do we need to find another product now for free home use if being blocked ?

  • KeithBurns
    KeithBurns Posts: 7 ✭✭
    edited June 20

    I'm getting the "Time for an upgrade" pop up, so my apologies, in the smaller text it says "You're using TeamViewer in a commercial setting"

    So I guess you were correct in merging. When I was disconnected, there was no pop-up.

  • Stephen_Johnson1
    Stephen_Johnson1 Posts: 2 ✭✭
    edited June 20

    I have a free account for personal use. I am trying to use two Samsung Android devices, one to control another. I experimented with a few old phones and tablets but finally purchsed a new Samsung table to be the controlled host. I appears TeamViewer AI determined I had 5 different devices I tried to use under the same account (which I did) and therefore was using a commercial operatoin (which I am not). When I called the Florida 239 phone number, a very unhelpful guy said he didn't know anything about anthing and if I did not want to pay [removed per Community Guidelines] per year, I am up a creek without a paddle. Very poor service. I will pay a small reasonable fee it I can get a human to remedy my account but he said there was no such option and abruptly hung up.

    Does anyone know how to ask TeamViewer to review a free personal use account to wipe it clean and allow only 2 devices for the free account?

    When I go to the open new ticket webpage and try to start a ticket, I get routed to this user forum which appears not to be monitored by TeamViewer.

    Has anyone else had their personal use account falsely flagged as commercial use and been able to get TeamViewer to reveiw the situaion and actually reply via phone call or email?

    Thanks. Stephen J

  • dekibes
    dekibes Posts: 2 Newbie
    edited June 20

    I have signed up now I have now logged into my computer via mobile. I got a pop up message that I need to contact you because I may be using the account for business purposes and not for personal purposes. The correct information is that I use the account for private purposes, so I would like to know what happened?

  • strangel
    strangel Posts: 3 ✭✭
    edited June 20

    I have used the free version of Teamviewer for many years now. And despite the constant nagging from Teamviewer, terrorising me about this **bleep** "Commercial use detected" (even though i have never, and will not, use it in a commercial setting) i still recommend Teamviewer to ppl and customers that needs to hear it.

    Until now. In the last week i get this error message:

    "Connection blocked after timeout. Your license limits the maximum session duration to a partner - immediately repeated connections are blocked. Please try again later or upgrade your license. Connections to this partner are blocked until xx:xx"

    And even though I wait past the given time set in the error message, it doesn't help. I can't connect to any of my pcs.

    Is this fixable??

    Or is this is a final stupid idea from TW meant to "force" me to buy a license. If that is the case, I will finally take the step and switch to **Third Party Product** or one of the many remote solutions out there. They would't be the first company that have a good product but **bleep** in management.

    Please help me.

  • remi87
    remi87 Posts: 2 Newbie
    edited June 20

    I am being hounded by a new Sales Rep at Team Viewer demanding I buy a license for suspected commercial usage. I use Team Viewer to help my grandparents and parents who live overseas and have never used it in a commercial manner. The sales rep is trying to tell me that 'any usage outside the home, i.e. connecting to a computer that is not in your home' is classified as commercial usage. This is obviously wrong and completely rediculour because why would you need team viewer if you are in the same house….

    He is refusing to send me the T&C's and I have tried to access the info here but I am getting permission denied to access the page. Anyone have any info?


  • AGoga
    AGoga Posts: 5 ✭✭
    edited June 20

    How is it possible that after 414 pages of reports of WRONG detection of commercial use, TeamViewer isn't realising that it is due to connectivity problems and NOT Commercial use!

    this **bleep** algorithm notices that pepople press connect multiple times (trying to connect to the same device, because the bloody host app isn't working like it should!) and then it figures, Ah! Commercial use!!!!!! **bleep**!!!!!!!

    you're either providing a free service for personal use or you don't!!!!!!! Why they **bleep** do you pretend you do! it's a MAJOR waste of time for EVERYBODY! I'm trying to help old people, my parents, and their patience is zero! because they're sick and old, but they do have to pay bills, and use their phones… so, I risk agravating them (which, in their condition is Dangerous medically) trying to guide them to enable me to connect to their device via TeamViewer!

    **bleep** together TeamViewer!you're not the only solution for remote access out there!

    your free offering \**bleep**!

  • AGoga
    AGoga Posts: 5 ✭✭
    edited June 20

    I'm connecting from my Android phone to my mother's Android phone via TeamViewer, and it's not the first time either, so clearly it's not Commercial Use!

    yet, because the host app on the remote phone is malfunctioning (should be running without any intervention, no permissions have been removed, etc.. yet, it times out when I try to connect)… and when you tap several times , trying to connect again, it says, ah, commercial use… multiple attempts, **bleep**… try again in 1, 2 5 min etc..

    What a WASTE OF TIME!!!!!!!!! at least remove your free version, and stop pretending

  • marinagol
    marinagol Posts: 2 Newbie
    edited June 20

    I am using the free version to help my elderly mom with her computer. I assume I have been flagged for commercial use. I have filed 3 requests for reset already. It has been a week and I have no change - I get kicked out and am not able to start a session. Can someone please help with advice what to do? I need to help mom get into a doctor's visit on zoom. URGENT. Thank you.