Commercial use - Connection time out



  • tarascon
    tarascon Posts: 14

    The time to review the improper suspension request has not been reduced to a week.

  • 03buecoupe
    03buecoupe Posts: 14

    Well, it looks like they have no interest in fixing this or the "Commercial Use" snafu currently going on. Obviously something changed at their end to cause this outbreak of problems but they don't want to believe it.

    Guess it's time to look into [Removed per Community Guidelines.... grrrrrrr

  • 03buecoupe
    03buecoupe Posts: 14

    Well, it seems that between this issue (NO commercial use here, **bleep**, I haven't worked in 5 years!  Retired long ago!!)   AND the issue of getting thrown off 55seconds after connecting, that TV changed something very recently causing the rash of these issues.

    It's also clear that TV has no real intent of investigating or fixing the issues. After using TV for YEARS (TOTALLY NON-COMMERCIAL) it appears that I have to look into **Third Party Product** and Windows Utilities. :( Those seem to be the top two replacement candidates.

    Very sad that they just won't listen to the masses of people who suddenly are having these issues.

  • g0ofe
    g0ofe Posts: 4

    I have been unlocked now, but I still cannot use TV to check on things at home, using my own personal laptop  connected to the wifi provided at work, to connect to another of my own personal computers at home, to check on things for home security reasons etc.

    That's the end of Teamviewer for me, sadly.

    Alos means I will no longer recommend TV to any of my family, friends or colleagues, for either free personal, or paid commercial use.

    There are alternatives out there. Thankfully.

  • PeterHah
    PeterHah Posts: 17
    Watch out, I got notified one of my posts has been removed because it's not allowed to mention competitors or use a link.

    I haven't even had a link in that post. I only mentioned like

    Try xxxxx .com

    Which was due to my phones keyboard which has a [.com] key aside the space bar, which I hit.

    Seriously, TeamViewer, you behave like *** - that's not professional.

    You wanted to get rid of private users - congrats, goal achieved.
  • PeterHah
    PeterHah Posts: 17
    That was the goal to be achieved.
    They can downscale their servers now.

    I have already switched the first friend to another software. Took less than a minute. Look for a red icon with a white square and arrow.
  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @waces

    We appreciate that you are one of the most active users especially in this thread.

    We also understand that your aim is to provide support to the other users by asking some important questions. This underscores the purpose of our TeamViewer community: TeamViewer users providing support to other users, although we step in from time to time, to shed more light on certain topics and reply to some questions. 

    We pay close attention to every issue that people share in the community. We are working every day to improve your TeamViewer experience. An important part of it is reviewing the topics that our users discuss in the community. This also means: even if you don’t receive an answer, your issues are being reviewed and you will notice improvements. 

    If you experience a limitation of your free version, this might mean that your usage pattern suggests that you are or might be using TeamViewer commercially, or in a commercial environment. Yes, I admit that this is a “copy-and-paste” from our Knowledge Base article, but this is simply how we go about this. What our user should bear in mind is:

    • If you are indeed using TeamViewer commercially, your access will stay limited
    • If you have been limited by mistake, we will remove the limitation to your account
    • Please contact us with your request using this form:
    • The request will be processed within seven days since your latest request (this is important if you have placed multiple requests)
    • We have no intention to cancel the free version of TeamViewer
    • Claiming that we are aiming to reduce our user base is wrong and clearly doesn’t align with our company’s values.

    A few words about the free version of TeamViewer.

    We strongly believe that helping family and friends should be possible without any charges, and so we have no intention to cancel the free version. The free version of TeamViewer offers most of the great features that we offer paying customers as well - which is unique in the market of remote support/access tools. This is our way of making sure that you get the help you need. 

    Unfortunately, a large number of people have been abusing our free version. This needs to be addressed as this doesn’t only affect TeamViewer, it affects the millions of free users who are using it only for personal use.

    In general: It is possible that users are not aware that they are indeed using TeamViewer commercially. We would like to suggest that affected users describe their use case briefly and we will be glad to indicate if the may commercial use applies here or not.

    Thanks for taking the time reading this reply and our Knowledge Base article.

    All the best,


    Former Community Manager

  • PeterHah
    PeterHah Posts: 17

    It's not the fact THAT you did it, it's the way HOW you did it.

    Whatever - you can downsize your servers now.

    Goal achieved.
  • 03buecoupe
    03buecoupe Posts: 14

    I meet NONE of the commercial use criteria but suddenly I'm getting either that error or more often I get logged on for 55 seconds and then thrown off saying I can logon again in 10ish minutes, for another 55 seconds.

    Now suddenly I can't even logon to my TV account!  I'm getting to the point of no return here...

