Commercial use - Connection time out
Please, my team view to be limited 5p
i don't to fix this(
tks so much0 -
q quick link to the ticket insert would be nice / searching.....
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Good morning I've created a ticket about Commercial use suspected. I have 3 pc which I'm connecting all the time amongst them. Also from time to time I use a tablet. I created the ticket, added the log and not a single reply. I don't even know where can I check the ticket status. So 3 months waiting for a reply...
Ticket ID: 41*****
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I'm having the same issue. I'm getting this error message after only using teamviewer to connect to my home media center for a few MINUTES
"Connection blocked after timeout"
It's saying that I'm using the personal version for business purposes, but I'm absolutely not. I'm using it to connect to my media center PC, and to another couple of computers inside my own home.
I'm not the only one -- Many other people are having this exact same issue, and it's absolutely ridiculous. This isn't even the first time that this has happened to me for no reason and with no explanation. I haven't even changed anything about my configuration recently, there is NO REASON for this to keep happening to me.IF TV had a REASONABLY PRICED "personal" version license that would eliminate these constant annoyances, I would absolutely pay for that. However, no reasonably-priced option is available for personal users.
So what am I supposed to do? TV has NO WAY that I can find to submit a support ticket. How am I supposed to get this resolved?
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Yes mate, this is what grinds my gear "So what am I supposed to do? TV has NO WAY that I can find to submit a support ticket. How am I supposed to get this resolved? "
I opened the ticket on 8th of june! 3 months and not a single reply???
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I got a reply this week after submitting notice in early July. I recieved a note saying my acount has been cleared for use as non-commercial user. Great ! Except there has been NO CHANGE made to my account. When I log on I get the warning message accuing me of committing fraud and the system shuts down.
So getting a response after 3 months is MEANINGLESS. Not 1 person I know that has been accused of fraud by this company is going to pay for this service given the way they go about their business.
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I went through the whole process to get my account restored.
All they told me was that they "found" suspected commercial use. I too, used it like many, as a way to see personal stuff from work as work blocks many things.
I've moved on to use **Third Party Software** server/viewer. Works very similar and it's free. They must have lost their mind screwing over so many personal users.
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Hi all,
I've now completed the 'personal verification' form for BOTH of my computers using the two different device ID's. It is a possibility that my issue is because only one was ever verified for personal use. I presumed that having the same email attached to each would be sufficient. I may have been wrong. The form if anyone needs is:
Again, I think the way Teamviewer have handled this has been very poor. I make the same suggestion as I have made in the past: If TV can't respond to these verifications in timely manner, then usage should remain until the personal verification assessment has been completed. Guitly until proven innocent is not a smart approach.
Fingers crossed and good luck to you all.
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Just to say that I'm having the same issue. Haven't actually used it in a while either. Bit of a shock! Filling in the form now.1
About one week after having filled the form I received an email titled "Your TeamViewer ID has been reset to free" .
Same day later I've then tried to open a session from my home computer (the one with the ID submitted in the form) to my sister in law laptop but, unfortunately, I'm getting that popup now:
Filled the reclamation form again but I'm starting to lose hope.
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At the time of Installation i have choosed for commercial use so, now i want to change it for personal use.
Can you please help me to change.
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In time I came to your site. I am also interested in this issue :smileyhappy:
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I use the free version of TeamViewer to help my Mom, in-laws, and siblings with their tech problems. Recently I started getting timed out from my session after only a few minutes with a notice that I need to upgrade my license. This has never happened before and I'm not sure what to do. Any advice? Thank you. Glen Janken
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I'm having the same problem and I use it for my personal computers at home.1
I have had teamviewer installed, but rarely used, mainly to access my home PCs from work.
Recently I tried to access and got the commercial use suspected message. Filled in the form and received confirmation of reset to free on 30/08. However I still got the same message so I submitted another form and received another reset confirmation on 11/09. BUT it still tells me that commercial use is suspected.
Can anyone tell me where I can go from here as the emails are shown as a "no reply" address and there little point filling in yet another form.
Also, can anyone offer an insight into the reasons why they suspect commercial use? I have wondered whether its my commercial looking email address (carried over from when I had my own business), maybe my fixed IP address or the fact that my ISP is mainly business-orientated? Certainly there can be nothing in my useage to justify suspician as I haven't been using it.
Any suggestions would be gratefully received!
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Hey guys,,, there's a ton of alternative!!! Same problem here and you can use many remote connection software for free !!! Uninstall Team Viewer!!
Had the same problem that you.. was using team viewer from work to connect to my personal PC to be able to access facebook, answer my SMS from PC and some personal stuff like that...
I contacted the support to see what are my options to get a paid licence and the only option is 500$ a year!! WHAT A JOKE !! I was willing to pay something like 30-40 $ a year but they don't have any personal licencing options ...
Sometimes you need a kick in the **bleep** to change your habits... that the time to change TeamVIewer for something else!!! Give a try to **Third Party Product**! I would never recommend TeamVIewer in the future....3 -
let's go to **Third Party Product** and the problem is over, the installation is quick and easy.
