Commercial use - Connection time out



  • Louis19
    Louis19 Posts: 1

    I got an error when submitting the Commercial Use Suspected Ticket Form

    Please Help. Thank you!Teamviewer Error.JPG


  • I'm getting the same message. Very frustrating. How do they know what we're doing while logged in? Are they viewing our computers? Pretty sure that's a privacy violation . . . .
  • jmpaq
    jmpaq Posts: 2

    Hi, I have been using the free version.

    I would just like to know how you can submit a ticket without a lilcense number.

  • Brandoaz
    Brandoaz Posts: 12

    Just wanted to say thank you to Teamviewer for resoving my issue as i posted it below . i am back to being able to use the free version without issue.  Not sure if this post or the trouble ticket i submitted or both that triggered the help.
    Thank you again

    @Brandoaz wrote:

    i know there are several threads, but maybe just maybe someone can get me back in action:
    first got "tagged" back in march ,submitted ticket # : 3966522, resolved in 4 days:
    got tagged agian 5 days ago, responsed to the original ticket and was told no issue/ mo comerial use suspected. i tried again, still getting the popup and warning, responded to original ticket agian, nothing.

    Started a second ticket and resubmitted the log:
    Ticket ID: 4266154

    Please can someone form Teanviewer get this resolved for me i am NOT using the software commercially, i use it to help family a friends, NO charging for any help.


  • Blocked because commercial use suspected. what does it mean ?. how can i establish connection with my devices ?. help me

  • I am having the same issue as well. Just started with version 13. Teamviewer's algorythem for commercial detection sucks. Whoever wrote it should be fired. I have been a free user for persnal user for 5 years, now I can't use anything. Bad move Teamviewer

  • Dear Team Wiever Ladies and Gentlemen, my friend Christian Kühl (claw) has a big problem. You mean that he uses the TeamWeaver commercially, that's not the case, I swear he just helps me and his girlfriend in case of problems. I ask you to unlock the system with him. Greetings Dirk Hirth ([email address removed by moderator per Community Guidelines]
    Maschinelle Übersetzung

  • After several years of great free use, i am now being flagged as commercial.  I am only using it for the computers in my own house and only for my own projects.  I tried to submit a ticket, but I don't have a licence number, is there a way I can have my account reviewed and reset to personal use?

  • Entium
    Entium Posts: 2

    At this point I have gotten NO **bleep** response from Teamviewer, this coming weekend I WILL set up my own VPN and will tell my IT guys at the company I work for COMCAST/NBC NOT TO USE TEAM VIEWER ANYMORE


    Granted I'm using the free one for not work purposes just my home systems and devices, but still this is rediculous behavoir for a company that makes 45 bucks a month a single **bleep** license!

  • Go to this page and fill out form. I was approved for FREE use after a 30 day wait. **bleep**

    @jmpaq wrote:

    Hi, I have been using the free version.

    I would just like to know how you can submit a ticket without a lilcense number.


  • cmderrx
    cmderrx Posts: 3

    After reading through all of the same issues that I am also experiencing and not seeing even 1 reply for a resolution it is apparent that TV does not care. 

    Best responses from TV are post edits by moderators. 

    If your throwing your product out there and advertising FREE personal use then support it or remove it.  The company actions are revealing their true nature and I can only expect no support even if I were to buy commercial use.  TV is living up to the trend of no customer care or support.  I am sure that part of the goal of the free private use is to drive people to a paid use but the total lack of care to even respond to this matter only leads me to believe that I would receive the same lack of care or response to isses as a paying customer.

    Thanks for the "heads up" TV, I now know what NOT to pay for!

    Edit:  I just looked at the page tab of my browser and see "Solved:..."  Really?  Where is the resolution?

  • tarascon
    tarascon Posts: 14

    @cmderrx wrote:

    After reading through all of the same issues that I am also experiencing and not seeing even 1 reply for a resolution it is apparent that TV does not care. 

    Best responses from TV are post edits by moderators. 

    If your throwing your product out there and advertising FREE personal use then support it or remove it.  The company actions are revealing their true nature and I can only expect no support even if I were to buy commercial use.  TV is living up to the trend of no customer care or support.  I am sure that part of the goal of the free private use is to drive people to a paid use but the total lack of care to even respond to this matter only leads me to believe that I would receive the same lack of care or response to isses as a paying customer.

    Thanks for the "heads up" TV, I now know what NOT to pay for!

    Edit:  I just looked at the page tab of my browser and see "Solved:..."  Really?  Where is the resolution?

    There is no resolution because there is no "glitch". This is all by design. Dumping free users using a passive-aggressive technique.

  • cmderrx
    cmderrx Posts: 3
    Oh I agree! I was trying to be nice as I could. The real resolution is obvious to me; uninstall TV and use my other options. This is obviously not going to even be addressed by TV! Sad!!!
  • They do not respond to the form very quickly.

  • Hi all,

    I know there are some threads regarding this subject but didn't.t see a solution for it.

    Today when trying to use TeamViewer to my homelab I get the warning that I am using the tool in a commercial environment. 