  • waces
    waces Posts: 29

    Hi Esther

    I really appreciate your efforts to help us, but the link you provided to us contains only a few scenarios what you called as commercial usage. I understand your endless fight with the abusers, but I think none of us got any _PROOF_ about the commercial usage. (I can assume you ate 2 cakes this morning, but cannot prove it. So I cannot punish you for eat more cakes :) ). I hope you understand the main issue with this suspicious commercial behaviour.

    If you cannot prove that TV ID xxx-xxx-xxx was used for commercial purposes (defined by TV) you shouldn't punish the user. If you can prove saying TV ID xxx-xxx-xxx acted as commercial user because of this and that than the user knows what she/he did wrong.

    Until that it's nothing more than false accusition. (keep in mind that many of use used TV every day in a same way, so no reason to mark something as commercial usage which was not commercial usage a day before)

  • Submit a ticket and wait 30 days for a reply which is probably some automated copy and paste reply? I'm also looking into alternatives. One of my clients uses it for commercial but not for long as I'm going to suggest alternatives also. I enjoyed using it for personal use and used to recomend it for commercial but not after this.

  • I feel pity for Esther, that she has to take care of all the mess here in this thopic, that TV did creat. I hope she will be treated with more respect, than TV is doing with us.

    If the owners of TV do have just a little spark of intelligence, they would rather offer a reduced version of TV for private users, than "throwing them away" in a such aggressive and disgracing way.

    Imagine the additional income, if millions of private users would pay a fair annual price for a "Private TV Version".

    If TV would supply a Private TV Version, they don’t have to make this whole mess and effort, to protect the missuses of the Commercial version.

    But it's their own decision, rather to make themselves a bad reputation with this kind of disgusting behavior, than making additional income and save cost, by getting the small and private users on their side.

    On the other hand is there very arrogant treatment and ignorant behavior towards small and private user a chance for other SW companies to jump in to this business, getting experienced and successful like TV.

    TV is throwing away millions of $ on additional income and pushing their competitor to success.

    I changed in the meantime to an other SW solution  and hope they don't get same arrogant like TV, if they’re successful in the future.

  • I feel pity for you Esther, that you hve to take care of all the mess here in this thopic, that TV did creat. I hope the community will treat you with more respect, than TV is doing with the community here.

    If the owners of TV do have just a little spark of intelligence, they would rather offer a reduced version of TV for private users, than "throwing them away" in a such aggressive and disgracing way.

    Imagine the additional income, if millions of private users would pay a fair annual price for a "Private TV Version".

    If TV would supply a Private TV Version, they don’t have to make this whole mess and effort, to protect the missuses of the Commercial version.

    But it's their own decision, rather to make themselves a bad reputation with this kind of disgusting behavior, than making additional income and save cost, by getting the small and private users on their side.

    On the other hand is there very arrogant treatment and ignorant behavior towards small and private user a chance for other SW companies to jump in to this business, getting experienced and successful like TV.

    TV is throwing away millions of $ on additional income and pushing their competitor to success.

    I changed in the meantime to [edited by moderator] and hope they don't get same arrogant like TV, if they’re successful in the future.

  • 03buecoupe
    03buecoupe Posts: 14

    Agreed!  I have recommended this tool to several businesses in the past given that I was so pleased with the free version for PERSONAL use.   But, (and this is NOT a "shot" at Ester! "Don't shoot the messenger") if the company is going to take this heaven handed approach then I think it's time for me to locate other software and inform the companies that I recommended this to, that they may wish to consider alternatives.

    VERY sad, and it was OBVIOUSLY a widescale and intended change.

  • I feel pity for you Esther, that you hve to take care of all the mess here in this thopic, that TV did creat. I hope the community will treat you with more respect, than TV is doing with the community here.

    If the owners of TV do have just a little spark of intelligence, they would rather offer a reduced version of TV for private users, than "throwing them away" in a such aggressive and disgracing way.

    Imagine the additional income, if millions of private users would pay a fair annual price for a "Private TV Version".

    If TV would supply a Private TV Version, they don’t have to make this whole mess and effort, to protect the missuses of the Commercial version.

    But it's their own decision, rather to make themselves a bad reputation with this kind of disgusting behavior, than making additional income and save cost, by getting the small and private users on their side.

    On the other hand is there very arrogant treatment and ignorant behavior towards small and private user a chance for other SW companies to jump in to this business, getting experienced and successful like TV.

    TV is throwing away millions of $ on additional income and pushing their competitor to success.

    I changed in the meantime to ... and hope they don't get same arrogant like TV, if they’re successful in the future.

  • senivar
    senivar Posts: 2

    So the layout.

    I have Teamview 13 on my home computer, server and work computer. I use it to remote from work into my Home PC and server to fix things for the server i run and my wife, basically, personal use only. I dont ever remote to my work PC, 1 since its blocked. and 2 since i have **Third Party Product** to remote to it. 