Before you are dealing with these problems, TV promise you something and then it turns out that they ask you for money.0 -
Hiermit stelle ich meine Aussage in Deutsch und werde diese nicht ins englische übersetzen lassen, da der Entwickler der Software DEUTSCH ist.
Hiermit stelle ich die Aussage:
TeamViewer unterstellt mir und auch anderen Nutzern eine kommerzielle Nutzung der Software!
Warum? - Man weiß es nicht. Da die Artikel alle auf englisch sind, kann einem das NICHT helfen!
Gemäß einem Artikel von wird einem erklärt was zu tun ist:
[link removed by moderator per Community Guidelines]
Anrufen bringt bei denen NULL, da nur Nutzern geholfen wird, die BEZAHLEN!!
Auch Support kann man in die Tonne treten, da nur Nutzern geholfen wird, die BEZAHLEN!!
Somit ist man als Nutzer der freien Version komplett aufgeschmissen und man wird dazu GEDRÄNGT / GEZWUNGEN die Software zu einem völlig überteuerten Preis zu abonieren!!
Ich erwünsche mir das der Softwarehersteller diese Unterstellung der kommerziellen Nutzung unterbindet und die Verbindungen nicht mehr nach 30 Sekunden kappt!!!
SO sehe ich keine Zukunft mehr für das Unternehmen Nutzer zu finden, die diesen Service gerne nutzen!
Wenn sich jemand mir anschließen möchte: Nur zu, schreibt dazu in Deutsch, damit auch andere Nutzer aus Deutschland es lesen können.
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Hier eine Lösung die vielleicht helfen könnte.
Da diese Seite nur schwierig zu finden ist, Google sei Dank, stelle ich hier einen Link rein, der vielleicht hilfreich erscheint:
Ob einem darüber geholfen wird, wird sich zeigen.
Wenn jemanden darüber schon geholfen worden ist, lasst es uns wissen!
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Ich habe um Hilfe gebeten. Ich habe die Deklaration der nicht-kommerziellen Verwendung zweimal gesendet. Das ist alles, was man tun kann. Nun, außer zu einem anderen Anbieter gehen.
Die Annahme dieses Forums scheint zu sein, dass TV keine freien Nutzer will. Sie können zu Ihrer eigenen Schlussfolgerung kommen.
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Hi JohnMcC,
You asked exactly the right questions !... Congratulations !
But, as usually, it seems 'Esther' is in mute mode ! (hope nothing's wrong about her health :catsad: ).Neither 'Esther' (* a kind of ghost without any power or competence in this field and matter), nor anyone on these forums is able to answer the questions asked there !
Here, 'moderators' have only the right, the competence and the "power" to censor and say rhetorical banalities that are of no use. No one can help us, no one has only the will to do it !
No one can answer the questions that are posted here, not even the most relevant ones, such as yours dear JohnMcC. (Really congratulations for those !)I had the same problem as everyone here. I submitted my reset request via the 'official' form....
After 1 month, having had no answer, I completely uninstalled the program, including the residual folders and files, as well as all its registry entries...
Then I re-installed the program... and it worked again without causing any problems... But for how long ?
It looks like a joke that can happen again at any time !
I have to live in perpetual fear ! :catfrustrated: :catsad:It seems we have to face not very well eductaded, even impolite persons, as I don't know if my request has been read and considered, or if my program is running again without interruption, just because I uninstalled it completely and then re-installed it... ???
The editor of the program never expresses himself, never answers!.....
We wonder what game he's playing (anyway, it must be a lot of fun for him.... Maybe he could share it with us!).However, I have downloaded a free alternative competitor program... It is my "spare wheel" in case the one who causes us problems becomes suddenly delusional again.
This alternative can be used as a portable program.
It works very well, but is not as convenient as TeamViewer, especially for file sharing.
It also has the problem of having it installed on the computers of the people you want to help (if they need help, it means that they don't have the necessary skills to download a program, to install it if required, or configure it).I wish good luck to all those who fall into this trap !..... But they should have no illusions, it's not on these forums that they'll find help...
Sorry for them but, 'Esther' (the ghost) can't help them... ghosts have no use on these forums !Andre75
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@Closed account
Hi mmicrosysm,
It seems you've just found out 'the Point' !
How lucky you are !... 25% discount !
Hope you will not miss this chance !
Seriously speaking, if that's the TV editor target, why doesn't he say it frankly and straight on, instead of leaving us in search non stop... and so much perplexed ???1 -
Good Morning!
I've always used the teamviewer to access my computer through my smartphone and my college and intership computers, just to do academic work and studies. I do not use the teamviewer for others purposes (like business). But from a few days ago I'm having problems with "commercial license".
I am trying to access my computer, but a message appears judging that I am using the program for commercial purposes and then it prevents me from keep a connection.
It's an embarrassing situation, considering that i've always used it to do the same things.Is there a way to "prove" that i'm using the teamviewer to do academic things? Please, let me keep doing my studies. I really need to connect to my PC.