    I am using TeamViewer for many time and only connect to my homelab like 2 or 3 times a year (mostly when I am in vacations), and now I get this warning is connecting is drop?

    I double check the terms and rules, and I don't see where I am breaking the free rules here. So why this?? And how to fix it?

    Thank You


  • yan_1-X
    yan_1-X Posts: 1
    I have the same trouble with it.
    I'm from Ukraine.
    I use TeamViewer only in home experience.
    TeamViewer - help us please!
  • Fidolido
    Fidolido Posts: 11

    you are breaking the rules.... one computer, ok,..... but more than five? pay for a license already or use something else.... I don't like teamviewer's new subscription theme either but have an older license, version 12 as I connect to family and work. But that doesn't stop them from trying to trick me into updating to version 13 whereas if I did, I'd be locked out of my contract with version 12. I don't blame them for trying but there will be a day when they will f me royally. No worries though, I have alternatives in the works as I'm tired of the games they play. Look on line for alternatives.....

  • tarascon
    tarascon Posts: 14

    @RetiredTeacherD wrote:

    They do not respond to the form very quickly.

    Responding to the form and "removing" the limitations often changes nothing.

  • I am using Teamviewer strickly for personal use.  I connect to my home computer from the work computer and vice versa.  Things I do is browse the web and listen to music.  Nothing commerical related.  But I do connect multiple times a day.  My work computer is on a domain.



  • jae71
    jae71 Posts: 1

    I hadn't logged in for probably 12 months.

    Try to use it to help my deaf 80yr old mother and blocked by Team Viewer.  

    Overly sensitive to whatever past use it thinks is commercial.  Overpriced anyway - otherwise I'd pay a reasonable amount.

    Very dissapointed - and from the messages here it's probably not worth trying to contact support.


  • I'm trying to fill this form out, but it's asking for my "device ID".  Where do I find that?  I'm running TeamViewer on my Mac currently and I don't see a "device ID" in the software interface anywhere.

  • I have a computer that I cloned from a platter hard drive to a solid state.  Now TeamViewer is giving the "commercial purposes" message.  The connection is not being used for commercial purposes.  How can we get around that?



  • Boxallw
    Boxallw Posts: 9

    Same issue. However I have had my account verified and reconfirmed it is not commercial. Email confirmed it. BUT I just went to use it today for the first time and it still says it is commercial. Disappointing.

  • Me and my lover were about to play games, but TV said that usage was commercial for some reason. It was strange, because we just started the translation when it happened.

  • Harti
    Harti Posts: 1

    Teamviewer wants to earn money, so when you are useing TV regulary you start to get warnings about comercial usage - and later you have a 60seconds usage per session only. I saw a message about writing to support and claiming not to use it comercial - but I never got an answer other than the automatical response mail.

    TV is a great solution (and often the only working one!) but 30 Bucks a month is too high for not earning money with it. Even 30 Bucks a year would be a pain, but this would be affordable.


  • Please help me, I have same issue (5 min disconnection).

    My account is: [email removed by moderator]

    My license is persional / free

  • Save the time and switch to a different tool. All that will happen is they tell you you are free to use TV again and the next day you are locked again and have to play the same game again.

    Take TV off the list of usable tools and be rest assured, there are other tools out there that work as good and are supported by an organization that cares about their users. Yes, it may cost you a few bucks, but after the experience with a "free" tool, I was more than happy to pay that.

    @teacher24_70 wrote:

    I'm trying to fill this form out, but it's asking for my "device ID".  Where do I find that?  I'm running TeamViewer on my Mac currently and I don't see a "device ID" in the software interface anywhere.

  • Hello,

    I'm using Teamviewer since many year, occasionally and for my personnal use (I use it on my personal computer and my personal laptop). I'm using a free teamviewer account that permit me to easily connect my computer and my parent's computer.

    Since around One Month, I can't use TeamViewer : I receive a message saying "professional use need a licence"... The connection works but stopped after few seconds...

    I d'ont know why because it's just a personal use... I try to uninstall and reinstall TeamViewer, but it doesn't fix this issue.

    Could you help me ? 


    Best regards


  • I only use TV for personal use.  I tried the link to get the restriction removed, but never got a response and I still cannot use TV.


    When can I get the personal use TV back?



  • I have 3 computers in my basement running Seti@Home 24/7. One also handles my email. I access the 3 computers and read/reply to email from a laptop in my living room via Teamviewer 13 usually late in the evening and early morning hours. Sometimes I also connect to my daughter's laptop to diagnose problems for her. A couple of years ago I got the annoying pop-ups about suspected commercial use. I reported it and they were turned off. Recently I started getting progressively larger pop-ups and then finally my sessions were terminated after 5 minutes. I filled out the problem ticket form for my 4 computers and now the 5 minute cut-off has stopped but I still get the pop-ups. I've been retired for 18 years and no longer have any commercial ties to any work networks.etc. My question is what kind of useage pattern is being detected that would trigger suspected commercial use?

    Bob B.