    We just had the login issue, and now from my work computer to my home computer, it is telling me to upgrade to a professional license to continue. i close that and then after about 1 minute it times me out and wont let me log back in for 10 minutes.. What is going on?  Why is it doing this now when i have been using it this way for months on end to do stuff on my home PC. any ideas? who do i talk to?

  • xs2man
    xs2man Posts: 2


    I have been struggling the last few months with teamviewer 13.  It has been regularly detecting my use as bussiness related, despite this not being the case.  And has been cleared twice already as personal.

    Taking 30 days to clear as personal makes TV 13 unusable now as a stable solution.  And to make matters worse, I received an email today saying my account has been reinstated as personal, only for it to still be getting flagged as commercial.

    Last straw TV.  I am going to have to find a suitable alternative.  It's just a shame there is no "reasonable" middle ground in the payment structure.  I'd happily pay a few quid for the convenience of using teamviewer, but the commercial license really takes the mick for a personal user who is willing to contribute for the service they receive, in order to stop this joke of being flagged as a commercial user.

  • wintersf
    wintersf Posts: 2
    I have also just received a popup suggesting they consider my usage as commercial. I have used it in the same manner for the last 6+ years connecting to the same home machines etc. Only have it installed on my home machines and use the portable version at work but for some reason they now think that is commercial use, go figure?
    I had a lengthy discussion with them in the past where they agreed my usage was non commercial and flagged my account appropriately, great that they change it now for some reason when I have a lot fewer machines on my account that I did in the past?
  • xs2man
    xs2man Posts: 2

    Thank you for moving my thread to this forum Esther.  It may be a more appropriate place for it, but with all the other threads in the Teamviewer 13 forum, I thought it was correct.

    My main issue is that despite receiving the email stating I was cleared (a month after submittin gthe ticket through the proper channels), I am still suffering this issue.

    It is extremely frustrating.

  • senivar
    senivar Posts: 2

    this issue for "commercial use suspected" just happened for me out of no where, i wasnt given an option to get my self cleared.  i want to know whats going onm


  • wintersf
    wintersf Posts: 2
    What makes it worse is that as well as the annoying popup it appears to drop the connection after a very short time 30 seconds or so and then blocks you from reconnecting for about 10minutes. Surely it would be better for them to just contact people that they think are using it for commercial clarify the usage?
  • [edited by moderator] seems to work just as good. And for 79 a year why not.


  • mikelltea
    mikelltea Posts: 4

    I have been a long time TV user and a few weeks ago started getting the "Commercial use suspected" message.  Then, maybe two weeks later, I got the 1 minute disconnect. Yesterday I went to the " TeamViewer – Personal Use Verification " page (

    and filled out the fairly short form, attached my most recent TV log file, and seemingly less then 24 hours later my full unrestricted (personal) use is back. No messages, no 1 minute timeout.  This worked very well for me and I am back in the TeamViewer fan category.



  • Bogmore
    Bogmore Posts: 8

    7 days, really? then why have I been waiting 12 days after I got the all clear email?

    I replied to that email telling TV that IT WASN'T SORTED OUT. Since I have uninstalled it and am trying another program I don't have the logs or the IDs I can't clear my name of this stain.

    This is by far the worst ever Customer Support I have ever had, by a huge distance. Poor Ester must be working on her own and trying to do it all.

  • tbreeden1
    tbreeden1 Posts: 1

    Can anyone tell me if this has been fixed?  I don't see any responce from Team Viewer?  

  • winky_1st
    winky_1st Posts: 1

    My personal experience with this issue:

    A week or 2 ago - after 10+ years of TV use. - I was locked out, susppected as many other users - by mistake -  to be a Commercial User., 

    I filled the appropriate form explaining to the Staff that i am not a Commercial User, and waited their actions.

    Today, after 9 days (more or less) and after the unique ID changes of today account got reverted to normal Private Status.

    Thank to the Staff for patience.

  • fje
    fje Posts: 21

    l so should say that a week ago I filled the referenced form explaininig what use I was doing of TV and, after a couple of days and a re-installation of TV, everything came again at it had to be all the time... private and free user for my three home computers and some help from time to time to some friends and familiars without any compensation for it, of course, except some "thanks and I owe you a coffee or a beer" (that I feel cannot be interpreted as "commercial" I suppose... :) )


  • Sioux142
    Sioux142 Posts: 4

    "We have gone to great lengths to speed up the time span for processing your requests to 7 days."

    I'm still waiting 3 weeks on with no response or resolution !!

  • They don't like it when I post any disk. Anyway I was in my personal home computer setting up any disk and TV booted me out after 15 seconds or so. I only needed a minute to get any disk all setup. 


  • Tucas
    Tucas Posts: 3

    Same, same, same, always the same and for Pro too !!!!:smileyfrustrated: