Commercial use - Connection time out



  • znino1
    znino1 Posts: 2

    I have been using Teamviewer personal license for years with the same account. Recently, if I try to remote control one of my computers using the TeamViewer app on my iPhone the connection times out after one minute. If I try to reconnect I get a message:

    Unable to Connect. A connection could not be established. connection Blocked.

    You've reached the maximum session duration for this Teamviewer ID. Please try again later.

    Connections to this TeamViewer ID will be blocked until [One minute later than the current time).

    The strange thing is that if I login to my account on another phone and try to remote control a computer, it works fine. If I try to remove control a computer from my desktop (again, logged in with my same userid) it works fine. It is ONLY not working if I try to remote control via my iPhone 14.

    I have tried to delete the app on my phone and reinstall. Same issue.

    I have tried to logout of the app on my phone and login. Same issue.

    Does anyone have an idea what this might be or what I should be trying next? It really seems related from connections only attempted from this specific phone and not my account because it works fine if I am logged in on another device with my user account and try to remove access my devices.


  • 3D_Design_Ink
    3D_Design_Ink Posts: 2
    edited July 1

    what is going on with this timed out stuff? who can you reach to reset this thing. A month ago I was being called a commercial user and I was denied only to tell them to look at the previous remote numbers all to my account and I am only remotely tie-in'ing to My Computers. They should have a 1-800 Number for all.

    Anyway how do I get my account reset so that I can use it to access my computer without it Timing out?

  • Gabor_01
    Gabor_01 Posts: 2

    I wanted to connect from a mobile phone to my own computer at home and the application threw up a message saying that it recognizes my account as a business account and therefore exits after 5 minutes.
    Why does it feel like my account is business when I only use the app on my own devices? And even rarely?

  • xprt007
    xprt007 Posts: 4
    edited July 1

    Hi there

    Am I the only one experiencing this? I use Teamviewer now and then, every couple of weeks to help friends who have limited computer knowledge to do some tasks. 95% of those are in and from the SAME household (network), because of some technical issues with a desktop accessing it to mostly update Windows + other programs or onetime to install some video editing program or to help print school material for kids (most common use), another time it was copying some media from an iPhone to a hard drive. I have otherwise used Teamviewer to show someone how to use WiseCare 365 or just check on programs update status or some similar stuff taking just minutes and this lies weeks or months apart in some cases just a one time issue. One is my own second notebook I connected to as I installed TeamViewer on it.


    A couple of months ago, I was forcefully thrown because commercial use had supposedly been detected. When I tried again may be days or weeks later, it worked a couple of times to as I say mostly print out a few school homework pages, something that takes at most 10 minutes.

    Then about a week ago, when I went to do the same task within the SAME HOUSEHOLD, I was rudely thrown out within seconds. As this was totally unexpected, I tried again but as screenshots show I was told I could connect only after sometime, which IF I succeeded was immediately thrown out.

    Currently, and after many years of using Teamviewer for exactly the same purposes NOW & THEN helping some friends deal with issues it seems impossible to use the program again after being certainly falsely blacklisted.

    This is a few moments before making this post after trying to connect to my second notebook, just beside me:

    I mostly use THIS notebook, but have once in a while probably accessed some PC from one of those under my account.

    What is going on and could it be Teamviewer free service, for which we are grateful has ended, one is being "encouraged" to upgrade or look for alternatives?

    Is there anything that can be done to get off the unfair blacklist?

    Best regards

  • TE5LA
    TE5LA Posts: 14
    edited July 2

    I just got the same message. I think they have ended free accounts. Their new list of features shows that free users can't really do anything. Can't transfer files, etc.

    Time to move on to something else.[removed per Community Guidelines]

  • TE5LA
    TE5LA Posts: 14

    Obviously, they don't want me mentioning other software, companies not so greedy :)

  • TE5LA
    TE5LA Posts: 14
    edited July 1

    [removed per Community Guidelines]

  • Gabor_01
    Gabor_01 Posts: 2

    I wanted to connect from a mobile phone to my own home computer and the app threw a message that it recognizes my account as a business account, so it exits after 5 minutes.
    Why does my account appear to be business when I only use the app on my own devices? And even rarely?

  • willshows
    willshows Posts: 1

    I am a free user, not running a business. I just use it to try to help
    friends and family when they have computer issues or don't know what to do. I have
    been flagged for commercial use for some reason.

  • TE5LA
    TE5LA Posts: 14

    I recently lost the ability to use TeamViewer because it told me, when I tried to connect, that I must pay to use it. The license in the client still reported that it was a free license. This happened to me a year or so ago, but I contacted TeamViewer and they fixed it.

    I am retired and use TV for connecting to another computer so that I don't need a monitor, mouse, and keyboard on that system. I also occasionally help a friend who is 99% computer illiterate. This time, I tried to contact TV, but the system told me I could not contact them, that support was not available for free accounts, so I began looking at alternatives. Only after I posted in the forums about alternatives did I receive an email offering to unblock my account.

    If this situation was some kind of accident, I can understand it, but the appearance I got was that it was an intentional change by TV. I even looked at the licensing page with the list of features, and it shows that a free license does not have the ability to transfer files. Well, I had been transferring files for years. Without this ability, I would have no reason to use it.

    I understand if TV wanted to end the free licensing and am appreciative that I have been afforded its use over the years, but if these occurrences are an aberration, then I might suggest that an obvious link on the website be created where free users can apply for an unblock, such as the form that was emailed to me. My guess is that most free users are not power users and may have difficulty navigating through the website.