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Hello all,
I hope someone will be able to help me with my current issue. When install the latest version of TeamViewer onto my desktop I get 'Your trial period has expired' and I selected the 'Non commercial use' and 'basic install' uppon installing the application.
I am usually able to start meetings and share my screen with friends for free, but I'm unable to do this.
Can someone help?
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The use of TeamViewer with family and friends without any financial compensation is considered private use. In cases where it says 'Your trial has expired', you might have classified your use as 'Commercial use' during the installation process. This would have started a trial, which expires after about 2 weeks.
If you are using it for personal use, from a private home to another home, please fill out this form, and our support team can revert your device back to private.
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Welche Alternativen kennst Du denn?
Ich kenne bis jetzt nur **Third Party Product**. Nur da muss man in den Routern einiges einstellen.
Folgende Werbung ist nun zu sehen:
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There is a new kid on the block **Third Party Product**, definitely not as good as team viewer but it looks like Teamviewer is going to start locking the free option down to something that isn't usable.
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Ave Caesar (morituri te salutant !)
Tu sembles un peu "bisounours" !... You seem to be a bit innocent !
La soi-disant "règle" serait que : (the so-called rule would be that : )
Un terminal informatique utilisant TeamViewer, ET UN SEUL, doit être connecté au réseau local.... Si plus d'un ordinateur (ou tablette, ou smartphone en WiFi) sont connectés sur le même réseau local, il sera détecté comme "réseau d'entreprise", et jugé "utilisation commerciale" !... Et ce, aussi bien pour le poste hôte, que pour le poste client.
ONLY ONE computer using TeamViewer must be connected on the local network.... If more than one computer (or tablet, or smartphone on WiFi) are connected on the same local network, they will be detected as a professional network, and judged as "commercial use" !... That is for the host device as same as the client device.
Bien sûr, c'est complètement c... !... mais c'est comme ça ! (of course it's total c... (censored in French), but it is !)
Il n'y a aucune règle pour "prouver" que tu utilises TeamViewer pour "academic things" !.. Pas plus que l'éditeur n'en a pour "prouver" que tu utilises son programme pour un usage soi-disant "commercial"... Comme on dit en français, "C'est le fait du Prince" !... et "le Prince" ce n'est pas toi ! (ni moi hélas).
There is no rule to prove that you are using TeamViewer for only "academic things" !... As well as the editor has any mean to prove that you are a so-called "commercial user"... As we say in French, "It's the will of the Prince" !... and you are not the Prince (unfortunately, nor me !)
Tu sembles penser qu'en postant sur ces forums, tu t'adresses à l'éditeur de TeamViewer... grave erreur !... Il s'en balance complètement et n'a aucun regard sur ces forums... Ces forums sont une diversion (comme ceux qui "pretend" se rapporter à la plupart des éditeurs, opérateurs... etc.). Ce type de "Community" est "affretée" auprès de Stés qui n'ont rien à avoir avec les éditeurs/opérateurs... etc. Ces entreprise font leur business de leur côté (diversion), l'éditeur fait son business du sien !
It seems that you think to talk to the editor of TeamViewer software... you're total wrong !... The editor doesn't care these forums and this "community", he has no view on it !... These kinds of "communities" are only a diversion (like all those which let's think to be in relation with editors or operators...etc. But only pretending !). These kinds of communities belong to companies which don't have anything to do with the editor.
Even their "moderators" can't help, as they are unkwnown of the editor, and they don't have any mean to help... If the editor look down on its users (like it happens in our case), the managers of this community can't do anything !
Dans mon dernier post (réponse @JohnMcC ), j'apporte ma solution (mais ce n'est que la mienne), pour retrouver un usage normal de TeamViewer... ainsi qu'une alternative à TeamViewer (que j'utilise parallèlement) mais que je ne nomme pas complètement pour ne pas être censuré par la "modération" (que je présume robotisée celle-ci).
In my last post, I provide my solution (but it's only mine) to find again a normal use of TeamViewer... As same as an alternative to TeamViewer, but I dont say its full name for not to be censored by "the moderation" (that's a robot I presume which changes any TV competitor in **Third party**).
Bon courage !
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same problem none of my Android devices can be used to acess my desktop PC anymore
all have been flagged and I only log into my desktop at smoko break ...
meanwhile my desktop PC that connects to lots of other machines is still fine ...
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@ToMz997 wrote:Hey guys,,, there's a ton of alternative!!! Same problem here and you can use many remote connection software for free !!! Uninstall Team Viewer!!
Had the same problem that you.. was using team viewer from work to connect to my personal PC to be able to access facebook, answer my SMS from PC and some personal stuff like that...
I contacted the support to see what are my options to get a paid licence and the only option is 500$ a year!! WHAT A JOKE !! I was willing to pay something like 30-40 $ a year but they don't have any personal licencing options ...
Sometimes you need a kick in the **bleep** to change your habits... that the time to change TeamVIewer for something else!!! Give a try to **Third Party Product**! I would never recommend TeamVIewer in the future....Do you know any alternatives for connecting to Android phones from PC?