Commercial use - Connection time out



  • RemotePC
    RemotePC Posts: 4

    The easiest would be switching to a different provider that is not constantly **bleep** their users....

  • tarascon
    tarascon Posts: 14

    @DanoNH wrote:

    Stop the TV software/service and/or reboot...

    @tarascon wrote:

    LOL. I just received an email that my account was restored to non-commercial. Guess what- I can't connect to a single computer of mine. All flagged as commercial. LOL


    Nope. Still blocked. It was worth waiting 3 weeks /*sarcasm*/

  • bobkoz
    bobkoz Posts: 1

    I've been using Teamviewer free for personal use for years and now I'm being asked to buy a commercial license. Why am I getting this message? I just use it for personal use.

  • I've used TV as long as it's been around and then this. Oh well I don't mind [Removed per Community Guidelinesthough it's pretty good

  • Kennycr
    Kennycr Posts: 1

    Thanks for the tip.  I too switched to [Removed per Community Guidelines].  Even a professional license is [Removed per Community Guidelinesnot Thousands

  • 03buecoupe
    03buecoupe Posts: 14

    What ever they changed, they "unchanged". TV is back to being solid again... <phew...>

  • Too late - they lost my trust and I've moved on to another product.

  • I feel like I have been banned from using the software.  After all these years they found out how much of a good sport I am using their software and then decided to make that move to cut me off around July of this hot summer of 2018.     I am using[deleted by moderator] now, and it's working out for me. If I want to use file transfer I will just use Google Drive as my transfer site and cloud server. TV is not going to be reinstalled on my PC's anymore.  

  • pugger
    pugger Posts: 1

    same issue here trying to use TV to access my headless personal pc. It's not even giving me enough time to install another remote admine before it kicks me off. This is a really poor way of telling us to stop using your **bleep** service.

    No way will I ever recommend this software to anyone. I actually referred 2 businesses, I will now make sure they move to another company.

    Teamviewer, the **bleep** of remote admins.

  • DanoNH
    DanoNH Posts: 4

    I am a personal user since TeamViewer 9, and now I'm in the same boat (again).

    I'm on week #2 here, waiting for a second resolution to this. In May, I contacted TV via chat (It's there somewhere), and after explaining to the very polite agent, they looked at my account and whitelisted my personal use connecting to my home computers ONLY.

    Now, it's happened again, even though I connect only outbound to my home machines... It is clearly because I'm behind a work domain, but my use qualifies as personal (I've read the terms a few times in case I possibly missed something).

    I find it hard to believe that their sales staff is so busy that they can't help with this issue. If they cared, they could check the software settings used for being able to access suspected domain machines remotely.

    Here's a thought: They could have offered a modest, one-time fee for licensing personal use! One can dream...

    At any rate, I share the common sentiment here that TeamViewer doesn't give two piles of **bleep** matter about free users. Business must be slow if they are resorting to ineffective scare tactics like this. The censorship of competitor product names here is the icing on the **bleep** cake we're being offered. I do digress...

    [comment removed per Community Guidelines - #9 - Sales/solicitation policy]
    Life is too short! Peace!

    EDIT: And there's the censorship at play... *bleep*.  [comment removed per Community Guidelines - #9 - Sales/solicitation policyNo nags, no trouble.  Simple functionality.  Tis a beautiful thing.  

  • Same happened to me beginning yesterday - July 30. After a minute, a window opens with the message "Your TeamViewer session has timed out and will be closed." That's it. No explanation of why it was closed. No mention of suspected commercial use.

    Has anyone tried setting up another TeamViewer account to see if the problem still occurs?

    Silence from TeamViewer management and support. Disappointing but then again it's free for personal use. Perhaps time to look for another solution.  Any advice on alternatives that support both PCs and Macs?

  • Hello,
    I called support to have my free account unlocked,
    I was directed on
    I use this session once a month for personal purposes,
    Thank you for your answers

  • mijens
    mijens Posts: 2

    Same for me.
    For the second time.

    3 users; Me, My father and a shared server.
    No commercial activities at all.

    Could it be that i used my work email in the registration?

    TV works great but i really need to find another solution.

  • Tealeaf
    Tealeaf Posts: 1

    Similar thing happened to me using Teamviewer 13:

    Tried logging in to my elderly father's PC remotely this morning to help him pay a bill and was getting multiple disconnects, almost to the point of 'click anything' and I got disconnected.   It disconnected so often that I got locked out of his PC for a period.

    Any clues what is wrong?




  • mijens
    mijens Posts: 2
    Yes and no. My problem is that TV for some reason think i am using it for commercial purpose and want me to pay for the service. It could be the same for you, but I dont know.
  • Same request for me...

  • p421id
    p421id Posts: 4
    I use the free version because I'm not a commercial user, only that I switch laptops a lot. I run windows 10 enterprise for most of my operating system. Just today I have this problem, not sure why. I have been using teamviewer for the past few years and this issue only appeared today, really weird. I wonder if this is a false positive caused by the app.
  • p421id
    p421id Posts: 4

    Same request for me. I use teamviewer 13 latest update, free user. Never use for commercial purpose.




    I have been using teamviewer for the past few years to occasionally support family and mostly just access my desktop at home.



    I switch laptops a lot though, but that has never caused a problem for me. Only when this update 13 dropped I am flagged as a commercial user.




    I use mostly windows 10 enterprise for the operating system, sometimes windows 10 pro but not on all systems.





    Please fix the issue for me, I have submit support ticket 2 times but still no notification of response!

  • p421id
    p421id Posts: 4

    Hi, I use teamviewer 13 and apply latest update, I am free user. I  never use for commercial purpose/machiine.