    I am once again using my free license. I guess my question, if any, is what is contained in the above paragraph.

    Thanks, TeamViewer.

  • mishanian
    mishanian Posts: 2

    I was using a commercial license for a long time but now it is showing I am using free version!

  • biconix
    biconix Posts: 5

    I used to be able to provide unlimited remote suppo100-year-old0 year old father using the free version of TeamViewer. It is the best tool, but now I only have a one-minute window and then need to wait in order to login again.

    I am retired and cannot afford the monthly fee. Is there an option to be able to use TeamViewer on an unlimited or at least 15 minutes with a specific computer?

  • Zen12
    Zen12 Posts: 4

    Follow this, I did it and it took a couple days to get a response. But ALL of my connections that I submitted got reset.

    Tried to connect to my MOM and Sister and didn't get disconnected at all. 🤓

  • NewUserDan
    NewUserDan Posts: 1
    edited July 9

    I connect to the client, and a few minutes later, the system kicks me out. I tried twice. Is it because I'm on a free account?

  • radicor
    radicor Posts: 5

    @parryjm your scenario is almost exactly the same as mine I have only ever used this tool (with my account) to access my own PC, mobile device or those of an assorted half dozen friends and family members. No charges, nothing commercial.

    This is the 2nd or third time my account was flagged.

    Each time their process is more convoluted…. I mean they say something tot he effect of "just fill out the webform, no problem"

    Except there no communication, no follow-up and it hasn't been fixed, of course no support.

  • radicor
    radicor Posts: 5
    edited July 25

    Hi @NewUserDan

    Sorry to hear you are having a problem!

    You are not alone and TeamViewer, clearly does not care!

    TeamViewer is using a completely broken process to identify "commercial use" and let you re-request access, if you are not using it commercially.

    It seams pretty obvious that they want you to get so frustrated or not understand to get you to buy their pay product which is not require under their OWN TERMS!

    I'm gonna give you the party line, try this:

    Maybe it will work for you .. it's been a **bleep**for me

    PJDHENRY Posts: 2

    I have been blocked again from Teamviewer from supporting friends and family and its now becoming unusable as a result, I have followed the process twice now and then when I come back to use it weeks later.. I am blocked again.

    How can I stop this happening?

  • TS-021
    TS-021 Posts: 9

    Has anyone received an update on this?

  • MsTS
    MsTS Posts: 8

    How am I able to stay connected longer than 60 seconds ?????

  • Hiest
    Hiest Posts: 2

    I use Team viewer Only for personal use i have several Computers at home. were i help my Kids or Parents fix things they brake.

    Now i get only 5 minutes ever time i try to help one of them. how can i resolve this. i have been using teamviewer for 10+ Years

  • fostaa
    fostaa Posts: 1
    edited July 19


    I have used Team Viewer for years and I always use Free license since I am only connecting to my parents' PC to fix stuff from time to time and help them with other things on their PC. In the recent versions of Team Viewer, it has become a nightmare using it since it will disconnect every 10-15 minutes and it's not due to inactivity but whatever the reason. Sometimes it would say "license expired", sometimes it would say "end of trial". Neither of these messages are incorrect since I am using the free version. I have to reinstall it every time to get a 10-15 min time to do what I wanna do. This is ridiculous. Please assist.

  • billwynne
    billwynne Posts: 1
    edited July 21

    I have tried to submit the form to reclaim your free version, but there is an internal error on the form. Is anyone else getting this, and was there a fix? Is it a browser issue or a TeamViewer webpage issue?

    I have tested Chrome and Firefox, and they have the same error code.

  • Lynxian
    Lynxian Posts: 1

    I am also getting the AEM-AF-901-004 error. Is there any workaround for this?


  • Nytrium
    Nytrium Posts: 3
    edited July 24

  • Nytrium
    Nytrium Posts: 3

    I use my account every 3-4 months to support my elderly grandmother. I only ever connect to her computer, never any others with TV.

    This morning I got disconnected after 1 minute from her machine and have issues getting reconnected after.

    Please help.

  • jack08520
    jack08520 Posts: 3
    edited July 25

    I was a commercial user with a license provided through work and used TV Remote for years. I was recently let go from my position and I thought all I'd have to do is make a new account with my personal email address and then carry on as usual - but when trying to help a friend with a browser hijacker my session was timed out after about 20sec and then I was unable to reconnect. Am I stuck having to purchase a $50 USD/mo license to continue using TV?!?!

  • hello. I can no longer use teamviwer. I get logged out after 1 minute

  • Apercival
    Apercival Posts: 1
    edited August 2

    Every time I connect it kicks me out at 30 seconds. Both devices and using the same account.

  • steveru102
    steveru102 Posts: 4
    edited August 2

    I've been using my account for a couple of years, and now all of a sudden it says I have a bussiness account. How would this happen ?

  • voltag00
    voltag00 Posts: 4
    edited September 24

    I was suspected of commercial use. I submitted my reset and have been approved TWICE that account is indeed a personal use account. Before I did the reset, I did the business trial for my account so that I could continue to use teamviewer while they took the time to look into resetting my account. Now I get this error connection, (see photo). I need help figuring out how to get this stupid business trial license scrubbed from my account. I've called teamviewer on the phone and been told that they took it off for me. They obviously didn't. I guess they lied. Please give me a solution so I can get back on teamviewer.