Commercial use - Connection time out



  • BRN169
    BRN169 Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Been using TV to connect to my old PC that is running a Minecraft server for my kids in my house for IDK 10 years. The PC runs with no monitor, keyboard or mouse I only remote in to manage it. Suddenly today it gets flagged as for commercial use? On what planet is this reality. **bleep**! We have a commercial license for work but don't want to put my personal PCs on my work PC. Absolutely retarded.

  • Zen12
    Zen12 Posts: 3 ✭✭

    I just tried to connect to my sisters Cellphone. I get about 10 to 15 seconds before connection timed out. Then when I retry the connection a box comes up saying " Connection blocked after timeout. Your license limits the maximum session duration to partner, immediate reconnects are blocked. Please try again later or upgrade your license. Connections to this partner will be blocked until 14:22" . When I first connected to the phone it told her I was using the Free version. Does my ID need a reset? Tell me what to do please.

  • DrRon57
    DrRon57 Posts: 1 Newbie

    I also have this problem now, 2nd time ever, but this time I had to clone and replace a failing hard drive. Software works, but says I am commercial and times out quickly. I have never used it for anyone other than family, or myself to my other PCs.

    And in the past, I was able to email support to have it corrected, now it seems that I am not allowed to contact or create a ticket because I don't have a paid for version.

    Using it for personal use, with FREE for personal use is all I need. How does a FREE user reset the suspected commecrcial use flag that is set on my profile page now ???

  • me_stuffy
    me_stuffy Posts: 2 Newbie
    edited June 24

    I'm connecting from my PC to my Dad's PC to help him out now and then. My account or connect got flag at commercial setting. How can I get that remove.

  • rmgl27
    rmgl27 Posts: 2 Newbie
    edited June 24

    My TeamViewer keeps getting disconnected because I am being accused of using it in a commercial setting even though I am not. I am only connected to my personal devices (work desktop, personal laptop, personal smartphone, personal iPad) and my parents' PCs since they sometimes need help with technical stuff but I am not able to help them personally since I live overseas.

    Is there a way to remedy this? My account is free so I cannot write a ticket and instead I am always being redirected to this community.

  • parrrrda
    parrrrda Posts: 2 Newbie


    I'm using TeamViewer and I get the phrase that I've been using commercial for a few days.

    Please check.

  • mtzurawski
    mtzurawski Posts: 2 Newbie
    edited June 24

    I use teamvier free license. Unfortunately, I can't use it freely, my session gets interrupted every time and I get a message that I am using it for business. This is of course not true. I use the TeamVier application occasionally, mostly connecting to my mother's computer. Unfortunately, both my and my mother's computers have windows PRO licenses, due to the fact that we bought them once from a bankrupt company. Perhaps this is the reason why TeamVier thinks we use it coemrrationally? Is there anything I can do about it? Please advise.

  • scotth1435
    scotth1435 Posts: 2 Newbie
    edited June 24

    I also went through this several years ago. I use TV to connect to a telescope which I personally own that is a few hundred yards from my house, in rural Texas. It is for my personal use, and not rented out or used by anyone other than myself. I would like to re-establish my 'personal use' status. Thank you.

  • nerfherder703
    nerfherder703 Posts: 2 Newbie
    edited June 24

    I have been using TeamViewer for personal use for about a year. Suddenly, any time I try to use the Android app to connect to one of my machines, I get a notice that "Commercial Use is Detected".

    I can access this same machine using my PC, but the mobile app is triggering that Commercial Use message. I am not using it for commercial use.

    Any idea how I can correct this?

  • lpierrie
    lpierrie Posts: 3 Newbie
    edited June 24

    Why am I now being denied access to Team Viewer when I occasionally, once or twice a month, help a friend with an issue?

  • lpierrie
    lpierrie Posts: 3 Newbie

    Please help as soon as possible.

  • gjb999
    gjb999 Posts: 1

    Logging problem just started - I have an approved Free License, and have been using it for months very easily. Yesterday I started to get logged out, and thought it was just an issue with my account. I tried to log in today and received the same thing. I spoke with support and was told that "Free versions are not intended to lest forever. It is time to buy a license." Is that correct?

  • wcndave
    wcndave Posts: 7 ✭✭
    edited June 25

    I use teamviewer to support my elderly parents on their computers, and suddenly I am a commercial user, and can't help them with an urgent requirement, and from the forum it looks like this is affecting hundreds of users!

    A real blunder on the part of teamviewer, [removed per Community Guidelines]

  • kklosterman3
    kklosterman3 Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Getting timed out as a commercial user and i am a personal use only user. Need to be reassigned personal.

  • Minothi
    Minothi Posts: 1 Newbie


    Im using teamviewer (free) to monitor the screen on a computer that is running a homemade alarm system. Its in my music room where I keep allot of equipment of high value. Im not making any money in this room although we are a bunch of freaks making music there.

    But, I got a notification in the app that I might be using it commercially.. As I am using the free version of the software I have no way of telling them that I dont directly, so I am curious to know if I need to worry? And perhaps this message might reach them in this forum?

    Thanks for any effort to help <3

  • Razed
    Razed Posts: 2 Newbie
    edited June 25

    when i connect to my friend within a matter of 10 seconds it disconnect but when he does it from his fine and connects to me it's fine does my friend need to change something so i can team view and share his screen? this has never happened before

  • Lpspecial7
    Lpspecial7 Posts: 2 Newbie


    For the last few months TeamViewer has been telling me I am using the app for commercial purposes, but I am only connecting to my own PC's. What is going on.

  • pekaynz
    pekaynz Posts: 2 ✭✭

    same here. why is teamviewer support not responding as there is clearly and issue with this currenly

  • wcndave
    wcndave Posts: 7 ✭✭

    I think the response of the moderators and team, to merge all the responses here is just unacceptable really.

    My 88 year old father is not going to realise he needs to find a community online to fix his teamviewer installation, and is far more likely to see the popup saying he needs to upgrade, and think that's what he has to do.

    This then effectively turns into a scam.

    IF the software itself had a message like "we think you're using this commercially, you need to upgrade, if you're using it for personal reasons only, please click here to tell us and we'll reset it for you", then that would be another thing, but the way this is presented it dishonest at worst, and plain incompetent at best.

    And 416 pages of it… imagine how many users there are who didn't look for or find this site…

  • eljilali
    eljilali Posts: 2 Newbie
    edited June 25
    I use team viewer for non-commercial purposes, but I receive a message that blocks me and considers me for commercial use.

  • gica
    gica Posts: 3 ✭✭
    edited June 25

    How can I get rid of tye comercial usage detected?

  • gica
    gica Posts: 3 ✭✭

    I only use this on one computer of my 90 year old aunt from my Android phone.

  • Carlosccsan
    Carlosccsan Posts: 1 Newbie
    edited June 26

    Hi, I have a non-commercial use account, which I use simply to connect to my own home computer when my family has problems, I only connect to this computer and I get this message all of a sudden, I have been using it for several years and before suddenly I get that, what can I do? Thanks

  • Beggar
    Beggar Posts: 2 Newbie
    edited June 26

    I recently started getting a splash screen claiming that I am running TeamViewer commercially shortly after I connected to a friend's computer to help them out. I never used TeamViewer professionally. I never made a single penny by using TeamViewer.

    So now, whenever I try to connect to my friend's or family member's computer, it's the same four people of which my friend is the one I need to connect to mostly, I am getting this splash screen. And just a few minutes after I am getting kicked out.

    I am not planning on spending around 14 EUR every month. That's half of my internet flat rate Internet with unlimited data which I use everyday, unlike TeamViewer, which I only very rarely.

    This is really annoying since I have been using TeamViewer with this account for years without being accused for using commercially.

    So is it no longer free for private users to help their friends and family members? Do I need to switch to **Third Party Product** now?

  • hitstun
    hitstun Posts: 1 Newbie

    I've filled out the personal use reset form at twice in the past week. Now, instead of my sessions timing out after 1 minute, now it times out after only 15 seconds. I mainly use TeamViewer to remote into two of my home PCs from my two personal Android devices, and never professionally. If TeamViewer is no longer free for personal use, just tell it to us straight.

  • parryjm
    parryjm Posts: 9 ✭✭
    edited June 26

    I keep running into the issue with TeamViewer timing out and connection blocked after timeout. This prevents me from providing technical assistance and this has become a recurring problem with using the "free" version of TeamViewer.

    I only use TeamViewer to provice technical assistance for 10 family and friends, so I do not charge anyone for my help. I have conveyed this to TeamViewer and at one point they said they would allow this free usage to occur.

    Now I am encountering this timeout and blocked connection issue.

    If TeamViewer is going to continue making the use of their free version an issue, then they should not provide a "free" version and I will need to look for other free products to use.

    Is anyone else encoutering this licensing issue with using the "free" version?

  • totore
    totore Posts: 2 ✭✭
    edited June 26


    i use this service maybe one or two times per month BUT "WE KNOW YOU ARE A LIAR YOU ARE A **bleep** PROFESSIONAL USER"


    you musn't trust your IA
    but you have won i now use an another software !
    to everybody GO AWAY FROM teamviewer they want to die !
    this soft is a FREE **bleep**…