    I have been using teamviewer for the past few years to sometimes support family and most of the time (99%) just to access my desktop at home.

    I switch laptops a lot though, but that has never caused a problem for me. Not sure if this is the issue.

    Only when this update 13 dropped I am flagged as a commercial user, which I am absolutely not.

    I use mostly windows 10 enterprise for the operating system, sometimes windows 10 pro but not on all systems.

    Please fix the issue for me!

  • Same for me. The only thing that could make TV think I'm a commercial user is that my machines are running 24/7
  • I use teamvier for my personal computer for many years.  All of a sudden, Teamviewer thinks that I am using it for commercial and want me to buy a licesnse.  How do I contact them to rectify this?  I tried calling them but I get no where becuase I am a free user and do not have a license number.

    Please help!!


  • As I submitted this to TV, of course, I got an error message.  Sorry to have to do this like this TV but I can't find any other way to get to a solution that as a free version user, I am entitled to.

    YES! Your decision to go after everyone using free TV is criminal! All of us who help family and friends are getting **bleep** by TV. People that count on our help cannot get immediate help as you force us to find the time to go to their homes to fix their problem, as that also wastes our (MY) time. You are cold hearted and greedy with no regard for your actions to increase your revenue. I complied and sent you the information you requested, as you apologized that it will take a long time to fix because you have such a large backlog to deal with. Meanwhile our family and friends and ourselves SUFFER because of your blind actions! You need to normalize my TV immediately!!!

    Your failing to do so will cause me to leave a copy of this message everywhere I can find that discusses TV AND to go public looking for as many TV free users that have endured your horrible actions against them and create a campaign to to tell the truth about your actions and to provide them with other means to use similar free services!!!
    Finally, I will bring in a corporate attorney to consider what actions we can take against your company, as well as what compensation we should seek!!!

    [Email address removed by Moderator per community guidline]

  • Brandoaz
    Brandoaz Posts: 12

    i know there are several threads, but maybe just maybe someone can get me back in action:
    first got "tagged" back in march ,submitted ticket # : 3966522, resolved in 4 days:
    got tagged agian 5 days ago, responsed to the original ticket and was told no issue/ mo comerial use suspected. i tried again, still getting the popup and warning, responded to original ticket agian, nothing.

    Started a second ticket and resubmitted the log:
    Ticket ID: 4266154

    Please can someone form Teanviewer get this resolved for me i am NOT using the software commercially, i use it to help family a friends, NO charging for any help.

  • p421id
    p421id Posts: 4
    this needs to be resolved immediately, unacceptable trying to force personal users to buying a license
  • Stunning advertising company of competitors was successful. I almost completely refused to use (in any kind) TV [Removed per Community Guidelines] . I did not write any tickets. But now I can again use TV as a private user. Suspicions in commercial use have disappeared by themselves. Probably they waited for the payment to come to **Third Party Product**. ROFL

  • annoyed
    annoyed Posts: 1

    Dear Teamveiwer I was told by sales to submit a ticket.... got a ticket number a month ago and no one has replied. Because.... ?  I am a free user, I had to change my email address from my personal to my work email as we got hacked. I use teamveiwer to cotact my hushband and daughter,s, one who has health issues and requires constant care. Team viewer is the fastest way of reaching my family when something goes wrong. But since I had to change my email address to my work email address you keep dropping me out, saying I am a business !! And yet no one has bothered to contact me. I noticed in a similar post that you noted this is public forum and should be taken up with support.... a bit hard to get support when no one replies... My ticket number is 4208519. I am hoping that my next post shall be more positive so anyone who wishes to actually purchase the license knows that we also be getting support when required. 

  • blc
    blc Posts: 1

    i got a reply after approximately a month. It said they switche it back to free, yet the commercial message still pops up. i've submitted another ticket but dont have high hopes


  • waces
    waces Posts: 29
    OK, so TV officially ignores the free uses. THis forum is not for getting support (_NO_ tv supporter in the threads, there are a few mods with limited/zero technical knowledge (which is fine as they role only to keep the forum nice and tidy but not to answer the users).

    The questions are still valid and unanswered ones:

    Dear TV "support", as the days goes by and we never ever received any support from your end please take a minute to answer the questions below:
    - what's the official and working support way for free users, if any (this forum is more like user's discussion and not the place where we receive information from the customer support team.)
    - will ever TV send out proofs about the commercial usage for the users _before_ they become banned? if not, why?
    - do you still believe you have right to ban users without prove the violation? it's nothing more than false acquisition. Without proper notification and valid proofs it's a bit unfair. I personally believe that you simply _can't_ prove the violation. Now it's your turn to talk round. [pro tip for free: stop banning the users now -> create a proper algorithm and a proper notification schedule -> distribute it -> start banning users after you can prove something. You're welcome]

    I'm more than happy to get a mail about my previous issue where someone from the technical team point out where and how I violated the free user policy. Even in public.
  • I don't mind  **Third Party Product**. All TV does anymore is come in and remove posts. I wonder how much they have made from legit personal users who gave in and purchased it? 

  • Hello All...

    I've been having the same issue for the last year. The message starts popping up, I submit a request to fix it, several days later I receive confirmation that it's been fixed. That resolves it for several months... then, it starts up again and I go through the same process all over again.

    The reason I'm posting here this time is because, this time, it's been over a week with no response from TV. To make matters worse, even though the message states I'll be cut-off after 5 minutes, I actually get cut-off after about 10 seconds!

    Anybody have any better luck getting this issue permanently resolved?
